Chapter 25

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The answer to the question in chapter 24, was A!
Hope you like it!
Jane's POV . . .

          " Jane? Are you wake?", I slowly opened my eyes, once I heard the worried voice. "Silvia? I asked looking at the manager with a weak smile on my face. Her eyes were flooded with worry, that she nearly looked at the edge of tears. I looked around, noticing that I was in the Inazuma caravan, but no one was around except Silvia, with me sitting on one of the seats.
" What happened?" , I asked rubbing my eyes, with a small yawn escaping my mouth. " You passed out in the second half, during our game against Epsilon", Silvia said, and helped my stand up on my two feet.
" oh yeah right, wait there was a guy who appeared during the match, who was that?  ", I asked, filled with curiousity. A small smile appeared on Silvia's face, and said, " That was Axel Blaze the flame striker!". My mouth dropped open at her words. " He was the flame striker?!", I asked with my sleepy face quickly disappearing. "Yup! And he became much more skilled than before!", I felt a hint of jealously rise inside of me, and I placed a fake smile on my face.
" Are you jealous?", Silvia asked placing her index finger and thumb at her chin. " No!", I said starcasically, and folded my arms.
" Anyway, coach Lina told us about your relationship with Alias Academy,  why did you hide it all this time?! ", she shouted, while frowning at me. I lowered my head in shame, and grintted my teeth.
" I didn't want to be a burden to All of you, and I thought you would be disappointed with the me", I answered, feeling tears trickle down my cheeks, but once I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, I stopped.
" That still doesn't change the fact that you are your friend, and a member of Raimon", she said, giving me a tight hug. " Friends?", I asked, as if I never heard the word before. " Of course we are!", she said, breaking the hug, and dragging me outside from my wrist. I was really surprised, everyone was sitting on a long, wooden bench, with plates of curry placed in front of them.
"Hey everyone! Guess who finally woke up!?", Silvia shouted excitedly,and raised my hand in the air. Everyone turned their attention to us, and looked at Silvia, like she was the maddest person on earth. I smiled awkwardly, before tapping Silvia's shoulder. " Can you let go of my wrist?", I asked her, as she waved my hand right, and left. After a while of asking her to let go, Mark stood up, and started tugging my other wrist.
" Not you too Mark", I moaned, as my two friends played tug of war using me as the rope.
" You guys should really cut her some slack", they both stopped tugging my wrists, and looked at the owner of the voice, it was the same guy I saw before passing out. " Hey Axel! Can you be a good friend, and help me out?!", Mark shouted, before he and Silvia started tugging my hands again.
" Can't you just let her go both of you?", Axel asked, as he removed Silvia's grip from my hand. I stumbled over Mark, but quickly stood up, and brushed the dust off my jersey.
" Finally! I wasn't able to feel my hand a few minutes before!", I said, rubbing my sore wrists, and stretching my arms. " It's nice to meet you Jane", I looked back at Axel, who was stretching his hand for a shake.
" Nice to meet you to Axel, I guess", I mumbled the last two words to myself, and looked at the floor with guilty eyes.
" You don't have feel guilty, there is someone in Alias Academy who you care about right? ", his question caught me off guard, but I still managed to answer. " Umm yeah, I guess you could say that", I mumbled looking back at the ground.
" That person forgot how fun football is, and your show that person how fun it, and your risking your life for that person ,am I correct?", he asked, letting go of my hand, and placing his hand on my shoulder.
" How do you even know?", I asked surprised, and looked at him straight in the eye.
" I wanted to protect someone as well, from Alias Academy as well, that's why I left the team, and when I was positive that that person was safe, I came back", he said patting my head. " You remind me of my little sis you now", he said, looking over at Mark, who blinked a few times before saying, "We are your teammates Jane! You can count on us for help!". I felt really stupid, thinking that they will never understand,
' These people are not only my teammates, they are my friends'. We spent the rest of the evening stuffing our bellies with curry, and chatted with each other. It was quite fun, I got to know Axel more, and he would tell me about the game against Zues Junior, and other random events, but I never seemed to get bored. Soon, it was time to cuddle into our sleeping bags inside the caravan, but I sneaked out, sick of Jack's snoring, and of Sue talking in her sleep. I had to keep my guard up, since I heard Mark, and Axel's voices from the roof of the caravan. Luckily, I was able to reach the beach without being caught, and took of my shoes, getting ready to splash into the ocean water. This day was just incredeble, we won Epsilon, and I was able to meet the famous Axel Blaze. Remembering everything that have happened, I splashed through the water, feeling the warm water brush past my skin, and sound of the waves crashing on the sandy shore, ignoring the fact that my Raimon uniform was getting wet.
