Hearts | Taehyung ▷ Part II

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happy 100 chapters!

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    "Broken femur, collapsed lung, and a slight heart murmur." The medic says, hopping out of the first ambulance. Yoongi nods, gesturing for you to help with the next ambulance.

     "I've got this one. Get the next one, (Surname)." Yoongi says dismissively. You nod, jogging around the vehicle. The next ambulance was already rolling in, along with multiple others. Other interns and their residents all ignore your ambulance, swerving around you to tend to the newest traumas coming in.

     "Female patient, middle ages, around maybe forty years of age. Decreased breathing and feeling on right side and several severe flesh wounds to the neck and shoulders." The female medic says as she jumps out of the back of the vehicle.

   You nod, helping the other two EMT's in the back of the ambulance to get the patient out. Instinct kicks in as you check the wounds, applying pressure to the woman's neck wounds.

   Slowly, your eyes drift upwards, landing on the woman's face.

   Recognition sets in, nearly cutting off your airway.




    "Someone get me Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi shouts, pulling a hyperventilating you back into the hospital. Soon enough, Taehyung appears, a pair of latex gloves in his hand.

    "What do you need?" Taehyung asks urgently. Yoongi looks back at him, eyes wide with stress and adrenaline rushing through his system.

     "I need you to sit here with (Y/n), and be available when I need you!" Yoongi shouts back, before disappearing into some depths of the hospital.

     "I'm okay. Dr. Min needs my help." You wipe at your already-dry tears with your sleeve, as you get up from your sitting position next to an empty patient bed.

     Taehyung wraps his fingers around your wrist, pulling you back down towards him. You hadn't even noticed hin sit down.

    "You clearly aren't." Taehyung says, his voice dropped down to a calm level. The usual tense, doctor-sounding Taehyung was gone, replaced with this unfamiliar Taehyung who sounded more like a pleading child rather than a world-renowned heart surgeon.

    Funny, almost. How seemingly everyone at this hospital is famous in the world of medicine.

   You, the youngest intern at the hospital but still easily the most skilled and talented.

    Jungkook, the youngest orthopedic genius in Korea, it seemed.

    So many others, but one stood out the most.

    Taehyung, the man who could make broken hearts beat, and the boy who could make the interns' hearts beat just a little bit faster.

    Well, primarily you.

   "Do you want to tell me what happened?" Yoongi asks, tilting his head to look at you. You laugh, sniffling slightly.

    "You're a heart surgeon. A famous one, at that. You don't want to be here, babysitting a sobbing intern. Not really, at least." You sigh, looking literally anywhere but directly at Taehyung.

    Your mother was in the Pit, probably fighting for her life after getting involved in a God-awful vehicle collision.

     And you couldn't stop thinking about the boy sitting in front of you, looking at you as if you were the most fragile thing he's ever come into contact with.

     Funny, how not even an hour ago, he was getting in your face about questioning his authority.

     Emotions always change in hospital, but it seemed that tensions could never come down from their high.

     "I would rather be here, with you, rather than in the Pit with trauma victims. I'm a heart person. So let me have a heart-to-heart with you here."

     Despite it all, you still laugh.

    "You are truly something else, Kim Taehyung." You finally meet his eyes.

     "So are you, (Surname) (Y/n)."

● ● ●

      hello it is me.

      the queen of cliffhangers and bad endings.  

    as many may have noticed, the author's note on when i will be completing this oneshot book, has been deleted due to the hypocracy of me stating that i hate full on author's notes, in an author's note.

   like, everytime i see that one of my favorite authors updated, i get all excited but then i see a dumbass title like "author's note."

    dont play with my feelings like that.


   but the whole point of this was for me to say two things;

   1.) i will not be making a second book after the completion of this one.



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