tag n selfies

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sorry for being an emotional wreck the other night

anyways here's a thing (don't have the like actual picture or whatever listing the questions but i've seen it in a few spams so)

1) items you can't leave the house without
my phone and headphones

2) favorite brand of makeup
idrk, i think every product i use is made my someone different but ig tarte? i swear by shape tape but wtf is their new foundation situation i mean im not gonna go in to detail bc there's videos and articles literally everywhere about it but like they need to step their game up and get w the program, the world isn't made of white people and 3 shades of darker skin

3) favorite flowers?
oh boy idk i like hibiscus i suppose but i don't really have a favorite. if someone wanted to get me flowers i guess maybe lilies?

4) favorite clothing store?
i don't have one, but if i was just a lil skinnier it would definitely be papaya bc they have some really cute stuff

5) favorite perfume?
boi idfk anything bath and body works

6) heels or flats?
i don't like either. at all. converse

7) good grades?

8) favorite colors?
well since it says colors, teal, black, and gold/rose gold

9) energy drinks?
i like the white n silver monsters. i drank one probably p close to every single day of school last year. which is really unhealthy but since when am i concerned. if death comes in a can that pretty and tastes that good ill take it

10) juice?
hell yeaahhhhhh i love white grape n cranberry the most. only juice i dont like is orange fuck off

11) swimming?
yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes i love swimming. i am a true floridian at heart

12) fries w a fork?
no thanks unless maybe they were chili cheese fries

13) favorite moisturizer?
okay there's this one brand called 'formula 10.0.6' that i literally will defend to the death as far as skincare goes. they have this aloe vera moisturizer that is soooo nice it makes your skin feel so soft n cool, then they had this purple pink face scrub wash stuff that made your skin feel like a baby's ass. im currently all out of everything they have but i need to go get more n you should too bc its great

14) want to get married someday?

15) do you get mad easily?
i wish i could say no but like yes tbfh everything pisses me off im angery

16) ghost hunting?
not today satan

17) phobias?
i dont have any actual diagnosed ones but i stg i have arachnophobia like even just typing that i can lowkey feel them on me n i c e

18) do you bite your nails?
yes but im trying to stop

19) any near death experiences?
im p sure a number of my falls off horses were probably near death. it only takes landing an inch to the left to break your neck instead of getting cut on your ass (like i did!).

20) coffee?
i could not live without it

okay that's it for the questions, feel free to do them yourselves

now im gonna post some selfies bc i think they turned out nice n mikey's already seen them but oh well he can see them twice

now im gonna post some selfies bc i think they turned out nice n mikey's already seen them but oh well he can see them twice

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i highkey like the last one tbh

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i highkey like the last one tbh

i haven't been to school the past 2 days, not totally sure why, i just was really tired and didn't wanna on wednesday, and my mom just?? turned the car around and went home?? and then yesterday they were like pushing me to stay home another day and im like alright this is really strange and never happens so might as well take advantage of it while i can. we also haven't had water for the past 2 days so i feel nasty so im kinda glad they're not making me go lol

that is all, hope you guys are having a lovely day, eat and drink water, n don't stress too much. i love you all v much ❤❤

know what im done w this shit i keep deleting it and i don't wanna scroll through my google photos to look for it again so
song recommendation: harlem by new politics

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