Chapter 11

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Jane's POV .

           'As much as I regreted my dicision, I was really happy. It was kind if hard to get along with the others, but Nathan, Shawn , and Mark were always there to back me up. I felt a little guilty leaving David to manage Royal in his poor condition, but he kept encouraging me on joining the Inazuma caravan, and soon I had no choice but to go', I sighed remembering all the events the led me to here.
" That's the tenth time you have sighed in an hour" , Nathan said crossing his arms.
" Well this is new to me", I said and looked back at the window.
" How long is it going to take to reach the next academy?" , I asked out of curiosity. " About a few hours maybe", he said daydreaming .
" Is this bus that slow come on I am completely bored!" , I jumped out of my seat impaciently and started tickling his stomach.
" Hahaha! Stop! Please! Haha haha!", I stopped tickling his stomach and waited for him to catch his breath. " Now it's your turn!", he shouted , but I quickly caught both of his wrists and stopped him from reaching my stomach. " I don't think so" , I replied smirking. I didn't notice that both of us were standing. Suddenly the bus stopped, and I ended up stumbling to the ground with Nathan on top of me.My face heated up quickly once I felt our lips touching. He quickly backed away wishing no one noticed, but unluckly, we spotted Sue taking pictures from the back seat. I quickly stood up and tried grabbing her phone, but she was standing on her seat, and waving her phone in the air.
" Hey guys! Check it out! I found the cutest couple!", I felt so embaressed that I turned my face to the window, and felt everyone gasp at the photo Sue took of me and Nathan. " It was just an acedeint", I whispered and buried my head in my arms.
" Well it was an accident Sue, you shouldn't jump into conclusions so suddenly", everyone turned to Nelly who sat in the front seat with her arms crossed, and eyes closed.
" She does have a point you should delete that photo", Selvia agreed while looking at Sue.
" Alright fine I will delete it", a sigh of relief escaped my lips when Sue finally deleted the picture.
" Umm Jane?", I turned to the seat beside me, and noticed Nathan hiding his face with his bangs.
" I am s-sorry ", he apologized and looked down in shame.
" Its okay", I said and placed my hand on his shoulder.
" We are friends! That's the only thing that matters" , I said trying to act as calm as possible. He just gave me one of his bright smiles, and nodded his head in agreement.

Not more than an hour passed, and I noticed the streets getting a little more crowded.
" Their are quite a lot of people", I said surprised as we passed the stores and shops. I kept gazing at the people and stores, everything was so lively, it's a shame I don't have any time to walk around and explore the place.
" We are here!" , coach Lina said as the caravan entered the gates of
Fouxshore Juniour, it seemed quite a normal High school, unlike me, being in Royal academy was something else completely. Once the caravan stopped, we all walked out, and examined the place. Mark, Nelly, and the coach went to the principles office, as for the forest of us, we just sat, and waited patiently, but my patients was short, so I pulled my ball out of my bag, and headed to the field.
" I don't think we can go Jane ", Nathan said holding my shoulder and stopping me from walking.
" Well it's better than doing nothing", I replied annoyed , and removed his hand.
" If you want to join you are more than welcome", with that I left Nathan to take his decision , and ran to the field.

