I Love...(1) | Namkook

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    There were an exceptional amount of downsides to having been born into a rich family, with a surplus of plans for your and your brother's futures.

    It was likely that the only reason you haven't been married off to some conceited CEO's son already, was that you had started singing and pursuing the life of an idol.

    "(Y/n)? Are you feeling alright?" Your mother coos, holding up her own chopsticks as she sips at her iced beverage. You blink, returning from your hazey daydream. Well, more of a zoned-out state, rather than daydreaming.

    "Yes. Why might you ask?" You inquire, forcing a warm smile to your lips. She tilts her eating utensils down, pointing at your untouched plate of rich food with the ends of her glossy chopsticks.

     "Oh. I ate with Mina and Daejung at the studio today." You reply, using your favorite makeup artists as an excuse to explain as to why exactly you weren't eating. 

    Except, the real reason was simple, and almost too obvious for words.

    You knew why you'd been invited to dinner at the family mansion, along with your older brother. Your brother, Dal, had gone into training to take over the family company since he was twelve. You were supposed to overtake a small portion of the company, but instead ended up overtaking a large portion of the music and entertainment industry.

    "I suppose now would be a good time to tell you both." Your mother drops her utensils completely, casting a sideways glance at your father, seated at the head of the dining table.

    "We have arranged for you both to wed."

     "Saw that coming." Dal says, stuffing a strip of pork into his mouth. He leans forward, using the rolled-up cuffs of his ironed dress shirt as pads for his elbows.

     "Yeeeup." You put on a mask of carelessness. You had to convince your parents that you didn't care. Then, perhaps, they may grant you your future freedom.  

    You don't want to marry some rich man's son.

     You don't want to be expected to produce an heir to not one but two companies, with a man you'll probably never love.

     You just wanted to live. You wanted to be allowed to love by your own rules.

     You wanted to fall in love. 

     "Dal, you shall wed later on. Though we are sure it'll be Mr. Park's daughter." Your mother reaches over, taking your brother's hand in hers. He smiles at her, sending a jab at your stomach. Every time your mother and brother showed their mother-son bond, it was as if someone was churning at your stomach with a fork.

    You never got to have a relationship with either of your parents. Perhaps it was your early-on career as an idol that had prevented you and your parents from forming bonds. Though, it was probably the company to blame. Your father had become stoic and unapproachable, as the company grew bigger. And your mother was always busy, but still showed more of a liking to your older brother than you.

     You'd learned not to care. You'd formed bonds with music, and friends.

    "As for you, sweetie, your father and I have a few mixed feelings as to who you'll be marrying. Though, we forsee it'll be one of Mr. Kim's sons." Your mother smiles warmly. The queezy sensation in your gut vanishes.

     "You may be getting famous off of dramas and music, but you're still a member of this family and you're still obligated to uphold your part of the company." You father leans forward, speaking for the first time that night.

    You clasp your hands in your lap. Terror was an understatement, when it came to your father. Any joy or positivity was yanked out of him by his devotion to the Hira family company.

     "Why are there mixed feelings?" Your brother asks, completely unfazed by your stern father and eerily-smiling mother. You silently thank Dal for releasing the tension slightly, and pulling your parents' unrelenting gazes off of you.

      "Because Mr. Kim has seven sons."

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