Chapter 2

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Mark's POV . . .
          'A few weeks have passed since me and Jane would meet up, and practice, but because the Raimon eleven had been progressing alot I wasn't able to meet with her. 'I have to focuse on our next game against
Shuriken Junior High'. I slapped my cheeks bringing my attention back to the practice . " Get ready Mark here it comes . . Dragon Crash!". ' Jane will want me to win!' I thought .
" God Hand!"

Jane's POV . . .
I sat on the bench and carefully watched Royal practice.
" Hey Jane" I turned to the low, familar voice, and sighed.
" Ow it's you Jude", I looked at him carelessly,and then back to the team. Honestly, I never got along with Jude since day one! Everyone keeps telling me to know him better, but what's the difference? He is still the same team captain who thinks he is the best in the world.
" Listen as much as you hate me, I was wondering if you could join the team?". I turned back to him with a frown in my face.
" Why are you asking me anyway, from the first day we met and I told you no! So way try?" I felt my blood boil as I tried controlling my temper.
' He is just trying to show off like he is the best as usual ', I thought.
" Listen it wasn't me who made the idea of you joining, it was the team who volunteered" My eyes went wide at his words. ' Why will the team choose Me? A girl ? ' , I wondered, raising my eyebrow at him.
" They said they watched you everyday when you trained at the river bank, so are you in or out?" . I stared at him for a while , and looked back at all the players as sweat dropped from their forehead because of the training.
" I am in" I said closing my eyes in satisfaction, and smirking at my answer. Jude gave me a similar smirk and stretched his hand for me to shake. I stood up and accepted his hand with a smile on my face. It took me a while till I noticed all the team members were around us.
" Well Jane, you are officially a member of Royal" , I smiled happily at everyone and they smiled back as well. ' These guys might be able to overcome my dark past. Watch me Shawn and Aidan, I will make you proud' .

Gazel's POV . . .
I stood on the roof of Royal Academy, and watched team Royal practice as usual, but this time there was a new member , her hair was a sunset orange with blond lines running through them, and a snowfalke hairpin was attached to her hair. Her eyes were coco brown as she ran with the ball, she looked so happy that I didn't notice I was smiling. Torch looked at me with his eyebrow up.
" You know it is weird seeing you smiling" He said with a confused look. I quickly noticed what I am doing and whipped the smile from my face.
" I don't know what your talking about Torch ", I gave him the cold shoulder and kept staring at the girl as she practiced with the team. Torch studied my face trying to figure out something , and looked back at the team with a smirk.

" I know what your getting at Gazel, but you know I will race you to that girl for sure" I turned back to Torch , and a frown replaced my once calm face.
" You know we have more important things to do than fight over a girl" ,I walked away from him and activated my ball causing a bright light to appear as I disappeared from view, leaving Torch on the roof by himself.

I slammed my room door closed with anger. ' Why do I feel like this? I am the captain of Diamond dust I should have cold blood not Feelings! ' . I gripped my fists tightly with anger and confusion.
" Maybe I should just take a walk, and calm my nerves".

Jane's POV . . .
"HEY Jane! I thought your house is this Way. Where are you GOING?", I giggled a little at Joseph's quistion and gave him a childish smile.
" I am going for a small walk you and David go ahead" I didn't wait for him to respond, and ran away leaving them no option but to go without me.

I kept running none stop across the dirt path until I bumped into someone accidently.
" Ouch, I am really sorry! " I rubbed my forehead with my hand and, but someone grabbed it and moved it away from my face.
" You shouldn't rub it or it will get worse". I raised my head, and my eyes were met with cold, turquoise ones. They looked so cold blooded but his voice was a little soft.
" I am really sorry!" I apologized nervously. His face was too close to me, so I jumped from my crouching position, and walked to the river bank with small butterflys in my stomach. ' Why do I feel like this?' I ignored the feeling once I reached the football field that was beside the bridge. I walked towards it, and noticed a few kids playing there, with each one of them having an innocent smile on their faces. I sat on a bench looking at the little kids and remembering how me, Aidan and Shawn used to play. A faint smile appeared on my face as I remembered my childhood.
" Are you okay?". I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the person beside me.
" Your the boy I bumped into on my way here!" I felt a faint blush appearing on my face as I remembered the event.
" Your head is still okay? Right?" .
" Well I --", He didn't let me continue by putting his hand on my head.
" Does it hurt?", I opened my mouth but no words came out. His white hair brushed on his face as he came closer.
" You don't hate me do you?", It was hard for me to answer, but for some reason I answered.
" N-no", His smile was small, but it was enough to make me blush.
" There you are Gazel! ", I quickly moved my face away , and turned my attention to the voice. There was a boy with a redish hair standing behind us, his eyes were yellow gold, and his mouth was curved into a smile.
" I told you I will not let you get her Gazel", I turned back to Gazel who had a small blush on his face. " Why are you here anyway?", His voice turned cold but the boy with red hair kept smiling.
" You must be Jane I watched you train today quit impressing" he complemented . ' Wait this guy was watching me? .
" Then I guess you are a soccer fan as well?", I asked, as Ifelt my face turn a little red , and I guess he noticed it because his eyes went wide for a minute.
" I-I guess so . . . Anyway my name is Torch, and the guy you were talking to now is Gazel" I turned back to Gazel who who had his hands in fists on his lap, and his eyes gazing at the ground. " Gazel?", He wasn't answering , he just stood up, and started walking away." Maybe, I am not needed here", his face was gloomy, and his voice was cold. " Gazel wait!", My body moved unconsciously, and I ended up hugging him from behind. My face was a red tomato, as I buried my face in his back. " Please don't go", My voice was like a child calling for her father. ' Why am I acting like this with someone I just met?' . He slowly laid his hands on mines , and moved them away from him.
' This is wrong, so wrong!' . He turned around and looked at me with emotionless eyes, as I held my head down in shame. Torch just stood there observing the scene infront of him with his hand in his pockets. For some reason I wanted to cry from embaresment, but something cold touched my chin and held it up, my eyes were so wide they could pop, once I noticed Gazel's lips were pressed against mine. Me hreat wouldn't stop beating, and my cheeks won't stop burning. Our lips parted away, and it flew like a dream for a second before I noticed what just happened. My legs felt weak, but I was still able to stand. I touched my lips with my index finger trying to think straight. Gazel noticed what he did and backed away way with a nevous expression on his face.
" Don't fool yourself Jane, because I will win you next time", Me and Gazel turned our attention to Torch who picked the ball, and plastered a smirk on his face. " Lets play Soccer for now", he suggested, lightning up the atmosphere. I blinked a few times at his invitation before answering.
" Alright", my voice was starting to gain it's confidence slowly.
" Yeah sure", Gazel said ,giving Torch the cold shoulder. I was able to make a small smile appeared on my face from Torch's words. " Lets get going then", he cheered He kicking the ball into the field, and motioning us to follow.
' He really knows how get rid of awkward moments' I thought as I stole the ball, from him, successfully." Not bad, from a girl", I smirked at his compliment, and preformed my usual move. " Lightning Strike!!!"

That's it for this Chapter !
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