Chapter 19

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Jane's POV . . .

           Things were not pleasant when I came back, Nelly kept lecturing me about being late, and Celia kept asking for an excuse, about me being late, but I was really greatful when Mark called me to practice. I was really stunned about how they have been practicing, and mostly Sue and Tori, they both seemed to be working on a new hissatsu technique. 'I think there skill's moves name was " Butterfly trance", I guess', as I watched them kick the ball again, but it went off course, and as I watched as it head to the sea, I noticed Hurley surfing through the stunning waves of the ocean. I was caught off guard, when I saw him kick the ball, it dashed towards Darren, at lightning speed, just when Darren grabbed it, he seemed to have trouble stopping the ball. He finally gave in, and the ball entered the goal.
" Impressive, for a surfer", I whispered , with a smile growing on my face. I looked around, and noticed everyone staring at Hurley, who just walked out of the ocean.
" Man! You sure got me surprised there", he said scratching the back of his head. " Hey do you play soccer?", Mark asked running towards him with a really excited expression.
" No never in my life", he replied with a a careless expression. ' He hasn't changed the slightest', I giggled to myself. " It good he said no Mark, let's face it an armature like him could never play soccer", Jude said with a his arms crossed. " You saw what I did there!", Hurley shouted eagerly, and grintted his teeth. Celia was about to tell Jude something, but took it back. ' Hurley doesn't like being humiliated, and that's way have Jude saying those things, will encourage him to play'.
" Alright I will play this game of yours", Hurley said, turning back to Mark. Once he went to change, I ran back to the field with the soccer ball pinned under my foot.
" Are we going to practice?! I have something amazing to show you!", I called them , while waving my hand. Mark and the others simply smiled, and dashed towards the goal. " Show me what you have got!", I smirked at his reaction.

           " Eric pass it!" , I shouted as I ran forward. He quickly passed the ball to me, as I ran to the goal.
" Get ready Mark! This move will send sparks down your spine!", I warned rebelliously.
" Thunder Wolf!", I shouted, and kicked the ball with determination filling my mind, as the flew across the field, and headed directly towards Mark. He got in position, but the ball was too fast , and it dashed passed Mark, with a strong force of wind pushing him out of its way.
" Told you", I said running towards him, and stretching my hand out to him.
" That was awesome! ", he yelled with a toothy smile. I was about to smile back, but a sharp pain struck my neck, and I winced, as I let go of Mark's hand, and gripped the back of my neck with pain. I looked at Mark, and noticed his eyes filled with worry.

Mark's POV . . .

          'Could the poison that Nathan warned us about, taking effect?', I wondered, as I watched Jane wince, with her hand on the back of her neck.
" I am ready!", I turned my attention to Hurley who stood in the middle of the field. Once he noticed Jane wincing, the smile disappeared from his face, and ran over to us. " Jane! Are you okay?", he asked flustered, with his hands on both of her shoulders. She placed her hand on Hurley's  wrist and mumbled,
" Y-yeah". Hurley didn't look that much convinced, but he did not fight her answer, and his energetic came back to his face.
" Don't push yourself kay ?! ", he told Jane, and removed his hands from her shoulders. He turned to the team, and said,  " Well let's play!". Everyone cheered, and ran to their positions, including Jane.
' I just hope things don't get ugly, but I can't let that get in the way!'

Jane's POV . . .

          ' Something is wrong with me, it not the poison, it's my attitude, I just feel like the girl who I used to be, i fell like I am doing something wrong, or is it that something wrong is going to happen?', I did not know what I felt, but I just shoved it away, 'if I wanted to play soccer like how I used to in Royal academy, then I have to focuse on the game'.

Xavier's Father POV . . .

           " So what are the results of poison?", I asked Godric, as with both sat at small cutions, with a small table separating us. " Apparently, miss Wolf has been able to fight the affects of the poison until now", I frowned slightly at his words, " But her body is slowly starting to give in into the poison, so don't worry sir I am sure the experement will work, and when she finally gives in, you will have her placed in the Geninis project", he said with a smirk crossing his face. ' I should have seen this coming, after all Jane Wolf is a hard player to control, but there is a weakness in her . . . She doesn't like seeing her friends get in danger because of her, so I simply have to find the dearest people to her hreat', I looked back at Godric, who was waiting for me to dismiss him. " Make sure your men keep an eye on her, your dimissed", I said calmly, and took a sip of my green tea. Godric simply nodded and took his leave. " She will surely be a good addition, but it will be a problem if she rejects, we will have to take the hard way by then.


Get ready!
The next chapter includes Xavier Maybe!
I said Maybe!
Don't judge me Please!😞

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