✔Kingka's Queenka | Jungkook

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   You blow a tuft of (H/C) hair out of your face for what felt like the umpteenth time that day. Finally, you resort to tucking it behind your (pierced/nonpierced) ear.

  "(Y/N)!" a familiar chipper voice squeaks from your left. You turn to see a head of golden ringlets bounce towards you from the courtyard of your high school.

  "Hi.... Lindsay...." you force a smile at the foreign girl. Lindsay was an american who moved here with her rich parents earlier in the schoolyear. She immediately latched onto you like a plecostomus fish when she discovered you were the queenka of the school.

  Admittedly, you didn't even know you were the queenka up until someone told you. You honestly didn't mind, as long as you don't have to take on the stereotypical queenka image. You just wanted to be you, and be nice to people.

  One other factor that made you hesitate to remain queenka was the peer pressure to "hook up" with the current school's kingka.

  Jeon Jungkook.

  To say in the least, you didn't care for the guy.


"What're you doing out here?" Lindsay asks, looping her arm with yours. Lindsay was a sweet girl, admittedly. She just wanted to make friends when she got here. It was only the way she was doing it that bugged you. 


 She nods, her mouth forming an 'o' as she leads you into the school. She pulls out her phone from her glittery purse, tapping on the screen at an inhuman speed. She turns to you, stopping your awkward walk to class together. 

 "Thalia is having a small get-together at her house tonight. We're going." she announces, tucking her giant phone back into her giant purse.

 "I really don't--" you start to protest, looking down at your scuffed shoes uncomfortably. It was Friday, but you had no desire to go to a party at Lindsay's best friend's house. Even if it isn't a massive thing. 

 "I already told her you'd be there. Besides, Jungkook will be there~!" She loops your arms again and leads you to class. You sigh, falling into step with her. 

 Now you'll have to spend your night at a place you don't want to be, with one person you don't want to see, nor talk to. 

 Yet, part of you couldn't help but disagree. 

 Part of you, was excited to see Jeon Jungkook. 


"Lindsay what is this?" You demand, looking down at yourself. You wore a short black satin slip dress with a neckline that fell too far down for your taste, and ended way too short. It didn't leave much to the imagination.

 But Jungkook will be there. 

 Wait, you don't care what Jeon Jungkook thinks of you, right? So it doesn't matter. 


R i g h t?  

 Lindsay steps behind you, pulling your (H/C) hair up into a ponytail of soft beach waves, inserting bobby pins in places that you weren't even aware needed extra support. Thank goodness that at least your hair will stay in place. Can't have your precious queenka image ruined by a mere bad hair day. 

 Note the sarcasm. 

 "Alright. You look hot." 

 "Thanks, Lindsay." 

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