Chapter 18 -- Part two

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Nelly's POV . . .

" Are you sure she is coming Nelly?", Celia asked, as we watched the Raimon Eleven practice on the Sandy field.
" Don't worry if she doesn't come back for practice . . . She will probably come when coach gets the caravan", I said calmly, with my eyes locked on the field.
" Yeah your right! She is a tough person in the end!", Celia cheered positively, and looked back at the team.

Torch's POV . . .

         Ten minutes have passed since me and Jane got rid of the damen gangsters, and we had a change of plans, instead of going back to the Raimon eleven, we headed to her aunt's house, but the awkward silence made me quite pissed.
" Umm that guy . . Flesh . . He rapped his arm around your neck tightly . . Is it okay?", I asked worriedly, trying to make up a conversation.
" It is nothing like what you went through", she said with a hint of regret in her voice.
" Don't put it all on yourself, these wounds are nothing, do you know why I was able to beat him?", I asked teasingly, puffing my chest proudly. Jane raised her head, and asked, " How?"
           A smile sprouted on my mouth, " Because I am the strongest!", I said boastfully, I looked at her from the corner of my eyes, and spotted her making an annoyed expression, before smiling in defeat.
" Your are surely arrogant ", she said, chuckling a little.
" Its time I heard that laugh ", I said gleefully. I spotted her blinking a little before, her arms stiffened a little.
" We're here!", she said joyfully, point in to a large, red summer house that had two fancy cars in front of it.
" Are you okay?", she asked, poking my cheeks playfully.
" I nearly forgot your rich that all", I said giggling awkwardly, ' I hope she doesn't think I offended her!', I thought anxiously. " Hey don't think you offended me, it actually makes me happy that you like me for being myself", she said, with a jolly voice.
" How can you tell?", I asked startled .
" Lets take later! We have to clean your wounds, before they get infected", she said jumping off my back. " Come on!", she grabbed my wrist, and walked to the doorstep. " Hello! Auntie!", she shouted excitedly, and knocked on the door repeatedly.
" Coming! Coming!", the door made a creaking sound, and a women walked out, her hair was light brown, and bright green eyes. She was in her sleeping gown , which touched the ground. " Jane? I thought you were in Inazuma town? And why are your clothes dirty? Why is there a boy with you?!", she asked shocked. " Long story!", she pushed passed her aunt limping a little, and dragged me behind her. She opened one of the doors from the long hallway, and turns out that the door led to her bedroom. " Sit!", she said, and forced me ot and on her bed. ' I don't like being told what to do', I thought, as I got a bit annoyed. Jane walked over to a brown, wooden chest that was in the corner of the room. She held the hazel chest and sat beside me. " This might hurt", she warned , opening the lid of the alcohol, and poring it onto the fluffy cottonball. " Ready?", she asked nervously. I bit my lip, and closed my eyes as I felt the alcohol burn, against my cheek.
" I am nearly done, so stop moving!", I heard Jane say angerly. The pain was quickly replaced by something fluffy. I slowly opened my eyes again,
" Is it done?", I asked painfully. " We still have your legs, and arms", she said seriously. ' That's it! I am sick of her strange attitude! Her tone is exactly like Gazel's! Monotone!'. Without thinking, I grabbed her wrist , and pushed her backwards,
" Can you please stop with that monotone voice?! Your driving me crazy!", I shouted madly, I quickly noticed what I did , and got off her. " Sorry", I apologised with shame filling my mind. " It not your fault, I was just really worried that I acted not even knowing your annoyed", she said standing up, and brushing off the dust. " But--", I wanted to reject, but she pressed her index finger against my lips, and stopped me from talking. " Don't even think about rejecting", she said smiling kindly. ' She is too kind sometimes', I thought as I watched her clean her wounds.
" Your really strange . . . You know ", I said and rubbed the bandage that she had placed on my cheek. She looked at me once, and looked back at her wound. " Well I don't usually care since everyone says that as an offence, but hearing it from you makes it sound like a compliment", she said , and bandaged the wound on her arm. I blinked at little at her words, and took the cotton ball from her hand.
" Well if you don't mind, will you continue mandating my wounds? ", I said, with a smile on my beaten face. " Until you say sorry", she said smirking, and folded her arms. " So you do have a mean side", I commented , placing the ball of cotten on my scratched knee, and winced from feeling the burn.
" Fine ! I will help you with your wounds, but your going to clean them not me, I will just show you", she stated, and placed her hand on top of mine.
" One, you should not press it , and two spread it gently", she is instructed, moving my hand. I would since once or twice when doing it myself, but I soon got the hand of it.

We were finally done, but we were about to leave, Jane's aunt asked did not allow us until Jane explained, about me being her friend, and how we got attacked by those gangsters. " Your aunt is as tough as you", I commented as we walked across the streets. " At least she is not arrogant as you", she said defensively, and bumped her shoulders with mine. I shrugged, and continued walking. " And now your acting stubborn ", I heard Jane tease from behind. " Hahaha so funny Jane, I bet Gazel can do better", I shot back smirking. " Ha! You just complemented Gazel! I will make sure to tell him! ", she said pointing her index finger at me, and acting shocked.
" That's if you survive me!", I shouted, before tickling her stomach.
"Stop!Stop! Please! I take back what I said!", she pleaded between laughs.
" If you come and practice with me for a short time", I betted tickling her even more. " Fine! Just Stop!", she begged with tears of laughter forming in her eyes. I raised my hands in the air and stopped tickling her, and waited for her to catch her breath, before grabbing her hand, and dragging her to a soccer field that we had just passed.

We practiced for a few minutes, and I was surprised by Jane's progress.
" Your ready?" I asked, as I dribbled the ball across the field.
" Come on pass it!", she called , as she increases her speed." Get it correct this time!", I cheered, and passed her the ball.

Jane's POV . . .

' I have to do it correctly this time! Torch believes in me! I can't let him down!' I thought as I kicked the ball with all passion, and power.

" Go in already!", I shouted , as I watched the white wolf appear behind it, but the unexpected happen, it started changing into a night--blue Alpha. My mouth dangled open as I watched it break directly through the goal.
" You did it! ", I looked over at Torch, who ran towards me, and tackled me into a hug.
" You were amazing! But you still have to work harder to become as strong as me!", he said boastfully, and pointed his index finger to himself. I giggled a little before remembering something,
" You said you were practicing a special hissatsu technique . . So can you show me please!", I pleaded, intertwining my fingers together, and raising them in front of me.
" hmmm well I guess I will do that to award you for pinning that move of yours!", he agreed, picking the ball, and walking away from the goal.
" You might want to step away", he warned. I ran to the side of the field, and watched with my eyes sparkling with excitement. " Here it goes!", he cheered, and dribbled the ball with incredible speed! He kicked the ball, and jumped after it, once his shoes touched the ground. " Atomic Flare!", He yelled, and kicked the ball. I was too surprised to say anything, and just stood there with my jaw open. " So?", Torch asked walking to me.
" T-That was Amazing!", I bursted, jumping up and down.
" I told you I am the strongest ", he said, puffing his chest.
" Enough showing off! ", I sighed, but the sound of my phone ringing snapped my excitement. " Hello?", I asked, waiting for the caller to answer.
" Jane were are you?! The coach got the caravan, and you still did not come!", Nelly shouted from the phone. " Sorry I just had an accident!", I excused myself. " Well come back! Quickly!", she shouted before she ended the call.
" Trouble with mangers?", I looked back at Torch and nodded.
" Well no time to waste!", he said, cradling my hand and leading me back to the Inazuma caravan.

And That's a wrap guys !
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