My Day | Taehyung

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❌❕warnings: angst



      "The comeback was made official today. It was hard for me to get a free minute to come here and talk." Taehyung says, picking a flower and twirling it between his fingertips.

    You listen, watching him closely.

     "I bet you'd be so proud. We're breaking records. We're doing so well, jagiya." He says softly, no longer twirling the small, yellow flower. He began picking the tiny petals one by one as he watched the discarded petals get carried away in the light breeze.

    "Funny," he looks down at his lap. "It was supposed to be a warm day today. Although I suppose that it's always cold and gloomy where you are. It always is." He laughs, remembering fondly of many occassions on which the two of you would go to the park or anywhere outdoors on a sunny day. Within minutes of your arrival, it would become gloomy and sad.

    Although it differed from his own bubbly, boyish personality, Taehyung always loved the gloom around you.

     It made the "eye in the storm" statement feel even more real to him. Dark clouds may be around you, but you always tried to make up for it in smiles and jokes. Pure happiness.

     But if Tae was being honest, you didn't need to try so hard to make him happy. Just your presence made him happy.

     "I should probably go home, and sleep. It's going to be a long.... well, few months I suppose. Comebacks are always long and exhausting." He laughs.

    He stays quiet for a moment, just staring at the bare flower resting in the palm of his hand.


     "I can't sleep anymore." He whispers. Oh, how you longed just to touch him. To pull his head under your chin and wrap your arms around him.

     "It's... cold now. The bed is cold. And lonely and—I can't sleep anymore." He whispers, wiping away a warm tear. His eyeliner was probably already messed up. The makeup artists would have to fix it when he returns, before the photoshoot. They might even have to touch up the dark shadows that had long since gathered in his eyes.

   Did he care?

    Not particularly, no.

   "Well, I guess that was my day," Taehyung whispers. "Someday, you can tell me yours too, right?"

    "Right." You whisper. But he doesn't hear you. He can't. He'll never be able to.

   Taehyung turns, sniffling quietly as he leaves the cemetary.


     angsty ig

i write a lot of oneshots with death omf


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