✔Flowers | Your Bias

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    He always thought she looked best when she sat in a field of flowers.

He always thought she looked most beautiful, when she held a bouquet of white lillies.

He always loved the way she would twirl a flower between her fingers, rolling the flower between her index and thumb.

He loved the way she cried whenever a bumblebee died.

He loved how in-tune she was with nature.

He loved seeing her in white. She looked best in white.

She didn't look beautiful when she was surrounded in red.

Red wasn't her color.

She was out of place, surrounded in wires, tubes.


It was his fault.

His fault she was in the road.

His fault she's in a white room, surrounded in machines.

So he surrounded her in flowers.

She never looked as beautiful as she did, then.

She never looked as alive.


Tell me your bias. I wanna know.

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