✔I Love...(ending) | Namkook

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[two months after meeting]

You had always told yourself that you deserved to fall in love. To choose who it was that you would marry, and create a life with.

You were taught to know better than to believe in hopeless fantasies from a young age.

"We'll make sure that you marry a good man."

Your mother was optimistic. She loved you more than your father did.

"Should it matter? You don't need to love him. This is your duty to your family."

Your father was a much less understanding man, when it came to love.

Maybe he always has been.

No, that's not right. There was love there once. There was once passion between your mother and father. You could see the remnants of compassion there. Though, suppose that arranged marriages had a tendency to never end in happiness.

Which, inconveniently, was on the forefront of your mind as you sit and watch the employees of the Kim and Hira families scramble about, rushing to get everything in order for a certain wedding.

"Everything okay?" A familiar, comforting voice asks. You look over at your best friend as of recently, plastering a smile onto your face.

"Yes, Jungkook. I'm alright." You smile, eyes slowly drifting back to continue watching the wedding preperations.

'I like getting to know you.'

You were still a bit sour about being forced into marriage. But after Namjoon had made the effort to really....know you, you had begun despising it less.

You didn't know why.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Jungkook asks, standing up and offering you his hand. You gladly take his hand, letting him lead you out of the large hall. The two of you pass various decorations of all colors; pale red, white, gold. Flowers of different assortments all line the walls, decorating the silk curtains and matching the bundles of white blossoms that fill the hall.

Suddenly, a figure emerges from one of the smaller hallways on the outermost edges of the grand hallway.

Jungkook tenses, his grip on your hand tightening. You slip your hand out of his, rubbing your palm with your thumb.

"Ouch." You hiss, momentarily glaring at Jungkook. Why'd he suddenly grip your hand so tightly?

"Where are you going?" A familiar voice that seemingly never failed to bring goosebumps to your arms and a skip to your heart, asks.

"Is getting fresh air a crime, brother?" Jungkook scowls.

"Well, I suppose not. But let us not forget who's wedding we're at." Namjoon crosses his arms, flashing a smirk. You shrink back, hiding behind Jungkook, as if the boy could be your shield from your fiancé's good looks.

As terribly humorous and cliché as it sounded.

"It's not your wedding yet, brother. Let's not get too hasty." Jungkook replies, not showing how much he really enjoyed having you so close to him.

How much he truly relished in being the one thing standing between you, and Namjoon.

No matter how twisted and cruel such a statement was.

"Fine, fair enough. (Y/n), I'm going to go get some coffee. Want to join?" He tilts his head, smiling at you from around Jungkook's arm.

That seemed to only anger Jungkook further.

"Do you ever stop?" Jungkook hisses.

"Stop what? What am I doing?"

"Don't act like you actually like her. You're just bitter because I'm the one that your fiancée loves." Jungkook spat venomously. Namjoon flinches, taking a half step backward.

"And you know so much about who she loves." Namjoon retorts evenly.

You had had enough. Pushing yourseld away from Jungkook, you wheel around and scowl at the two boys.

"What the absolute fuck is wrong with you two? Is this some sick, disgusting game? Jungkook, I am marrying Namjoon tomorrow. What differ--"

"I know how bad it sounds." Namjoon murmurs. Your heart clenches. Namjoon looked guilty...while Jungkook looked angry.

"We know who you're marrying. But...who do you love?" Jungkook asks, his angry eyes turning pleading.

You step back, your heart stopping and your lungs void of air. You hadn't even stopped to ask yourself... Had you been stringing these two boys along, this entire time? Had you been unknowingly putting two brothers against eachother, all along?

"I--I love..."

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