Meanwhile at Fairy Tail..

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While Lucy or Lucille, has been working her hardest, so has the guild.

Believe it or not, it's been three months since the guild announced the Tenro Trials. Everyone is boarding the boats, without a second thought. "Hey, Flame Brain!" Gray shouted, as the boat left the port.

"What do you want, popsicle?!" Natsu questioned angrily. Wendy casted Troya on him, so he was doing just fine despite the fact he was on a boat.
"Not to start a fight, idiot. I wanna talk to you about something!" He explained.

"Come here!" He continued, leading Natsu to a secluded area.

"So... You and Lisanna, is that a thing now?" Gray asked in hushed tone.
His eyes met Natsu's.
Natsu's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and he stammered. Natsu, Happy, Lisanna, and Juvia all trained together.

Natsu had done some missions with only Lisanna, and they had been hanging out at Natsu's house occasionally as well.
"I don't know man! When we were kids, I totally liked her, and sure she's fun, and all, but I'm not entirely sure if it's still there."  He explained.
"Well, I always thought you and Lucy would be a thing, but the chances of that are more than a little slim at this point.." Gray said, scratching the back of his neck. Natsu seemed more than irritated suddenly. "Why'd you have to bring her up? I don't know. Lucy was cool too, and pretty attractive I guess, but I don't know if I still trust her after all this stuff man." Natsu continued.
"What do you mean?" Gray asked, with a tinge of anger in his voice.
"Well, first she lies to us and disappears! Then, she works around us and takes her stuff without a word! And after that Loki tells us she's in a whole new realm? But also still here! Just like that she disappears from the press too! And people have evidence for the claims against her.. I knew something was off with her from the beginning. She was just a whiny rich girl! For a while I believed she had the Fairy Tail spirit, but not anymore." Natsu said, frowning shyly.

Gray paused for a minute, clearly infuriated.
"Wow, Natsu. I would've never guessed that you would give up on her that easily. I assumed you'd be the last to give up, actually. I still trust her, and I know she still loves us. I sure as hell love her too, just like everyone else in this guild. I can't believe you'd insult her like that. She saved Loki, do you remember? She definitely had the Fairy Tail spirit! You're just too blind to see it."
Gray said, somehow managing to keep his cool.
Natsu was silent for a second, and it was an uncomfortable quiet.

"Gray, I think I do like Lisanna and maybe that's why my heart is giving up on Lucy so easily. Because it still wants Lisanna. I mean, that doesn't mean Lucy did nothing wrong. She totally did." Natsu explained, in his usual tone.
"So, you should talk to her. It's probably for the best. Occupy yourself with someone, while everyone else searches for Lucy. You can do whatever you want, but I'll be focusing on saving our lost member." Gray said, kind of mockingly.

"Oh? Look who it is." Gray said, and pointed to Lisanna who was talking to Bickslow.
Gray walked away from Natsu, and sat down beside Pantherlily. Gray definitely wasn't happy about what Natsu had said, but he wasn't going to start a fight. Juvia stalked him a distance away, with hearts in her eyes. He gestured Natsu to go talk to Lisanna.
With a bashful expression, Natsu approached her.
"Hey, Lisanna, can you come here for a minute?" He asked, signaling her to follow him.

He walked to the area him and Gray previously stood in.

"So, Lisanna.. Its been a long time since I've been able to talk to you like this. There's something I'd like to confess.." Natsu whispered into her ear.
Lisanna stayed quiet as she waited for Natsu to say what he needed to.
I wonder what he needs?
Is he gonna confess his love for me? Finally! I've waited long enough, Natsu.
Though, I kind of wonder what Bickslow will think of this arrangement.. He's pretty cute, too. But I've known Natsu longer! So it's definitely meant to be..?
"Lisanna? You still there?" Natsu said, snapping Lisanna back into reality.
"Yeah, sorry! Train crash!" She said, pointing her index finger at her head, and making a weird face.
Natsu smiled at her antics.
"No worries! So, we've known each other for a very long time.. And every since we've met, I've always thought you were cute, and funny, and super strong. I was wondering, that if you'd like to be.. A little more than friends. Lisanna, will you be my girlfriend?"
He asked blushing a shade of scarlet.
At first Lisanna seemed conflicted..
But then she gave Natsu a warm smile, and nodded her head yes.
Natsu flashed his signature grin, and swiftly pulled her in for a kiss.  She returned the sudden yet passionate kiss, and they went over to their guild members to share the news. Before that though, they had a very intimate make out session.
When they started talking about their newborn relationships, Bickslow's smile seemed incredibly forced and fake. Gray wasn't even smiling, if anything, he seemed slightly disappointed.
Elfman seemed angry, but kind of proud. Happy for his sister, but angry it was Natsu. He put up a smile for support, though.
Levy seemed the angriest out of everyone though, but she was hiding it well. Until she said,
"Wow, what a lovely way to honor Lucy. Let's all be more concerned about having someone to make out with than finding a missing girl." In a whisper. Though, Natsu heard her. His dragon skater magic gave him enhanced hearing.
"Oh shut up Levy! It's not like you're doing anything! Regardless, Isn't it obvious what happened? You're so gullible! Lucy abandoned us! She clearly doesn't want to be around us anymore, so why should we honor her?"
Natsu asked, releasing all of his anger on her. He got in her face and glared.
Everyone on the boat had a look of shock on their face. It wasn't a good kind of shock, either.
"You ass! Are you really gonna say that? What the hell is wrong with you? Lucy clearly loved us! She was like a star! She lit the way for many of us, and she was smarter than all of you idiots!" Levy yelled back, standing her ground furiously.
"Lit the way? All that Lucy did was make us save her! She hasn't done a single thing for us!
Other than give us new enemies! She was just a little rich girl who thought she could run with us!" He screamed angrily, jabbing at Levy.
"I agree with Levy! You have no right to say that stuff about Lucy, Natsu!" Gray said, standing in front of Levy. He was attempting to separate the two.
"Whatever!" Natsu yelled, going to the opposite side of the boat, as Lisanna trailed behind him.
Levy looked as if she was about to burst into tears, but Gajeel stood by her side, and comforted her.
"That was uncalled for. Lucy was definitely strong, she and Loki defeated Bickslow, after all." Freed said, giving bickslow a smug grin.
"Hey!" Bickslow interrupted. "Yeah! She was a real man!" Elfman shouted, with tears in his eyes.
"No! She was a true lady, you beast!" Evergreen shouted, hitting Elfman with her shoe.
Their antics definitely caused a few laughs.
Makarov wasn't laughing though, he was just sitting, seeming sad. This disappearance was tearing his guild apart.

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