Chapter 40 °●Valentine●°

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Jane's POV . . .

        A day has passed since I recklessly played with Raimon against the Dark Emperors, I had no idea what happened after I passed out. Sue visited my home yesterday, but she refused to tell me anything. After that, I ignored everything, and thought about what to give Gazel for Valentine.

         I slumped in my bed fearing that my Valentine gift was not good enough for Gazel.
" Life is so complicated", I complained, slapping my innocent pillow childishly. A soft knock was heard from my bedroom door, as I moaned, while rolling on my round, red bed. Once the door opened, I quickly grabbed my pillow, and threw it in the door's direction, not wanting to deal with anyone. I cuddled into the bed sheets, when I heard someone moan loudly.
" Jane! Why did you do that?", I felt completely embaressed to hear Torch's voice. ' I actually threw the pillow at him? What an idiot I am', I thought to myself, as I covered my head with the silk blankets.
" Oi! Wake up!", I sat up, and looked at Torch sleepy eyes.
" It's too early in the morning! Why are you here?", I asked crawling out of my bed, and slipped my feet into a pair of white sandals. Loud foot steps were heard from the stair case, I moved my eyes to the door, and felt stunned to see Gazel standing beside Torch while gasping for air, with a white bag in his hand.
" Thought I felt you sleeping, what a shame", Torch said, looking at Gazel cheaply.
" I hate you", Gazel replied, between loud gasps, and pointed his finger at Torch' s back, and added,
" Don't even think about giving her that!".
" Give what?" , I asked, brushing my smooth hair with a silver brush.
They both narrowed their eyes at each other, before slowly walking towards me.
I placed my brush on the window beside the crimson tulip, and looked at the boys in confusion. They both grabbed one of my wrists, and started tugging them monstrously, which was extremely painful for me.
"Oi! She is mine Ice Princess!", Torch growled at Gazel, gripping my wrist tighter.

"Shut up Tulip Head! ", Gazel shouted, pulling my wrist, until a tear rolled down my cheek, because of the unbearable pain.
"Please it hurts a lot!", I shouted, while struggling to free myself from their grip. They both seemed astonished, and pulled their hands away from my wrists, with guilt showing on their faces.
"Sorry, I lost it for a minute ", Gazel apologized, looking down at the ground, and taking a few steps backwards. I rubbed both of my red wrists, and looked at the two boys with disappointment.

" Can you please explain what's wrong?", I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible, and waited patiently for one of them to answer.
" It's not fair", Torch mumered, avoiding any eye contact with me.
" No, your just jealous", Gazel added, making a clicking sound with his tongue. Signs of anger started to appear on Torch's face, as he walked towards Gazel, so I quickly stood between them to stop the incoming fight. They looked at me with stupified expressions, and waited for me to say something.
" I still don't understand anything!" I shouted, annoyed about being the most clueless person. Gazel, and Torch eyed each other angerly, before looking at me again.
" Do you love Gazel?", Torch asked suspiciously, as he stared at me with his golden, soul piercing eyes. I hesitated to speak, so let out a loud sigh, and answered, " Y-yes". I looked at him straight in the eye, and he moaned loudly in annoyance.
" How could you like that Emo!", he shouted, grabbing my shoulders, and shaking me madly. Luckily for me, Gazel grabbed his arm, and dragged him out of the room, before locking the door.
" That takes care of him", Gazel said, with a small sigh escaping his lips. He walked towards me with a kind smile, and brushed the strands of my her behind my ear.
" I am really glad you said that",  he said, finally removing his hand from behind his back, revealing a gorgeous, blue, heart shaped box, covered with shimmering glitter, and had a simple white ribbon tied around it.
" T-this is?" , I could not believe what was happening, and stared at the box, as he handed it to me.

    Gazel's POV . . .

