Chapter 24

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Jane's POV . . .

The incident that happened at the streets, became me ,and Sue's little secret, but every time I looked at her in the barbecqe, she would place her index finger on her lips, and giggle cheekily.

The team was practicing, but I was sitting at the benches , lost in my thoughts,
' What will it feel like if I buy myself to the poison? Will I be able to take control of myself?'. My eyes moved to the team, but I noticed them all staring at the sky, I followed their gaze, and felt my muscles stiffen when I saw a black, and red ball falling from the clear, blue sky. Once the ball landed on the field, team Epsilon appeared, I felt really nervous, I have seen them on tv before, but something about them made me feel uneasy when I saw their eyes, red as blood. I quickly stood up, and walked towards them, to get a better view. Their uniform was red, and black, the same as I saw on tv, but once their captain locked eyes with me, it felt like he was willing to crush me like a bug.

After getting prepared for the match, but my mind wondered to Shawn, a few minutes ago, he was staring at them like they were a virus or ghost! I erased the memory from my mind and focused on the game. Apparently, the coach wanted me to drop the first half, and learn Epsilon's type of playing, and honestly, I couldn't agree less. When the whistle blew I felt the mysterious speard in my blood like electricity. I tried calming myself, but I was barely able to hold myself from running into the field when I watched how Epsilon swiftly got pass everyone, made me irritated, I was already standing, and cheering them as loud as I can. Thankfully, they were able to block all of Epsilon's attacks, and when Sue was getting ready to shoot, I couldn't help but cheer even louder, "COME ON SUE , GIVE IT YOUR ALL!!!", but sadly Epsilon's goalkeeper, Darsem blocked the shot using " Worm hole". I bit my lower lip, and watched carefully his next move, and honestly I was stunned when I saw him kick the ball towards Shawn! It was so fast, and yet, he was able to pin it down to the ground. " You! I want you to shoot!", Darsem ordered Shawn while pointing his index finger at him.
" Shawn! Don't let him toy with you!", Jude warned him, and ran back to his position, but him quickly stopped when he saw Shawn running in the opposite direction. 'Idiot!', I thought, as he tried scoring a goal using
'Internal Blizzard', and my mouth dangled open when I saw the shot break through Darsem's 'Drill Smasher'.

      As the match proceeded, Shawn broke when Darsem kept blocking his other shots. ' Why can't he score?! He did before! Why now?', I got really inpatient, but when I heard the coach calling my name I smiled.
" Jane! Your taking Shawn's place", coach Lina ordered, without looking me in the eyes. " Hai!", I replied running to the field. I looked at Mark, and gave him the thumbs up, and said, " I will score! It's a promise!". I eased myself, and felt the poison change from a stinging pain, to a wild power. When the whistle blew, Sue passed my the ball for the tip off, but instead of passing it to Jude who was behind me, I dashed directly towards Epsilon's goalpost. I swiftly passed all of their players without breaking a sweat, and pinned the ball to the ground with my shoe. " Get ready!", I shouted, and kicked the ball into the air. The flow of the poison became faster as I jumped into the air,  with the ball right beside me, and shouted, " Lightning Strike! Version 2!". I felt my power become twice as strong than before, and kicked the ball sideways. Once I landed at the floor, a huge smirk was plastered on my face, when I saw my shot break through Darsem's 'Drill Smasher' .
" Don't underestimate me!", I teased , and gave Darsem an innocent smile.
He looked surprised my actions, but quickly changed it into a smirk.
" I guess Raimon has one more interesting player ", he commeted, and kicked the ball to one of his teammates.

