The Remains of Fairy Tail

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I clenched my fist.
She was right!
Lucy is right!
They never wanted me there!
They said so many things behind my back!
They never tried to help me! All they did was fuel the rumors!
They just continued drinking and partying! To hell with them! I've been bending over backwards just to help them! It's time, that I hurt them.
They've hurt me, why not return the favor?!
Suddenly, I felt a wave of heavy energy run over me, it almost felt sickening.
"Lucille. That's my power you feel. I'm officially giving you some access to it. Use it however you wish. This plan... You're healing me, and yourself.
You deserve my power. And you deserve to hurt them. Let's keep up the facade that we don't hate them. Let's pretend to love them. Let's pretend.
Just like they did."
Power.. I feel... So...Different.
Lucy, you're right.
"I know."
I snickered aloud. I repeated the plan. Protect, punish, heal. After I get my revenge, I can forgive them and move on. Half of them hate me. Half of them fueled the rumors that made me left. Most of them think I'm weak. I'm not letting this happen anymore. Lucy is giving me more backbone than I've ever had.
She was so cocky, but it was funny, not annoying.
She was like my partner in crime.
I'm going to join the wizard saints!
I'm going to beat the hell out of Fairy Tail!
I'm going to be a legend!
"Yipee!" Lucy said gleefully.
Wizard saint!
I'm so proud of me!
"Lucille, you do realize that it means you can't attack guilds for Fairy Tail if you become a saint, right?" She asked.
That's fine with me.
I just want to be known as something.
"We're at the Fairy Tail guild. I'm going to rest while you're busy. Ren is coming." She said, hurriedly.
I looked over the edge of the Christina, and Lucy was right. We're right outside of the Fairy Tail guild.
I heard steps moving closer behind me.
"Lucille! We're here!"
Ren said, tapping my back.
"Oh? Okay, that was quick." I said, turning to him.
He nodded, and then I saw the others approaching us.
They were walking to the edge, so they could get off the Christina without landing it.
Ichiya charged off of the ship, and landed in the pavement.
He was the first of us to exit the Christina, and attracted the most attention .
Including the attention of the remaining Fairy Tail members.
They all walked outside of their guild hesitantly.
When they saw that it was Blue Pegasus, they seemed to relax a bit.
I grew angered when I saw how little was left of my previous guild. I guess everyone was in it for the popularity, not family.
I didn't show my annoyance, or I tried not to.
I glanced at all of them.
Wakaba and Macao hadn't aged well, but I shouldn't expect much better. It has been seven years, that's nearly a decade. You can't stay young forever.
Laki looked much more adult, but not elderly.
Then, I spotted Romeo, and instantly felt relieved.
He had grown so much! Even if I had a revenge plan against Fairy Tail, I didn't want to hurt everyone.
Ren, Eve, and Hibiki used Ren's magic to leave the ship.
They floated down from the ship elegantly, which I would say was better than charging off of the edge of the Christina.
I stared at Romeo for another mere moment.
I outstretched my wings, snapping out of my trance.
He was so different.
I glided down from the Christina.
Then, Romeo saw me.
His eyes widened.
His expression seemed Star struck, he didn't recognize me, but he was certainly excited.
"We'd like to introduce you to our guild powerhouse, Lucille Hart. Also known as, the Celestial Angel." Hibiki said, pointing at me. I bowed politely, giving them a warm smile.
Laki, Romeo, as well as Bisca and Alzac stared at me with excitement.
Alzac and Bisca bowed respectfully back
Wakaba and Macao stared with shock, but they were certainly annoyed.
I removed my hood, and stared at them. My long pale blonde hair shone brightly in the sunlight.
I glared at Macao, and Wakaba. They weren't even attempting to be friendly.
I smiled at the others.
"Hey! Did you guys come here just to brag, or do you actually want something?" Macao asked rudely.
"Well, Macao-" Ren tried to speak, but I interrupted. I was enraged. He had no right to talk to us like that.
"Mind your superiors, Macao. We came here to help you. Please lower your amount of hostility, you wouldn't want us to reciprocate." I said, glaring directly into his eyes. I was already pissed at him, he shouldn't be trying to make it any worse.
Wakaba looked much more vulnerable, as he let down his tough guy look.
Macao relaxed his tense posture.
Romeo smiled deviously, as if he realized that I was simply playing games.
I winked at him, which seemed to make him happy.
Laki snickered, she too realized that Macao was no superhero. She seemed to know that I meant no actual harm. Wakaba seemed frightened, as did Macao, and the Trimen.
Ichiya was trying to fight a smile.
"F-fine." Macao muttered, folding his arms.
"Speak up. Say it politely." I continued, adding much more of a comedic tone to my voice.
"Y-yes madam. What is it you need to share?"
He asked, flustered.
I giggled, and then Hibiki chuckled.
Ren seemed to be enjoying this, but he didn't laugh.