          "For the girl who saved me from the dark", I replied, grabbing her wrist, unlocking the bedroom door, and walking out of the room, while giving Torch a pat on his back. He looked at me with  confusion, but I simply smiled at him. I dragged Jane out of the mansion, and through the town's streets, until we reached the park.
" We are nearly there", I said, as I dragged Jane into the cheerful area, and past the happy families, and friends.
" Gazel, where are we going?", she asked, as she tried to keep up with me.
" If your going to keep asking questions, it will take much more time", I stopped walking, and lifted her bridle style, and broke into a run.
" Are you crazy?! ", I noticed her hugging the box of chocolate, and tugging my hoodie with a dark blush on her face.
" We are here", I said, stopping in front of a blue pond, which was diverted with lilly pads, and silver coloured fish. I spotted a wooden bench, beside me, and placed Jane on it to rest.
" You could have at least allowed me to change from my casual clothes", she complained, looking at her simple white shirt, and blue jeans.
" It doesn't matter anymore", I replied, sitting beside her, and stared at the view in front of me.
" Thank you", I turned my attention back to her, as she traced the edges of the heart-shaped box.
" Open it", I advised, looking at the glossy pond again. I was able to hear the sound of the lid open, and felt a small smile sprout on my face, when I heard her cute gasp.
" GAZEL!!", she tackled me into a hug, and shoved a piece of chocolate into my mouth. I chewed it slowly, and enjoyed the sweet taste of strawberry jam, as it seeped out of the chocolate cracks. Once I swallowed it, I gave Jane a kind smile.
" It sweet, just like you", I cupped her cheeks in my hand, and gave her a deep, caring kiss, filled with love, and passion. I felt my heart melt from its frozen state, and I could feel only joy crossing my mind, but it was interrupted by loud mumeres. I broke the kiss, and looked at the source of interruption, Jane followed my stare, and we spotted, a group of girls whispering things into each other's ears, and narrowing their eyes at Jane.
" Lets go somewhere else", I suggested. The innocent girl obeyed, and closed the box of sweets, and we both left the joyful park, but it did not last long until I noticed the girl's from before, walking behind us. I looked at Jane from the corner of my eyes, and she seemed to notice. Sadly, they made a move.
" Excuse me, do you know where I could find the 'Sweet and Delights shop?", she asked, licking her bottom lip.
" That will be on the seventh street", Jane said, giving the girl a fake smile, and intertwining her fingers with mine. The other girl gave her a threatening glare, and stepped closer to Gazel with a smirk on her face.
" Do you want to come with me?", she flirted, as she reached out for my hair, but before she could even touch me, I slapped her hand away, and pulled Jane closer.
" I already have plans", I replied, calmly walking away from the blond girl, and dragging Jane behind me. As we walked back to the mansion, none of us spoke a word to each other.
" Sorry ", I mumbled, while looking at the ground with a sad face.
" It's fine really, don't let things like that get to you!", the teen girl cheered, and gave my cheek a quick kiss. A weak smile form on my lips, and I could not help, but look at her with sleepy eyes.

        Once we arrived at the mansion, we were greeted by Jane's mother. For some reason, Torch went back to the orphanage when me, and Jane were going out.

      A loud sigh escaped my lips, and I flopped down on Jane's bed completely exhausted, and before I knew it, sleepness took over.

Jane's POV . . .

         I sat on the edge on the bed, and covered Gazel with several crimson blankets, and stared at his peaceful, sleeping face, and caressed his bangs away from his forehead. Suddenly, I remembered my Valentine gift to him, and scurried to my closet, and pulled a chain necklace, that had a black, and white football dangling from it. I placed the necklace in his hand, and whispered, " Happy Valentine Gazel". I placed a soft kiss on his forehead, and slipped under the bed sheets next to him.
" Happy Valentine Jane", my hazel eyes were locked with his teal ones, and before I knew it, he gave my lips a quick kiss, before rapping his arms around  me, and cuddling me closer to his chest.
" Mine", he whispered into my ear, as I slowly drifted into a deep sleep, with a satisfied smile on my lips.

Happy Valentine Everyone!
Keep your heads up! I will make a Book 2 for Weapon Or Game!
See ya soon!

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