"What are you doing playing in the water at night?", I turned to the familiar voice, and saw Gazel standing on the shore.
" Why does it have anything to do with you?", I mocked, walking out of the water, and squeezing the water out of my tangled hair.
" I care ýabout you dummy that's all", he replied, walking towards me, with a serious aura around him. " Your the only dummy", I poutted, and wore my shoes. " Your really cute when you pout ", he complemented, while fixing my snowflake headband, which was tangled in my hair.
" You shouldn't flirt like Torch, it will become a bad habit!", I teased, giving him the poker face. " Not funny", he mumbled with a small tint of pink on his cheeks . " Oh my~! Is Gazel Withingale actually embaressed?!", I kept teasing, acting shocked, and surprised. " And I thought you were innocent", he replied, with his blush becoming darker, and looked away, combing his hair with his fingers. " Alright Alright, I will stop teasing you", I said with a small giggle escaping mg lips. " I still don't trust you", he said, giving me the cold shoulder. " Please don't be mad at me~", I whined like a little girl, and waited for his answer, but he just shrugged, and turned around avoiding me. I quickly stopped whinning, and decided to take action! It only took me two seconds to think of something, and that's when a childish idea popped into my mind. I jumped on Gazel's back, and rapped my arms around his neck.
" Jane?!", the sudden impact caught him off guard, and he ended up stumbling to the ground, with me lying ontop of him. " Get off me Jane!!", he muffled, with his face buried into the sand. It took me a few minutes to know what just happened, and instead of getting off Gazel, I started giggling like a little five year old. " Jane!!", I got a hold of myself, when I heard Gazel call my name again, a sigh escaped my lips, and I got off him with sprinkles of sand covering my clothes.  I looked back at Gazel, who was busy spitting sand out of his mouth.
" What the he'll was that?!", he shouted, while grabbing my shoulder, and hitting my head lightly with his fist.
" I didn't mean to hurt you", I mumbled twirling with my fingers, and bitting my lower lip. He sighed heavily, and letted go of me,
" Don't do that again, you can get someone hurt", he warned. I looked at the floor with regret, and started mumbling insults to myself, but I stopped once I felt a pair of soft, and cold lips brush against my wet cheek. His sudden action sent electric shocks down my spine, and then to my pounding heart. He slowly backed away, with his teal eyes locked with mine, buring themselves into my soul, as if he was able to reveal all dark memories, to my happiest ones.
" It might not show, but I get madly jealous when I see you with others", he whispered, and gently held my hand. I was so confused, that I wasn't able to keep up with his strange acts, his eyes were filled with the things I feared before, sadness, betrayal, lies , hatered, and pain , those five features nearly caused me to break, and seeing him going through it, made my heart ache.  I soon lost all sense, and placed my hand on his cold cheek.
" Sadness, betrayal , lies, hatered, and pain, those things will lock you up inside yourself, and will break you slowly", I mumbled, rubbing my thumb against his cheek. He had a stunned face at my words, and looked at me as if I read his mind. A pitiful eyes sprouted on my lips, and I have him a tight hug without thinking. ' The main reason I came with Raimon at first was to be helpful, but now things are different, I want to bring Gazel's and Torch's love for soccer, I will remind them how fun it is, even if it kills me!', I thought, and tightened the hug.

Gazel's POV . . .

          " Thank you for everything", she whispered, nuzzeling her face into my chest.  I was never expecting any of this from Jane, she seemed so greatful, and thankful, that tears of joy could be seen forming in her beautiful brown orbs. It felt strange, Jane was the only person who would ever hug me, I felt reassuring, calming, and loving? I couldn't get my finger on it, this was too new to me, and I felt my heart ease, as she thanked me for no special reason repeatedly, and before I knew it, I was hugging her back.
"I promise, we will play soccer the same way we used to play back in Inazuma Town, and I never break my promise", she said, sobbing on my hoodie, while closing her eyes.
"I am sure you will, but for now let's keep things the way they are", I said rubbing her back, and waited for her to let go.
' It will surely be nice, to go back to how we were before Alias Academy was created ', I thought, imagining how eased things would have been, but at the same time, I wanted more power, but I had no idea what to choose, and if I don't,  singer or later I will probably break.

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