Macao grew bright red.
"Well, we wanted to inform you that.. Team Tenro is alive. We know where the island is.
I'm going to be taking you there."
I summarized.
Romeo's eyes brightened.
"How do you know they're alive?" He asked me, awestruck. His jaw was practically on the floor, as was everyone else's. They were all in utter disbelief, I could see it on their faces.
"Well, my teammates found the island through ether levels. I had a vision while on our way here. They're all alive." I said, grinning brightly.
Of course, I'm indifferent about them being alive.
I was actually happy about Romeo being excited.
Ren never told me about the ether levels, that was just a guess.
"Yep." Hibiki said, putting his hand on his hip.
Romeo ran at me, and embraced me in a hug.
He had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
I patted his back, and ruffled his hair. I squatted down to meet his height and looked into his excited eyes. I didn't know why, but for some reason, his happiness meant a lot to me.
"Hey Romeo, would you like to come with us to find them?"
He looked into my blue eyes, his eyes shining.
"Of course!" He shouted with glee, throwing his arms in the air.
"Wait..How do you know my name?" He asked me, clearly confused.
"I know everyone's name." I said, bragging slightly.
He smiled, and nodded slowly.
"Welp, guess that's our cue to leave.
Lucille, you should know the coordinates of the island." Hibiki said, winking at me.
He knows that I researched the Fairy Tail guild a bit, so I guess he assumed that I know where the island is. Of course, I do, so no worries.
I nodded.
Ren lifted them all back into the Christina with his magic.
They quickly waved.
Ren shrugged at me from on the Christina, he clearly knew that they were rushing to get away.
I assumed that they had plans without me.
I giggled and waved goodbye to him.
Quickly, the Christina soared away.
"Well..That was something." I said, as the Christina began to fly away.
"Hello, my name is Lucille, good to formally meet all of you." I said, smiling once again.
"Alzac, Bisca, no reason to be formal. We're all friends here." They nodded, quickly, staying quiet.
"So, have you guys appreciated my protection?" I asked, raising my brows. They all stayed silent.
The air was still.
No one had the slightest idea?
"Wait..Do you mean...?" Wakaba asked, and looked to Macao. I giggled again. There it is.
"I've been protecting you guys for years.
Paying your bills so you could keep this guildhall.
Attacking those with harmful intentions towards you. Now that you guys are getting your members back, I won't need to protect you anymore." I explained, tasting my head on one of my hands. I felt a little relaxed by the fact that I'd have a lot less work to do now.
Laki seemed in shock, but she smiled as if it was the best news. Wakaba even put on a small grin.
Bisca ran from Alzac's side and embraced me in a tight hug, her head on my shoulder.
"Thank you so much Lucille! You have no idea how helpful it has been! You truly are an angel!"
Bisca said, in her usual southern accent.
I patted her back gently. I couldn't help but chuckle. Maybe these guys weren't so bad after all. They weren't.. but someone else in there guild was.
"Don't thank me, I just had to help you. I knew you were in a bad situation, someone had to step up and help." I said softly.
She slowly released me from her hug, and stepped back shyly.
Alzac and Laki nodded, moving and standing by me.
Romeo stood by my side, and Wakaba and Macao looked at each other in disbelief.
"I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Macao said.
Wakaba nodded.
"It's fine! No hard feelings! We should be finding your friends!" I said, changing the subject.
I didn't want them getting to close to me. After all, I planned on absolutely decimating their guild mates.
"You're right." Wakaba said, putting his hands on his hips.
Jet and Droy stepped out of the guild, followed by Max and Warren. Wakaba explained the situation to them as fast as possible, trying to be urgent. I didn't pay much attention.
"This girl, Lucille Hart, the angel of Blue Pegasus has been protecting us, and paying our bills.
She's brought us another blessing. She knows where our friends are, and that they're alive! We need to leave immediately, so we can retrieve them for the island." Wakaba told them, talking fairly fast.
I wasn't sure if they had gotten all of it, but I really just wanted to retrieve them already. I was getting bored of standing out here in the sun. My fair skin would burn if I stood in this spot too long!
Max nodded, as did Warren.
Jet and Droy had the same eager smile.
Apparently they all understood.
"Can we leave yet?" I asked in a bored tone.
"We're gonna get to see Levy again!" Jet and Droy shouted, clearly not paying attention to me.
Laki put her finger over her lips and shushed them.
Macao glanced left and right nervously.
"Well, that's sort of a problem. We sold our ships so we could keep the dorms. How are we going to get there?" Wakaba asked, looking at me.
I thought about it for a moment.
"I see. Well, I guess it's time I work my magic."
They all turned their attention to me.
"Heavenly terrain, I beckon you to my side for urgent transportation." I said. This was how you said the cloud summoning spell aloud. I only said it verbally so they'd have a moment to anticipate my super cool magic.
"Hop on!" I said, pulling myself onto the cloud.

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