Chapter 33

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Jane's POV . . .

        As we walked through the hallways, things did not go well when I informed about Mr.Schiller assigning me to take care of Torch until the game of Raimon, and Genisis, but I was even more shocked, when he told me about his secret plan to play against Raimon.
" You baka! That will get you in real trouble!", I shouted angerly, while hitting his head with my fist.
" Ouch! Stop!", he yelled, covering his head with his hands, and wincing. By the time I stopped hitting him, he had a huge bump on his head.
" You sure pack a punch", he said, rubbing his head, and making loud moans.
" If you get caught, you don't want to know what I would do", I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
" You wouldn't need to since, the academy will give me a punishment that is much worse", he replied, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts, and sighing loudly.
" So why are you doing something that will get you into trouble?", I asked bumping my shoulder with his.
" That's none of your business", he poutted, and looked away.
" It certainly is since I am your friend!", I said, punching his arm lightly, and giggling a little.
" I will tell you soon, but since you are taking care of me, why don't you make me sushi?!", he suggested, smiling slyly, and licking his lips. A sigh escaped my lips, wondering how I will able to survive taking care of him.

Once we returned to the cabin, Mr.Schiller, and Xavier were waiting for us inside.
" Your finally back, and I guess you know your situation Torch ", Mr.Schiller said, clapping his hands, and having a pleased smile. Torch was about to walk out of the door, but Jane quickly grabbed his arm, and dragged him inside.
" Injoy your time Torch", Xavier teased, walking past Torch, with a smirk on his face, before leaving the cabin. Torch glared angerly at him, as he walked into the distance.
" Take a seat you two", Mr.Schiller ordered, motioning for us to sit down on the cushions.

Third Person POV . . .

The two teens sat on the left side of Mr.Schiller, but Torch kept mumbling insults to himself, and shifting uncomfortably.
" Do you understand my decision Torch", Mr.Schuller asked, looking at Torch who was looking at the floor angerly.
" Yes sir", he replied, with his hands forming fists, and an illusion of angry aura surrounded him.

" That good, Jane! You will have to take good care of him. Ah! I almost forgot, he has a bad habit of losing his temper, try getting rid of it. The kitchen is next door. I should be on my way now", the old man said, standing up, and walking out of the door. Once he was out of Jane's view, a sigh of relief escaped her lips.
"Well I should go get those sushi ready!", she said, trying to lighten up Torch's mood. The red-head slowly raised his head, and gave her a tierd smile.

" Yeah, sure", he whispered, rubbing his head, and placed his chin on the wooden table. Jane blinked a little at his reaction, she was never expecting him to respond like that. In fact, she thought he would be really hyper!
But seeing him like this caught her off guard. Not wanting to let the idea bother her, she skipped to the kitchen.

Apparently, the sushi took longer than she thought it would take. She walked back to the dining room with a tray filled with elegant looking sushi.
Once she stepped into the room, she looked at the grandfather watch, and noticed it was already five o'clock. Her eyes moved to the red-headed boy who was sleeping peacefully, with his arms on the table, and his head nestling in his arms. I slowly placed the tray on the table, and sat next to him, while patting his back. Torch let out a loud yawn, before opening his sun-like eyes, and noticing my existence.
" Jane?", he mumbled, sitting straight, and blinking his eyes several times.
" I got you the sushi, or do you prefer going back to your room?", I asked, patting his head.
" Nahh, Sushi is better", he replied , picking his chop-sticks, and reached out for a sushi.
" Oi! You should say ' Thank you' at least!", I complained, and punched his shoulder lightly. He turned his attention to me with a sly smile on his face.
" You have a point", he agreed, tugging her shoulder, and gaving her a quick kiss on the cheek, before shoving one of the tasty like sushi into his mouth with an eager face. As for Jane, she froze in her spot, while freaking out from the inside, and thought, ' Why do I always feel like this?'. Torch, noticing her uncomfortable expression, shoved a sushi into her mouth. The confused girl blinked a few times, before chewing the little snack, and a small smile sprouted on her face. " Its yummy", she said, with a cute, childish face. Torch simply let out a loud chuckle, and continued eating .

But one thing the two friends did not notice, was at a teen boy with snow-like hair, with perfect teal eyes, was stocking them from the small window, which was placed right beside the front door.
" Curse you Torch, but why can't I get her attention like he does?", Gazel asked himself, with his hands forming fists, and a dark shadow covering his eyes. He looked back at his two friends as they joked, and laughed, but it hurts to admit that Jane was not being herself around him.
' Am I a threat? Or is it just that she doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore?', questions kept passing through his mind, that his head started to hurt, and he felt the energy of the Alias rock increase.
" Your even became so selfish!", Jane's words popped in his head, and bit his lips in regret.
" If I change, I will lose all the power I have", he told himself, as he took one more look at Jane, before walking back to his room with a heavy heart.

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