Chapter 32

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Third person POV . . .

After tea time, Gazel, and Torch were dismissed, but Jane, and Xavier were ordered to stay for a little while longer.
" Jane, I have a simple requset", Mr.Schiller informed, while pouring more tea into his cup. Jane blinked a few times at his words, and waited for him to continue.
" I would really appreciate if you could take care of Torch for a few days, until Raimon and Genesis' final game in the Alias Academy", he finished, with a kind smile on his face, and dropping a cube of brown sugar into his tea.
" No offense sir, but isn't Torch a little old for that?", she asked, and hating herself for acting polite to the person who is using her as an experiment. The old man let out a loud cranky laugh, before answering her question,
" Well, I wouldn't say the same thing about his childish personality ".
" Now that you mention it, I guess it's true", she agreed, placing her finger on her cheek.
" But father, isn't it better if Torch takes care of himself, that will make him a bit more responsible ", Xavier butted in, with a hint of anger in his voice.
" Jealousy is ugly Xavier, don't let it get to you", Xavier lowered his head in regret, taking Mr.Schiller's advice.
" I-i guess y-you have a point , Jane agreed, while moving a strand of hair to the back of my ear, and shifted uncomfortably. A pleasant smile cracked on Mr.Schiller's face at her words, and motioned for her to come closer. The young teen stood up from her sitting position, and walked over to the aged man with butterflies rising in her stomach, she was really nervous about this idea, after remembering what happened in Okinawa when she ordered him around when he got wounded.
" You have to be really careful, Torch isn't the type of person who likes people to judge him, or even take care of him. Consider it the same thing as babysitting your brother", Mr.Schiller said, and gave the girl a plain smile.
" As for you Xavier, we have matters to discuss about personally. Now run along dear, and find that troublemaker", he added. Jane quickly scurried to the door, and took one last look at Xavier, before running after Torch.

Jane's POV . . .

I walked through the large hallways of the academy, and searched for the red-headed boy.
" Hah! We finally did it! Our game against Raimon in only two days!", Torch's voice was too easy to notice, and she quickly followed it to a large, pitch black hall. Nothing was seen in there, but three long pillars with two beams of light, red, and blue. The most part that freaked me out, was seeing Torch, and Gazel dressed up in a dark blue, and scarlet soccer uniform. I opened the door wider, which caused it to make a loud squeaking sound. The two boys quickly turned to her with the signs of shock covering their faces.
" Jane? How long have you been there?", Torch asked, looking really nervous.
I did not even reply, and closed the door before they could say anything, I was able to here the boys shouting, but just ignored it, and ran away without knowing where I was heading. ' What did he mean by his game against Raimon? Isn't Raimon playing the final game with Genesis?', those questions kept pounding in my head, as I ran through the empty, dark corridors.
" Jane!", before I could even look around, someone grabbed my wrist from behind, and pulled me backwards suddenly, causing me loose my balance, but I felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist, saving me from a painful fall. " You shouldn't run off like that!", I was able to hear my heartbeat beat faster, and cheeks heat up. " C-can you let go?", I asked, but he just tightened his grip, and nuzzled his nose into my hair, and took deep breaths. " Never, will I let go of you", he whispered, twirling me around, and then pulling me towards him, and crassed my cheeks repeatedly.
" I will keep getting stronger, so I can keep you safe, and that's why I have to play one game at least with Raimon", he whispered, and moved his hand to my shoulder, and squeezed it slightly.
" Soccer isn't a weapon Torch, please understand that", I begged, tugging his shirt, while holding back my tears.
" I used to think the same way when I was a kid, but it didn't lead me to anywhere", he replied, loosing his grip on my shoulder, and brushing his index finger on my lips.
" But power can get you anywhere", his words were filled with pain, and regret, that I couldn't believe this was even my troublmaker friend himself.
" Power can truly get you to a million places, but it will never give you happiness", I said, in a pitiful voice, and gripped his wrist. His eyes widened, and his face was filled with shock when I crassed his cheek with a small tears rolling down my cheek.
" J-Jane?", I noticed what I was doing, but I did not want to stop.

" Please, just dont do this any more", I begged again, with my voice sounding as soft as a feather. His expression changed, from shocked, to regret. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, and his hands became fists." I am sorry, but I am not going to back down", he said, placing his hand on mines, which was apparently on his cheek, and smiled softly at me, but it seemed like he was broken. " So your too are broken, just like Gazel", I said, with a hopeless voice. The smile disappeared from his face, and he removed my hand from his warm cheek, and wrapped his arm around my waist. His eyes were no longer regret, it was as if they kept changing emotion.

" Torc--", but before I could continue, he placed his hand on the back of my neck, and pressed his lips against mine. I felt as if small flames were being twirled around me, and slowly sealing into my blood. Once our lips parted, the medium sized orb on his shirt started glowing dark purple." Don't compare me to that guy ever again", he whispered into my ear. My stomach suddenly grumbled, and a mad, red blush appeared on my cheeks. A small chuckle came out of his mouth, and he ruffled my hair playfully. " Are that nervous? Baka", he said taking a step away from me, with our hands interwined. " Lets go back, and you could tell me why you were even in that room", he said, walking, and dragging me behind him. " And I am not going to let go of your hand", he added, and let out a small chuckle.

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