Chapter 38

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Xavier's POV . . .

            Jane has been acting strangely this morning, she kept glancing at Gazel and shifting uncomfortably, when we had breakfast this morning, but I did not let those thoughts bother me, today was my game against Mark Evans, and I will not let anything interfear with my mind.

Jane's POV . . .

          I stood in front of the mirror, and analysed the dirty Raimon,uniform I was wearing. Even though it was covered with dirt stains, I wanted to wear it when I leave this terrible place. One thing I learned about Alias Academy, is that it strikes fear in everyone's blood, and shows no passion towards soccer.
I looked at my soccer shoes, and smiled happily, this uniform kept reminding me about Raimon, and all it's members.
" Good luck Raimon, hope you win Genisis", I mumbled , closing my eyes, and picturing my teammates' smiling faces. The loud knock on the bedroom's door snapped me from my daydream, and I quickly scurried towards it, and opened the door,to only notice Gazel standing there while brushing his cold fingers through his hair.

" It's time", he said, turning around, and walking away. I felt my stomach rumble, and I ran after Gazel, feeling guilty about pulling him into my problems. Suddenly I felt my vision go blurry, and froze in my spot feeling the earth shake. I lost balance, and saw the wooden floor coming closer with each second, but a pair of arms caught me right on time, and lifted me bridle style. I looked up, and locked eyes with Gazel.
" We will play soccer again, like you promised ", he said, and kissed my cheek .
" But your wounds did not heal! You shouldn't carry me in your bad condition!", I advised worriedly, while tugging his shirt.
" It doesn't matter right now stupid", he replied calmly, as he walked through the hallways, until we reach the rooftop. I noticed something wet, and sticky on my hand, and felt my hreat skip a beat when I saw crimson blood seeping from his shirt. I looked at Gazel's face, which was pale from losing blood.
"Gazel drop her already! Your just causing yourself pain!", Gazel did as the familiar voice ordered, and gently placed me on the floor. I quickly turned to the owner of the voice, and saw Torch, and the other Chaos members, with a ball with them.
" Oi! Jane~", Torch teased pulling me closer to him by the waist, and placing his other hand on my forehead, but Gazel grabbed my shoulder from behind, and pulling me backwards. Torch looked at Gazel with annoyance, and growled at him.
" The faster we get to the hospital, the better", he said with pain in his voice, while gripping his chest, were blood stains covered his hand.
" We should go now!", I agreed, grabbing Torch's shoulders, and shaking him without stopping.
" O-okay! Stop!", Torch shouted, stepping away from me, and placing his ball on the ground.
" Next stop, is the hospital!", he announced, kicking the ball, causing it to give out a bright, blue light. I was unable to see anything for a few minutes, because of the light, but it slowly started to fade away. It took me a while to notice where we were, until I saw the huge building in front of me with an ambulance in front of the entrance.  I looked around, and noticed only Gazel was still beside me, before I felt my hands becoming cold, and my head starting to become dizzy. I was able to hear faint screams, and Gazel calling my name repeatedly, but I wasn't able to keep my balance, and fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was Gazel's worried face, and several nurses in whited uniforms, running over to us.

           I did not know what happened after that, everything I was able to see was pitch black, but I kept walking, not knowing were I was heading or where I was. Suddenly, it seemed as if I was walking out of the darkness, and stepping into a white hall, thats when i saw him, he was lying on the floor in his white hoodie, and simple white pants, his eyes were closed, and his breath was steady, as he slowly inhaled and exhaled.
" Gazel?", I wondered, kneeling beside him, and brushing my fingers through his snow-like hair, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
" I love you", I whispered into his ear, feeling tears of happiness run down my cheek.
" I love you to", I was in too much shock, and felt everything start to spin.

         My eyes opened quickly, and I sat up from my lying position, and noticed that I was sitting on a hospital bed with my clothes placed on the edge of the bed, with my shoes, on the marble floor.
" Was that a dream? Do I actually love him?", I asked myself , while looking at the ceiling, and not noticing someone entering the room.
" Jane! My little girl!", I looked at the owner of the voice, and saw my mom with watery eyes, standing at the doorstep with a purple iris gripped in her left hand. She quickly walked over to me, and gave me a tight hug, filled with the love, and care of a mother whom I have missed.
" I am so glad your okay", my mother cried, as I felt her tears soak into my white shirt.
" Where's Gazel?", I asked, as she broke the hug, with tear stains covering her pink cheeks.
" He is fine, you could go visit him now, but he is still uncosious", without thinking twice, I jumped out of the white bed, grabbed my clothes, and ran to the bathroom to get changed. By the time I walked out of the bathroom, my mother was walking around the room, with her knee-high blue dress swaying left, and right.
" I am ready! By the way what happened to me?", I asked, as we both walked out of the room, and through the concrete hallways.
" Well luckily, the doctors were able to find an antidote for that terrible poison Mr.Schiller injected you with, the Chaos team surrendered to the police, and your friend Gazel passed out from blood lose", she said with a plain face, as noticed her stop in front of a silver door, which had the name
" Gazel Withengale", engraved on it.
" Go on", my mother encouraged opening the door for me, as I stepped inside the room with a strange feeling in my stomach. I heard the clicking sound of the door as it closed, and looked at the window, which was wide open, allowing a smooth breeze to fill the room. I looked around, and saw Gazel lying in the blue hospital bed with his eyelids closed.
" Jane?", I was stunned when he called my name, and that s when I noticed him opening his eyes slightly. I quickly scurried over next to his bed, holding back my tears of joy, and interwined my fingers with his, while caressing his cheek.
" It's really is you", he mumbled, while smiling weakly at me, and giving my hand a light squeeze.
" I-I love you", I said, and did not wait for him to reply, before pressing my lips against his, not feeling any embaresment for my action, I loved him, and their was nothing in the world that could change my mind.

Gazel's POV . . .

          She caught me so off guard, that it felt so hard to describe my feelings, every second that passes, I felt my love bloom more, and more, as if there was on ending for it.
'  I am finally free, and now, I will love her till my death date', I sweared, enjoying every bit of Jane's love. Once our lips parted, I felt the Alias Rock crack, and my soul rest happily at ease.
" I love you too", I replied. She removed her hand from my cheek, and brushed her finger across her lips with joy in her eyes.
I slowly sat up, but I felt astonished when the silk hospital blanket brushed of me, revealing my chest which was completely covered with bandages. A heavy atmosphere floated in the air, but I managed to say , " It's not that bad, it will only take a few days ".
Jane did not seem convinced, and kept staring at the bandages, and offended herself, " I should have stopped you, but if I only wasn't such a coward".
" Calm down, it was my fault for ignoring the consequences", I reassured her, feeling her sqeeze my hand.

"O-okay", she mumbled, before embracing me into a tight hug. A mad blush spread across my face, but I still hugged back thinking how lucky I am to have her.

You have finally saved me", I said, nuzzeling my nose into her hair, and a feeling of comfort washed over me.
" Your welcome ", she replied, breaking the hug, and kissing one of my red cheeks. ' Everything is going to be fine ', I thought to myself.

Hello dear Fans!
I might make a book 2 for weapon or game soon, so keep your guard up!

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