Chapter 28

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Jane's POV . . .

             A few hours passed since Xavier dismissed Torch, and Gazel. I kept hugging my knees the hole time, while muttering soothing words to myself, my eyes were locked on my hands, and small drops of tears trinkled down my cheeks. " I am sorry really", my eyes moved to Xavier, who walked towards the bed, and sat beside me. " I didn't want to do this, I swear", he whispered, loud enough for me to hear, with his eyes staring at the ground, and guilt filling them. " I didn't care that much about you when we first met, but now those emotions have changed, ever since I heard Gazel, and Torch speak about you with great passion, I couldn't deny the fact that I wanted to know you more, but I kept forgetting I don't have any choices in my life, because my future was already decided by father", he explained, looking like he has fallen in a pitch of darkness, and doesn't know how to get out. Without thinking, I interwined my fingers with his pale ones, and gave them a light squeeze. His eyes became wide, and he turned towards me with a tint of red on his face.
" I think I should be the one apologising, you are going through something I didn't, so maybe if I stay here for a while, I just might understand a little", I said, and gave him  a  kind smile, and letting go of my legs. The room's atmosphere became quiet for a few minutes, but quickly changed once Xavier gave me a small smile. " Thank --", before he could finish, my body moved unconiously, placing one of my hands on his shoulder, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. My heart was pouring, and my mind was spinning,
' Why in God's name did I do that?!', I screamed in my mind,  as I pulled my face away, and noticed Xavier having a stupified face, "Xavier?", I mumbled looking down with shame at the silk bed sheets, and bitting my nail nervously. Closing my eyes, I wished I never did that or that the earth would just open, and swallow me, but my thoughts were caught off when I felt something on my head. Heart pounding, and face burning, I opened my eyes, and looked at Xavier's green orbs, which had a tiny twinkle of happiness, with his hand on the top of my head, and said, " I really needed that". My face became redder, and I felt really uncomfortable. " You deserve one too", he said, brushing his gloved, index finger on my lips, and placing a quick kiss on it. " Glad to have you again",  he whispered into my ear. Chills ran down my spine at his words, and I was unable to breath for a minute, from the corner of my eyes I noticed the door squeak.

Third Person POV . . .

         Torch, and Gazel were peaking at the scene that was happening in the room, as Xavier kept whispering things into Jane's ear, they quickly noticed her glancing in their direction, and a deep pink blush appeared on their faces, before they stepped away from the door to talk.

" I knew he was up to something! I hate that guy!", Torch whispered angerly, raising his fists next to his cheek.
"Control your temper Torch, him having a chance with Jane is not even close to Fifty percent", Gazel mumbled poking Torch's forehead.
" How can you say that she kissed him on the cheek?!", this time Torch did not whisper, but shouted instead. Gazel slapped him across the face to shut him up, but Torch returned the favour with a direct punch to the face.
" You baka!!!", Torch yelled, pinning Gazel to the wall, and shaking him like a mad man, but Gazel managed to kick him in the stomach, causing Torch to fall down on his knees, and moan in agony.
" Get a grip of yourself!", Gazel shouted, losing his nerves, and raising Torch in the air from his collar.
" You need to control your temper tulip head!", Gazel offended, and punched Torch in the stomach, causing him to scream in agony, and blood to trinkle from his mouth, but what surprised Gazel, was that he was resisting him, by placing his hand on his wrist, and struggling to make him let go.
" I will never lose to a person who lost to Raimon", Torch mumbled, tightening his grip on Gazel's hand, with a smirk placed on his bruised face.
" You idiot ", Gazel replied coldly to his excuse, and dropped him to the ground. " Your nothing but big talk and no action", Gazel offended, looking lowly at Torch. " You kiss me off!!", Torch shouted, standing up, and running towards Gazel, stumbling him to the ground, and they both kept rolling on top of each other like kids, while punching each other every now, and then.
Suddenly the door of Xavier's room bursted open, and stood their with an astonished face. Torch, and Gazel froze with Torch's hands on Gazel's red ears, and Gazel pulling the red head's hair. " What in hell happened here?!", Jane shouted, with Xavier walking out of the door, and looking at Torch, and Gazel hopelessly. " You two never stop, do you?", he asked the two beaten up boys, they both glared at him, and growled like wild dogs. " Let's get those wounds cleaned", Jane suggested, pulling Torch away from Gazel, and led him to one of the chairs that settled next to the window.

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