Chapter 21

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Jane's POV . . .

            By the time I reached the caravan, I noticed a familiar red-head standing between Shawn and Bobby. " Hey Jane!", I looked over at Mark, who gave me a bright smile. " So were you able to find Axel?", I asked, while walking towards him, with my arms crossed. His eyes became a little gloomy at my words. " Actually that guy over there is the Flame Striker", he answered , pointing to Torch who stood between Shawn and Bobby. My body stiffened once we made eye contact. ' Did he forget who I am?', I thought walking over to Sue and Eric.
" Ow Jane! It's good that your here! I found the perfect person to ship you with!", she squealed, fighting her grip on Eric's arm. I ignored her fangirling, and continued talking to her,
" Aren't you suspicious about this Flame Striker?", I asked her, but she just spreaded a smirk across her face.
" Aww I knew you liked Claude once you made eye contact with him!", she fangirled, and placed her finger on her lips.
" Can you stop being such a pervert?", I asked with my face heating up with anger, and embarrassment. " Sometimes I feel bad for you Jane", she replied, before flirting with Eric again. I looked back at Torch, who seemed to enjoy all the attention. " So you live around here? " , Tori asked him, with a hint of annoyance in her voice. " Yes I do", he replied casually. ' Well his personality hasn't changed', I thought with a small, rebellious smile curving on my face. " Are you sure? Well I have never seen you before",a guy with long brown, and yellow hair asked,with a scary glare appearing at his face.
" Well I have never seen you either", Torch replied in a mocking tone, with a mischivious smirk.
"Hey Sue, who's the strange looking hobo?", I whispered to Sue, while looking at the weird guy suspiciously. " Oh that's Thor ", she replied ,without looking at me. I looked at the others, some of them seemed positive about Thor, but the way they looked at Torch was like he was a threat, others like Shawn and Bobby seemed okay with both of them.
' This isn't good having Torch around the team isn't the best idea ', " Show them what you showed us", Bobby tried encouraging Torch with his normal smile. " It was an incredible shot", Shawn commented.
" But it's not fun just demenstarting it", Torch protested holding his ball, and looked at Mark. " I want somebody to test it, I wanna see if I am strong enough to join your team or not, that's what this is about! The Raimon Eleven  Vs Me! How does that sound? If I score a point I win, and pass, so what do you say?", Torch suggested, pointing his index finger to Mark, and then to
himself. "I don't like his attitude one little bit, but he sure has guts", Tori commented crossing her arms. " Your confident aren't you?", the coach asked plainly. " Of course I am, or else I wouldn't be saying that", Torch replied looking at coach Lina from the corner of his eyes. " Fine let's do the test then", Mark agreed cheerfully, and looked at Daren. " How about you play goalkeeper for today Daren?" , Mark suggested.
" That's not good enough! I feel the need to pay against the ones who played against the alians! I have something to show you  it my special move" , Torch rejected, with a toothy smirk. " I don't have a good feeling about this", I whispered to myself, and grintted my teeth.

          We finally found a field, and Mark seemed really excited, and honestly I was glad that Sue was playing forward, and not me. I sat between coach Lina and Nelly, but I still had an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
' oh god, I just hope things don't go wrong', I prayed, and waited for the whistle to blow. My attention was locked on Torch. " What is he up to?", I mumbled, narrowing my eyes, and gripping my shorts. Once the whistle blew Torch gave the ball a soft kick, Sue and the others quickly dashed towards the ball, but Torch kicked the ball in the air, and jumped so high, that any rookie would think he is flying. Everyone gasped at his sudden movement. Torch swiftly kicked the ball, and I was impressed when the ball was set on fire. Jude finally snapped from his daydream, and ordered the defence to keep their guard. " The Tower!", Tori shouted. Once Torch touched the ground, he jumped back into the air and kicked it directly though " The Tower". Shawn tried blocking it, but he was barely able to repel the shot. he quickly jumped after the ball, but Torch had already raced him to it. He landed lightly at the ground, and dribbled the ball towards the goal, Jack and Scotty rapidly ran towards him, but he jumped above them, and kick led the ball in the air.
" I will burn you all with my red flames!", he shouted visiously . My eyes went wide, it was the same move he showed me, but it this looked much more stronger. He jumped after the ball, and did a back flip while, kicking the ball with deadly flames covering the ball. " Atomic Flare!" , he shouted, before the ball dashed towards Mark. I was about to stand up, but coach Lina interwined her fingers with mine, I slumped beside her, and grintted my teeth. It was really uncomfortable seeing my to best friends going against each other. My mind went crazy when I saw Torch's shot break though " Majin The Hand". Mark seemed really cheerful, and so were the mangers, but this was nothing of good. Coach Lina finally let go of my hand, and walked over to Torch, and the others. I could have sworn that Torch seemed like he wanted to murder her. I was too fed up with this, I stood up and started walking way, but the gasps of the team caused me to turn around. My eyes became wide once I saw a ball that came out of nowhere heading towards Torch. Mark stood infront of him, but he jumped above him, and repelled the ball using his chest, and kicking it into the air. He swiftly shot the ball back towards where it came from, and felt my body siffened a little seeing the ball head to Xavier, who stood at a pillar, and kicking the ball back to Torch. Everyone on the field started asking Torch random questions. He had a wild arua surrounding him, as he pinned the ball under his foot. Xavier jumped from the pillar and landed on the ground like a mentor. A strong gust of  wind hit the field, that I even had to cover my eyes to stop the dust from entering. Once the dust cleared, Xavier ran towards the , just when his shoe touched the ball, a bright light flashed, and in a second, they were gone. " I quickly stood up and ran into the woods, I ignored the calling of Nelly and the other mangers, and kept running, wishing this was all a dream.

Nelly's POV . . .

        Me, Silvia, and Celia kept calling after Jane, but she kept running.
" What's going on where is Jane?", I turned around, and saw Shawn with his eyebrows crossed.
" She just stood up and ran away in that direction!", Celia bursted, pointing to the woods where Jane ran into. Shawn grintted his teeth and ran after here, without thinking twice about his decision. " Wai--", I tried calling him , but he was already out of my sight.' What is wrong Jane, I know she is new, but u never saw her run away like that, it's like she was afraid of something, I should probably research about her', I thought , while staring at the stand of trees she ran into. " Please be okay ", Silvia prayed interwinning her fingers, and places them on her lips. I looked back at the team, they were still shocked, and did not move a muscle.

Hello dear fans!
Quick question!

Will Torch remember Jane?
A) No                                         

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