lyr tour 8/7/17 ♡

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you better sit your ass down and prepare yourself for a hell of a lot of yelling, cussing, overexaggerating, and overall fangirling. this is going to be long and detailed as fuck, you have been warned (seriously tho this is almost 4500 words long)

mkay so this shit was fucking crazy okay mind you i've never even been to a concert before last night so bear with me bc i'm still not even fully aware of wtf happened at all at any given moment, my emotions haven't even caught up with me so yeah

idk where to start so imma just start alllllll the way at the beginning. i was forced to eat breakfast even tho i can't and so i ended up feeling like i was gonna puke for hours and i was so worried that i was gonna end up puking in general or even worse on someone from atl while i was meeting them bc i didn't know if it was nerves or the food (it was the food fuck breakfast)

fast forward to when we get there (at like 1:30) and we get our number to get in line and we are number 2 hundred and fucking 78 like what the hell i wasn't expecting so many people to get signing tickets?? there ended up being over 400 people in just the signing line, not even the normal line (i think the highest number i heard was 421) and that just blew my mind. i'm looking around at all these people like where tf did you all come from??? where are you hiding??? bc i have never even met anyone irl that liked them before last night. why is there no one who likes them at my school??

we didn't have to get in line right away tho so for a bit we were just standing under a tree looking out over the water and from behind me i hear this girl yell "I LOVE YOU!!!" and so i turn around to see who tf she was talking to and immediately i spot the blue hair and i just start going "ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod" because holy fuck awsten fucking knight was walking past us not even 5 feet away and my dad was all like ???? and i had to explain to him who he was but i think that's when it hit me that like oh shit these people are real this is happening

a bit after that we line up for the signing (it's like 2:00-2:30 ish at this point) and we met these two girls who were in line behind us named victoria and rebecca and they were so nice and helpful and funny we were just instant friends (they really helped me relax by just talking and they would point out when members of the band i didn't know would walk past and they even told me where some of the bands would be after the show in case i wanted to try and meet them) but basically they had been following atl and going to every concert since north carolina and doing the signings/meet and greets at all of them like they were dedicated yo i wanna be them tbh. there was also this girl with short red hair that i never caught the name of that i talked to quite a bit who was also really cool, i started talking to her bc i heard her say palaye royale and i whipped tf around and was like "so you like palaye royale?" and boom instant friends. her mom was lit too she had apparently ridden on billy idol's tour bus for a bit one time and bought fries for our whole section of line (not sure which was cooler tbh)

but basically i've been making all these friends and talking to them and watching band members walk past and internally freaking out but it was all outside and so i'm out here in fucking florida heat with these tight ass black fucking skinny jeans and my jean jacket (i tried not to take it off in hopes that someone would take my picture to put in the video for orlando ya know) and i was actually dying by the time the line finally started moving (at 3:45 or so) and eventually we get through being patted down and all and we're finally inside in line for the signing and like i couldn't figure out where atl was sitting at first but once i did i started freaking out and like the closer we got the faster my heart was beating and the shakier i was getting until we're literally just feet away from the table and i just remember looking at jack and thinking that wow he looks so much better in person and how i was not even prepared for them all to be this good looking and really i think its just that finally realizing that these people i idolize and look up to so much and that are this attractive actually exist and are really living breathing human beings not just a picture or a recording is what makes them so much more attractive irl

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