          I placed the ball in front of me, and looked at the goal with my hands on my waist. " There is nothing better than a practice!", I removed all of the scary things that have been happening, including Xzavier's warning, and took a deep breath. I gave the ball a quick kick and started dribbeling it across the field, it was such an amazing feeling to play soccer again after all the stress.
" Here it comes!", I shouted, and raised my leg preparing for a shoot.
' Please work this time!', I begged myself , and kicked the ball with full force, as usual the wolf would appear behind the ball, then disappear. I sighed , and went after the ball. For the past twenty-five minutes I spent my time practicing that shoot, but sadly no luck. " Jane! Come over hear!" , my face lit up hearing Mark's voice. ' Its time he came back'. I picked my ball and ran over to him , and the rest of the team. I was kind of surprised once I noticed a couple of other guys standing in front of Mark. " Who are they?", I asked surprised. "We're the school's soccer team", one of the boys said, who I guessed was the captain.
"Come over here Daren! Didn't you say you were a big fan of Mark Evans". A boy with a long, orange sleeve shirt walked strangely towards Mark with an irritated face. "I-it's n-nice to meet you!" , he said nervously. Mark blinked a little, he just smiled and streched his hand for a handshake. Daren seemed a really nervous, th at even his face was red, he shock Mark's hand up and down like it was the most amazing thing he has touched.
" I will never wash my hand again", he said giggling. I felt my eyes widen once I spotted Xavier from the corner of my eye, standing at the roof with his green eyes locked at Mark and me. A chill ran down my spine.
" Why cannot he disappear already?" , I asked myself finally turning to his direction , and giving him an unwelcoming glare.
" Are you okay Jane?" , I turned to Tori who was looking at me suspiciously.
" U-uh it nothing", I said , and took one more glance at the roof, but Xavier was already gone.
" Hey Tori, I am gona go to the bathroom for a while okay?", she one of her eyebrows . I didn't wait for her to answer, and started running to the school building. As much as I hated to lie to one of my teammates, I had no choice, there is no way I could just tell her my relations with alias academy. I went up the stairs, but it seemed that climbing the stairs would take longer than I thought. Finally, I was able to make it to the top of the roof, but I was nearly out of the breath.
" Already tiered? Maybe your not as amazing as you seemed as in your game against Raimon ", Xavier's voice right behind me, I heard his footsteps inch closer with every second, but I felt my throat run dry when I felt his breath brush onto my ear. I kept my stiff face on even though I felt a smile curve on his face.
" So what is your answer?", his tone sounded like a wild creature, he was different, not the same smooth attitude when I first met him. He cut my thoughts with a small giggle. I had no idea what was wrong with him, but I was not going to let him get in the way of my decision.
" I am sorry but --" , before I could give him my answer, he grabbed my shoulder , and turned me around, forcing me to face him.
" Its kind of harsh to give me an answer without saying it without looking at the person who is talking to you", he said playing with a strand of my hair.

" It doesn't matter, I was going to turn down your invitation anyway", I said closing my eyes, but shot open once I felt something soft on my forehead. My eyes were wide , my mouth was dangling open, and the small force of wind made me feel so light . I wasn't able to believe what was happening, Xavier's lips where on my forehead.
' What the hell?! Two days ago this guy was threatening me and now he is acting completely different!' , I thought as he moved away from me.
" You should really stop thinking about how you met me before", he said looking offended.
" How -" , however he cut me off again .
" Your face said so", he said casually.
" Why are you like this?" , I asked not even thinking about any of the risks.
" Well for starters I am interested why Torch and Gazel think of you so highly" , he said shoving his hand in the pockets of his coat.
" They do?", I asked surprised. Xavier just smirked and looked back at Raimon as they practiced with Fouxshore.
" Your are in quite in an amazing team, I kind of envy you for it", he said and turned back to me.
" But didn't you choose to be part of Alias academy?", I asked confused.
" We don't get to choose", he said as if trying to hide something. I smirked at his reaction.
" As I thought, your not real alians", I said and started walking back to the stairs, but he quickly grabbed my wrist, and pulled me closer, causing me to bump into his chest.
" How do you know?", he said as I felt his eyes sink into mines. A small smile sprouted on my lips at his question.
" Torch and Gazel are also from alias academy, but the way I noticed was because how Torch acted with you, he knew your name even though you didn't introduce yourself when we first met, and since Gazel seems to be really close to Torch , and seemed to have known him for a long time so it was logical he was also from alias academy", I took a deep breath from the long speech, Xavier just stared at me impressed.
" That was smart of you", he said and placed his hand on my waist, I tried pushing him away, but he just brought me closer to me.
" I will admit that you are right that we are not alians, but we don't get to make our own choices, we are orphans who have been abandoned by our own parents", he words sent tears down my cheeks. He removed his hand from my wrist and whipped the tear from my cheek and placed it on his lips. " It is sweet", I took the chance and pushed him away.
" I gave you my answer my job is done", a few more tears ran down my cheeks, but I whipped them away.
" Even though you know your friends are from alias academy you still regect my offer" , he sighed .
" I am sorry Jane , but I can't stop what I am doing , it's not my choice", I noticed someone peaking at us from the door, but they ran away before I could notice them.
" I will give you some advice, trust someone and you will regret it", he advised. " Thanks, and no need to be sorry if it wasn't your choice", I ran back to the caravan, still thinking if want I did was wrong or correct.

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