remember when this had titles that made sense no me either

23 2 17

by panic! at the disco

no but seriously guys i am so hecking tired and i wanted to come home and eat, nap, and work on my sketchbook, but nooo i have to do algebra, world history, and chemistry homework instead :)))))

so i'm gonna blast atl and get that shit over with i suppose

biggest shoutout to soundsIikeharmony bc she commented on here sO MUCH LIKE OMG i woke up to near 100 notifs on here lmao but like why do i feel like we're best friends now you're amazing thank for all the nice comments

i got switched out of my spanish class!!! when they gave my form back it said all the art classes were full and i was like nuuuuuuuuuuu but i went at lunch to see my guidance counselor (who turned out to be the nicest sweetest lady ever) and she helped me and so now i am in photography instead!!! which is super great bc i've been wanting to try photography for a long time now but like cameras are sooo expensive so its hard to make that dedication if you've never really tried it ya know

also the teacher has legit become my favorite like she cusses a lot and openly talked about sexuality and stuff and passed out pretzel goldfish and she seems loud and crazy and i love it

the only downside is that i met this really nice girl in my spanish class who likes riverdale and i found out today likes twenty one pilots too so i'm sad to leave her but i have her number so hopefully we can still be friends

idk i'm kinda sad about the whole friend situation??? like i was rlly excited to go to a new school so i could make new friends but now i don't even have any???? :(

i just wanna go to bed but i can't bc homework wjcksslslsl

there was a point to this update but i forgot what it was sorry oops

ily all!!! have a lovely day!!!!

song recommendation: you're gonna go far, kid by the offspring

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