Chapter 7

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Third's Person POV . . .

          A few days have passed since Jane, Joe, and David met the strange boy at the hospital, each one of then had their reasons for gaining power, but they all knew there will be a price, and that will be cutting all their ties with other people.

         Once they reached the harbour, their eyes lingered left and right as they searched for their new source of power. They kept searching, until they felt the ground shaking, and the walls of the buildings trembling. All three of them turned their attention to the sea where a huge metal building appeared.
They stood there unable to understand what just happened. A medium sized staircase appeared in front of them ,  and Caleb walked out of the building , and stood at the stairs with a necklace dangling from his index finger. " Are you going to stand there or come in?" He said , and motioned to Jane to come closer to him. She hesitated for a second before walking towards Caleb, and gave her friends one last look. The other two walked behind her knowing there is no going back.
           Day after day Jane, Joe, and David spent their time practicing under Ray Dark as they gained invensible power. Today was the day their practice finally paid off, they were going play Raimon, and prove that they were stronger and much more powerful.

Jane's POV

          " We have finally made it guys" I said to my two comrades who sat on the metal bench with their elbows on their knees. They had evil smirks spread on their faces, and their hair was more messey than usual. Their faces  quickly changed into a deep frown. I kept staring at the field's entrance as I heard foot steps echo. I turned back to David and Joe but noticed them standing on the pillairs that were placed on opposite sides of the field. I signed to myself, looked back at the entrance, and watched carefully as Caleb came with Mark and Jude behind him. Once Mark noticed me standing on the bench, his mouth was dangling open, and his eyes were filled with betrayal. Jude looked pissed seeing me, but even more when David and Joe jumped in front of him and Mark.  " It has been along time captain" ,my voice was sarcastic and mocking as I spoke, the only reaction Jude gave me was a glare.
" How could you follow Ray Dark?!", Jude shouted . My expretion didn't change . "You didn't express the feeling of losing Jude" , David said giving him a cold stare. Jude was at lost of words, he actually lost his teammates.
' What a shame' I thought to myself. " You kept winning victory after victory with Raimon! You didn't go through the feeling of lose Jude!", Joe said with his hands in fists. " You see Jude, we are tired of being the weak ones watching you" , I said walking between Joe and David. I glanced at Mark and saw the anger slowly rising in his eyes. " My hole life I wondered whether soccer was a Weapon Or Game, and I finally got my answer", I stopped talking for a minute and looked at Mark straight in the eyes, I was ready to tell my opinion for soccer. " It was meant to be a weapon of fear, hatred , and betrayal." I looked back at David as he kicked the ball at Jude. I took a step backwards , and shoved my hands in my pockets having nothing to say anymore. David kicked the ball again in Jude's direction, but before it could touch him, Mark jumped in front of it ,and blocked it with his face serious as ever.  " You probably forgot the meaning of soccer, so we are going to remind you by playing a game", my face's smirk grew at Mark's words. David was about to start babbling again ,but Caleb shutted him up . " Lets not reveal our arsenal to them" ,Caleb said with his hands on both Joe's and David's back, and walked out of the field leaving me, Jude and Mark. " Pity pity" I said, and giggled to myself. " How could you" , I turned my attention back to Jude whose voice had a hint of pain in his voice. "What about Shawn and Mark?!" , Jude's words kept running in my brain, and the image of Shawn and Aidan, but I shoved the image aside and looked back at Jude. " The only reason I had all thses connections was to gain power, nothing more" , my voice was nearly emotionless as Gazel's, and I was able to feel the flame in Jude slowly disappear. I waited a few seconds before turning on my heels, and walking in the same direction Caleb took Joe. As I walked away I thought of Gazel and Torch, feeling guilty of not telling them everything, but it was better than pulling them into her situation.
          It has been a few minutes since we started the game, Joe and David had already used their forbidden moves once, and now it was finally my turn. I ran right beside David, and made eye contact motionng him to pass the ball, he quickly kicked the ball in my direction,  I had the ball right in front of me. " Its time!" I shouted to myself, and ran in Mark's direction. Large spark of lightning surrounded me as I looked at Mark and Shawn. " Lets see how you have improved Shawn!" , I yelled with a mad smile across my face. I jumped in the air , there were black sparks of lightning surrounding the ball , and a huge black Alfa behind me. " Black Alfa!!!" ,black lightning turned around the ball as I kicked it in goal. I watched carefully as Mark used his skill
' Majin The Hand' . I was smirking to myself as I saw Mark fail blocking my shot, but suddenly, a  sharp pain was rapped around my body . I fell down on my knees and breathed heavily. "Jane!" , I slowly raised my face my,  and saw Jude kneeling beside me with his hand stretched out. The pain turned to anger, as I shoved Jude away from me.
" You saw that Jude? That was real power", I said and walked back to my position. The whistle blew again and the ball was with me. I ran across the field with Caleb and David to my right. " Its your David! Make it count!" ,I shouted and passed the ball to him . " Emperor Penguin number one!" My smirk grew on my face, but quickly vanished quickly once I noticed David screaming from unbearable pain, and he fell down in front of me head first.
"David!" My attention was turned to Joe who came running towards David with a pale face, and shock David who lied down unconscious. The colour drained from my face and I took a few steps back form the sudden shock. The building started shaking and helicopters surrounded it. Everything was going too fast for me to catch up, until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I tried looking at the person from the corner of my eye, hopping it was Gazel, but I was wrong, when I saw Shawn's crystal blue eyes. " We have to go Jane! " , I was in too much shock to answer him, my legs were weak , and my head was spinning. I fell to the ground hopeless and felt warm tears run down my cheeks. "Jane!" , I still didn't respond. " I am useless . . . I am not perfect ", my voice was shaky and weak as I looked at Shawn. I looked back at my surrounding, it was a nightmare.

Shawn's POV . . .

        She kept mumbling insult to herself. ' I am responsible for this, if I told her I was alive, she wouldn't have been like this'. I keeled in front of her, and hugged her out of reflex. " I am sorry" , I whispered in her ear trying k get rid of the guilt in my chest. "Shawn! Jane! We have to leave now!" ,shouted Mark from a boat. Me and Jane finally stood up and caught up with the rest of the team. ' Its my fault she is like this ' I thought as we watched the building sink into the clear blue sea.

Torch's POV . . .

          I was sitting in my room bored as hell with a red tulip in my hands.
" What's wrong with me?" , I asked myself. 'A few days has passed since I have seen Jane. I wasn't able to be in touch with her since we were trying to keep a low profile, the only news I got was when she joined a team called Royal Reducts, and about the injuries she and her two friends had from playing with forbidden moves, during their game against Raimon. At first I just wanted to beat Gazel , but now it feels much more different'
"She got you?", my head turned to the door, it was Trix, she was one of the members of genusis. " Why are you here?" , I asked completely pissed. ' There was never a time when I liked the members of genusis' .
" I just wanted to tell you that your thinking out loud" , she said giving me a bored face. My face flushed red.
" I feel bad for that poor girl who has a stupid boy who does not know his feelings for her", she said with a sarcastic tone, and walked out of my room.
'Is it true? Do I love Jane?'. Everything fell into place, I looked at the red tulip and ran out of the room ready to bust myself from our base . " I am coming Jane" , I whispered to myself.

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