       The rest of the game went really bad, nobody was able to pass me the ball since I was always marked, and as more time passed, everyone on Raimon started slowing down because of fatigue, which made it easy for the members of Epsilon were able to steal the ball. " Curses!", things were certainly getting out of hand, nobody on Raimon was able to even touch the ball with their shoe! The only person who was not   that exhausted, was me, but I was not much of help since I had about three markers each second surrounding me like hawks.
' If only everyone was stronger, they could have scored!'. I knew the only thing I was to do was to defend. I snapped out of my worries, and I looked at the Epsilon memebrs who were getting ready to perform a their up to are shot.  " I don't think so!", I shouted and ran towards the Raimon goalpost.  Once they kicked the ball I felt a small breeze brush by my face. I quickly  zdashed towards the ball, and did a back flip, causing my ankle to hit the ball.
I was able to feel my body was absorbing the power that seeped out of the ball. ' Power! Power! I need more!', that sentence kept repeating in my mind, as I felt my body absorbing the last energy of the ball. " Haha it pinned down!", I cheered, pinning the ball to the floor, and giving the three member of Epsilon an evil smirk, before passing the ball to Hurley, but after dribbling the ball half of the field, he  fell to his knees, and started breathing heavily.
" Get up Hurley! ", I yelled, as I saw small purple shadows emerged from my hands, and slowly started spreading through my body. He took one glass at me, before quickly standing up, and using his last aounce of energy to make along pass to Sue and Tori who used their new move 'Butterfly trance', but it failed against Darsem. I looked at my hands in horror, they had purple lines carving though them, and dark, purple shadows forming around them. " Are you okay Jane?", I shoved my hands into my pockets, and turned to Jude, and replied, " Yeah! Why?".
" You acted weird a few minutes ago, but I guess it was nothing", He said walking away. I sighed in relief, and pulled my right hand out of my pocket, and falshbacks kept popping into my mind , " Dont ever sell yourself to the poison, it can make you cross your limits",  then another one came, the time when Torch gave me that beautiful red tulip, and then the time I bumped into Gazel for the first time, all those memories kept flashing in my mind. I finally snapped from my thoughts when I heard the referey announce Darsem changing his position to midfield. My eyes moved to my hands, which had suddenly changed to normal again.
" You! I gonna bring you down!" , I raised my head, and met Darsem's crimson eyes. "We will see", I said obediently, and smiled innocently at him, before walking away.
" You will not hide the fact that you are connected to Alias Academy from your teammates forever, are you?", his words stopped me in my tracks,
' He knows as well?! '. I turned around to face him, with a serious face, and said , " Dont you ever say that again", I warned, and walked back to my position as forward. " Are you okay Jane?", I looked at Sue and gave her a reassuring smile, and said,
" I have no idea how I will hide this any longer thats all".
" You just have to believe that darling and the others will accept you for who you are", she said, while patting my shoulder. I took a deep breath and looked at Shawn, who sat at the bench, lost in his thoughts.
" I have to do this! For Shawn!", I cheered, and gave Sue a tight hug.
" I am lucky to have a friend like you!", I complemented, letting go of Sue, and giving her a toothy smile. " Any time girl!", she replied hitting my shoulder lightly.

           As the game proceeded, things became bad, with Darsem as midfielder, we were barely able to touch the ball, everyone was focusing on defense, but it was no use, Darsem kept scoring into the goal easily. I just stood there with shock running through my mind, ' This cannot be happening!'. My body was filled with pain and sorrow, even though I did not have a single scratch on my skin I looked at Darsem as he dashed passed everyone, leaving them lying on the floor, with unlimited scratching, and bruises.
"I have to have a meaning to be here!", I quickly ran towards Darsem who just shoot the ball towards the goal. The unbearable pain, spreaded through my body, as I tried blocking his shot, but I ended up stumbling to the ground, with the feeling of guilt buried into my heart. My vision was a little blurry, but I was able to notice everyone staring at a boy, who seemed to me like he had light, blond hair, two pairs of black eyes, he wore a light, orange hoodie, and simple blue jeans, he was the last thing I saw, before everything went black.

Guess what happens next!
A) Something Good
B) Something bad
C) Normal

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