Chapter 4 -- Part 1

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Mark's POV. . .
           "Everyone one I have news about Royal!", all of our faces turned to Cellia who stood at the entrance of the club with her notebook in the air.
" I bet Royal won", I suggested with a smile.
" No Mark, they lost to Zues Junior ", She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. " What?!", All of the team shouted in disbelief at Cellia. ' Jude and Jane  . . . . Lost? . . No it's a lie! ' . I stood up, and stormed out of the club house, and heading to royal academy.

Jane's POV . . .
               I slowly opened my eyelids , and sat up from my lying position.
" Ahh!", I grabbed my arm, and closed my eyes tightly.
" You shouldn't push yourself" ,I slowly opened my eyes and looked across the room.
" Joe? David?", I stared at them surprised as I noticed them sitting on white hospital beds, similar to mine.
" How did we end up here?", I asked turning my hands to fists.
"We lost the game , and our injuries were quite bad", my face turned to a frown as I listened to Joe's words.
" As much as we know, Raimon eleven is playing against against Zues Junior", the anger faded away slowly  as I thought of Mark's determination.
' I have to see Mark' . I removed the silk blankets, and started walking to the door.
" What are you doing? You are in no condition to walk around!", I ignored David's and Joe's shouting , and walked out of the door.

Torch's POV . . .
            I went to the hospital to check out on Jane, but turns out she ran away!
' What is wrong with her?! Doesn't she know that she is seriously hurt?!' I ran to every place I expected her to be at the riverbank, and her home, but I wasn't able to find her. I decided to go to her academy, and try searching for her one more time, and luckily, I spotted her orange hair as it swayed in the direction of the soccer field. I ran after her, and noticed her standing behind a wall, and stocking  the captain of Royal ,Jude, and the captain of Raimon ,Mark .
" What's going on?", I asked myself.

Jane's POV . . .
           I walked behind the wall and saw Mark, and Jude staring at each other from opposite sides of the field. I was about to run towards them, but a sharp pain struck in my stomach . I held it tightly, wishing the pain to go away. Suddenly , a hand was on my shoulder , I turned around quickly expecting the worst, but it was only Torch.
" You shouldn't scare me like that!", I shouted in a low voice. He smiled a little until he noticed my hands around my stomach.
" You shouldn't have left the hospital", I frowned at his words, and looked at the ground to avoid his stare.
" Why do you ca--", He stopped me from talking by hugging me out of nowhere. My thoughts were lost, and I had no idea how to respond to his strange actions.
" I was worried about you . . . Jane", I felt my face flush red with embaresment as he tightened his grip around me. He finally let go of the hug, and looked me in the eyes.
"You will be mine, and no one else's", my  eyes went wider . He slowly started kneeling in, as my heart got lost from confusion .
'What should I do?! What should I do?!' . I wasn't unable to move, my body was so stiff,  but my legs managed to walk backwards, but just my luck , I tripped, and started falling towards the ground. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the impact, but it never came.
" Ahh!" ,  heard Torch's voice of pain , and slowly opened my brown orbs which were met with Torch's sun-like eyes. I was at lost of words, his face was too close to mine, as we lied on the cold metal floor. " I am sorry!", I bursted closing my eyes again, and a shad of red appearing on my cheeks. I tried getting off of him but my body was weak, including the fact that he pushed me back down to his chest. My face got even more reddish when his breath brushed on my face.
" Your really cute when you blush", I sealed my eyes shut trying not to burst, until I heard Jude's voice.
" Who's there?", I heard his footsteps come closer, I could tell that Torch was annoyed, by his sour expression.
" Lets go", I heard him whisper before I felt my body being lifted. Slowly, and gently I opened my eyes, and noticed him carrying me bridel style.
" Hold on tight!We are going to have a run", once he started running, I unconsciously gripped his shirt.
'Now that I think of it, this is the first time I have seen him not wearing his soccer uniform ' . I turned my gaze to his face, the way his reddish hair swayed in front of his eyes, and the sun that shone on him made him look like a person who you can only see in a dream. His eyes met mines ,and had a glow of happiness was shining in them, but it didn't last long as he looked back at the street. Everyone was staring at us as we passed by them.
"W-where are we going?", I asked nervously, my grip on his shirt became tighter, as I bit the bottom of my lip.
" I was going to take you to the hospital, but I think taking you to your home is better", he said placing a smile on his face as he ran to my home. ' Wait! I never had a boy in my room except my brother! This is going to be a weird day for me'. I signed expecting the worst. Torch noticed my nervousness,  and kissed the top of my head.' My heart might explode from this! First, Gazel kisses me, and two Torch is going to be in my room today! Is this a nightmare or a dream?!' .

          After a while of awkwardness , we finally reached the doorstep of my home, and I was finally standing on my two feet.
"Mom! I am home!", I knocked at the door a few times before my mom opened the door .
" I thought you were in the hospital?", She asked  with a worried face.
" Well I am here now!", I said giving her a fake smile.
' I still hate the fact that we lost the game'. " And who is this cute boy? ". I gave my mom a look that says 'You shouldn't get any dirty thoughts'. I grabbed Torch's wrist, and dragged him to my room which was on the second floor.
" So this is your room". We walked into my room still holding hands. It wasn't really tidy , my favourite picture was beside my window, it had a wooden frame, and in the photo were me, Shawn, and Aidan. The rest of the room was decorated with things related to soccer. I lied on my bed head first, exhausted from everything that has happened. I felt something heavy on my back. Lazily, I pulled my head out of the pillow, and looked at my back. My mouth dropped open seeing Torch laying his head on my back, and his arms rapped around my waist. I tried pulling away, but he kept pulling me backwards, until his chin was on my head. ' Okay he is over doing It!' . My blood started boiling.
" That's enough!"  , I turned my hole body and pushed him away.
" What's wrong with you?!" , I was so mad. He seemed to realize what he did, and hid his head in shame.
' He really doesn't think before he acts' . I sighed happily remembering how similar his actions are to Aidan's. I hugged him with a tint of pink on both our faces. My body relaxed as he hugged back with a small smile of relief. "Sorry", he said rubbing my back.

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