Chapter 1

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Jane's POV . . .

In a dream . .
I was surrounded by darkness as tears formed in my eyes, and a hand was stretched out to me.

"You don't have to be alone."

The voice was caring and gentle. I couldn't help but accept the hand that was in front of me, and that's when I saw two boys. One of them had orange hair, and blue eyes, while the other boy had silver hair, and similar eyes to the other boy.

Jane: Shawn! Aidan!

Shawn: See you soon, Jane.

Aidan: And keep playing soccer!

I ran towards them as they started walking away.


They suddenly disappeared from my sight, but I kept running until I saw the road covered with snow , and I noticed a car stuck in it with Shawn and Aidan lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"Jane wake UP! You're going to be late!" I slowly opened my eyes, and saw my mother glaring at me with her arms folded.
"Get up! Sleeping Beauty, you're going to be late!" she shouted.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said and walked to the bathroom half asleep. I splashed my face with cold water trying to get rid of my sleepy habit. I slipped into my uniform, and ran down stairs, with a cheerful smile.
"Good morning, mom," I said, and sat down at the table with my school bag on my shoulder, and my soccer bag on the chair beside me.
"Here's your sandwich! Now get going to school! You have about twenty-five minutes!" I took the sandwich, shoved it into my mouth, and dashed out of the door with both bags on my shoulder.

I kept running until I reached the river bank. Three kids were playing soccer with smiles on each one of there faces. " Are you a soccer fan?" I turned to the voice , and saw a boy with an orange head band rapped around his head, he had the hugest smile I had ever seen. " Uhhhh Yeah?" ,I replied nervously. " I am Mark Evens and I am from Raimon Junior High, what's your name?" I blinked a few times before answering his question. " I am Jane Wolf from Royal Academy, nice to meet you too" I gave him a small smile before looking at my watch. " How about I meet you here at dawn? You seem like a soccer fan as well" I gave him a closed eye smile wishing that he will agree. " I don't mind, my team doesn't practice that much anyway, and I always come here to when I want to warm up!" He gave me a toothy grin before running in another direction.
" I should be running to the academy as well" , I muttered, and started walking, but my walk turned to a run as I headed to the academy.

" Jane!" I looked at the direction of the voice, and saw Joseph, and David with a boy wearing blue goggles. " Hey you guys!" I waved at them while laying my soccer bag in the locker. " That's her Jude" I looked at Joseph with a confused look. " Is there something wrong with me?" . David giggled for a few seconds while covering his mouth. " Actually, our coach is searching for a soccer player who is good at both defence, and forward--". He was cut off by Joseph who stood infront of him. " So we thought you can join" I lowered my face at his words. " Joseph . . . You know I cannot join". We all stayed silent until Jude broke it. " I knew it was stupid of me to think a girl is that skilled" I grinted my teeth at his words as I looked at the floor. " Your so wrong" My voice was like venom.
" How will you prove it?" I wanted to rip the smirk off his face as fast as I can with one punch, but I took a deep breath, and calmed myself.
" I will give you and your so called coach a show at the river bank at dawn, how does that sound ? " My hands were in fists as I waited for his answer. " I like your idea" His smirk grew a little as he walked away with his hands in his pockets. " How do you get along with that guy?" I said, sighed heavily once he was out of my sight.
" He is a great person once you get to know him" I frowned at David, and crossed my arms in disagreement.
" You guys know why I am not joining a team, so why did you tell him about me?". They both smiled at each other and looked back at me. " We will tell you soon" I couldn't help but smile at the two boys.

*At the River Bank*

I was running to the river bank as fast as my legs could take me. " Jane!" I looked ahead of me, and saw Mark with a ball in his hand. " Hey Mark" I said gasping for air after the long run." Listen I invited a few people to watch me play soccer, so I wanted to ask you if could play as a goalkeeper if you can" I fell to the floor, clearly exhausted, and dropped both of my bags. " I would love to, but I will need your help with something simple" He was scratching his head a little nevous. " Yeah sure" I was still gasping for air , until I noticed him carrying my bags. " Since your tired I will carry your bags to the bench, and you will carry the ball". He laid the ball infront of me,and started walking to the bench, I only smiled , and followed.

It has been about five minutes since me, and Mark were training.
" Are you sure their coming?", he asked . " I am sure they will come soon" . Suddenly out of nowhere a ball came flying in Mark's direction, and luckily he caught it. " Are you ready to show us your skills Miss?" I was able to feel my blood boil as I saw Jude standing with the rest of his team, with his coach beside him. " I will show you" . " Then let's see what you have got", he said with a rebellious smirk. I turned to Mark who was staring with his eyes wide. " Are you ready MARK?" . He quickly snapped out of his gaze and nodded his head. " Give me your best Shot! " I smirked at his words. I started dribbling the ball heading for an attack.
" Get ready!". I kicked the ball, and jumped right behind it. " LIGHTNING ATTACK!" I kicked the the ball holding back a little. It went directly in Mark's direction, as bolts of lighting surrounded the ball, Mark grabbed the ball, but it flew out his grip right through him. I ran up to him,and stretched my hand to him with a worried face. " Are you alright Mark?" I asked softly. " I see the light" was his response . " Get up you idiot!" I slammed his head making him jump out of his daydream. " Ouch!" I giggled a little as I saw his cute face. " I told you" Me and Mark turned to Joseph's voice who has everybody's attention on him. " Uhhhh I think I should " . I looked back at Mark who was slowly standing. " I am impressed Jane" I looked at the man with the small circle glasses emotionlessly. " I think that was enough for today, but if you ever change your mind . . . You will be welcomed" He turned around and walked away with the rest of the team following him. Jude gave me an evil smirk before following his coach. " That was some shot Jane!" I turned my attention back to Mark who had a challenging smile on his face. " Your not upset?" I asked confused about his reaction. " Why will I be?! It was an amazing shoot!" My eyes went wide for a second before giving him a smile. " Lets practice together more then" I suggested stretching my hand to him. He gave me a big toothy smile, and shook my hand happily.

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