Chapter 17 -- Part one

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           Apparently, the trip to Okinawa took a while on boat for some reason, but I was soon able to see the stunning island coming into view,  and honestly it seemed much more beautiful than the last time I visited it. I was gripping the raling of the boat, and stared at the island ahead of us.
" Did you come to this island  before Jane?", I turned to Willy, who stood beside me, and looked at the ocean with stars glowing from his eyes.
" Well yeah! I used to always jump into water,and swim for hours ", I answered without looking at him. The boat seemed to get closer to to island.
" You know a swim in the ocean after a long time would be fun!" , I was able to see his eye widen at my words.
" Wait don't tell me--" , before he can finish, I already took of my jacket, and jumped into the water. I couldn't care less if my uniform was going to get wet, I had my casual clothes to wear anyway. The water felt so cold and smooth, seeing the small fish, and dolphins felt amazing. I swam to the surface , I jumped out of the water as if it was the middle of spring.

Willy's POV . . .

             I looked at Jane with my eyes so wide, so that I felt that they can pop out any second, but what shocked me the most, was that she was laughing.
I twitched my eyes slightly, and my mouth stashed forming wired shapes.
" Your such an idiot!!!", I shouted. Just when those words slipped form my mouth, I fell from the boat , and crashed into the ocean's water.
'Damn it! I don't know how to swim!'.

Jane's POV . . .

        Everyone gathered at the railing of the boat once Willy fell into the water. I swam after him, but the real problem was that he was too heavy for me to carry, ' Curses! Why did boys have to be heavier than girls?!'. I kept pulling him to the surface, but it was no use, he was still heavy. Just when I was about to give up, a boy helped me pull him to the surface, and j was really glad when I noticed it was Hurley, thanks to him I was able to pull Willy to the sandy beach.

       " Man boys are heavy!", I said while stretching my stiff arms.
"  Hey mind telling me your name?", I looked up at Hurley, and gave him a threatening glare at his stupid question.
" Is that how you greet an old friend?", I asked , completly pissed off. He blinked a few times before slapping his head, finally knowing who I was.
" Sorry Jane!", he said, laughing nervously , while scratching his head.
" Jane! Willy!", we both turned to the voice that came from behind us, and I was relieved when I saw Mark and team running towards us.
" Are you and Willy alright?!", Mark bursted worriedly. A small smile appeared on my face at his question, I was about to answer his question, but I  noticed a familiar figure standing behind a stand of trees,p that were not that far. " Um I have to go somewhere ", I said, trying to keep a positive voice.
" Um okay, but where do you want to meet? ", Mark asked confused.
" Over there!", I replied, pointing to a field that was close to the stand of trees. Once he nodded his head, I ran to the figure between the trees, and luckly, the closer I got, the more I was able to notice the familiar physic of the figure. " It took you long to get here!", Torch said, tackling me into a hug.
" It has been a while", I said smiling brightly. " Hey Xavier told me about that poison, and about you ending up in the hospital", he said with his voice sounding a little sad.
" Come on! You know it takes more than that to bring me down!", I cheered him,and tightened the hug.
" I was really worried, but I guess that sapphire paid off", he said, nuzzelling his nose into my hair. His warm breath tickled me a little, and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, but unluckly, I failed. " What's so funny?", he asked, rasing his eye bordows, and breaking the hug .
" You just tickled me a little", I said , with a small shade of red on face. He smirked a little at my words, and suddenly grabbed my wrist.
" I want to take you somewhere", he kept dragged me deeper through the stands of trees, and every two seconds he would look at me with a tiny red blush on his face. " Um Torch, where are we going?" , I asked getting a bit nervous, since we have been walking for a while.
" Stop asking questions were here", Torch finally walked out of the stand of trees, and  I felt small butterflies rise in my stomach when he gave me a mischievous smile before disappearing. " Torch?!", I ran after him, but once I stepped out of the stand of trees, there was nothing but a breath taking ocean sea. " Torch!" I kept calling his name, but I still didn't hear his voice. Soon I gave up, sat on the floor, and hugged my knees. " Why did I follow him?" I asked myself, and looked at the blue ocean.
" Man I only go to get popsicles, and you think I ditched you?", in turned around once I heard Torch's voice, I jumped from my crouched position, and tackled him into a hug, without smashing the popsicles.
" You big idiot! I was so worried!", I felt tears from in the corner of my eyes.
" Um Jane?" , I ignored his words, and kept hugging him until he hugged back. " Umm Jane, can you let go?", I quickly came back to my senses, and backed away. " Sorry", I wiped my tears away, and took a deep breath.

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