Chapter 31 Part--2

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Jane's POV . . .

            I was completely confused, a few minutes ago Xavier was acting normal, but he suddenly started doing strange expressions, and the next thing I knew was that I was unable to move, until Torch dashed into the room, and grabbing Xavier by the collar. " Why didn't you do anything you baka?!", I turned to Gazel with fear, and confusion covering my face. I had no idea what was happening. Before I could make up excuse, Gazel grabbed my hand, and dragged me outside to the collection of white, and scarlet tulips, leaving Torch to lose his temper on Xavier.
" Can you explain?!", he asked angerly, while crossing his arms. No words came out, I was still too shocked, but this only caused Gazel's glare to become deeper.
" Your so hopeless, did you forget what I told you before my game against Raimon?", he asked coldly, poking my forehead, and grintting his teeth. I certainly remembered it, but he was not so mean back then.
" Yes, but your a totally different person! You kept being mean to me ever since I came here! You even became so selfish! ", I shouted, holding back my tears, and looking at his teal eyes. He stayed quiet for a few minutes, and I thought he finally saw his wrong doing, but I was so wrong. He grabbed my wrist, pulled me closer to him, and raised my chin with a dark shadow covering his eyes.
" You might be right, but I am already broken, and I can't help it", his drew his face closer to mine, and I felt his chilly hand brush against my cheek.
' What?! That's trash talk! I have to get away!', I thought, while trying to take a step backwards, but I suddenly slipped, and stumbled down with Gazel on top of me. His face was only inches from mine, and he seemed surprised as much as me, and mumbled with embaressment,"Your face is all red, it's cute". My face heated up, and I bit my lower lip nevously.
" The only person who can save me now is you", he whispered in my ear, before kissing my cheek, and standing up. Confusion still circled on my mind, I stood up, and stared at him sensing a strange feeling in my heart. " Mine", he warned , walking back to the cabin, with a soft breeze brushing through his snowy hair.
' He said the same thing in my nightmare, could it have been a warning?', I wondered, as I watched him disappear from my sight. " You seemed lost", I turned to the old, shaky voice, and saw Mr.Schiller standing beside a vase filled with crimson roses.
" Mixed emotions are always hard to deal with", he said, smiling warmly at me, and playing with a small daisy between his fingers.
" You cannot even see the feelings these young boys store for you", I looked at him with a stupified face, and replied, " Forgive me sir, but we don't have any such thing, we are simply best friends". He narrowed his eyes at me, and walked towards me, and said, " That's because you keep lying to yourself, fearing to cause a problem for everyone". I had no clue how to reply, but I felt something click inside me. " You don't have to reply now, but remember, time is ticking, and soon it will be too late", he warned, walking past me without saying anything else. His words kept repeating in my head, and I would feel a strange feeling in my stomach. " Could it be true?", I wondered, rubbing the small sapphire necklace. One thing for sure, I have to know what this feeling is before something bad happens.

Third Person POV . . .

           By the time Jane entered the cabin, she still had that heavy feeling settling in her heart, with a gloomy expression. Mr.Schiller was already there with Gazel, who was sipping his tea elegeantly. The hole time she didn't touch anything from the cake or the green tea. The others kept looking at her in confusion except Mr.Schiller, who had a kind smile while enjoying his cake, and Gazel who didn't dare touching his cake, but kept taking small sips from his cup of tea, and kept glancing at Jane every now and then.
" Jane, I was able to arrange a room for you in that room, and there are extra clothes in the wardrobe", Mr.Schiller informed, pointing to a light, peach door that was in the end of the room. Jane slowly stood up, and bowed politely, before turning around, and walking to the door. Once she entered her room, Xavier, and Torch gave Gazel the death look.
" Mine telling us what happened Ice princess?", Torch asked, on the edge of losing his nerves. " Nothing that has to do with you Tulip", Gazel replied calmly, while poring more tea into his cup, and placing two cubes of sugar in it as well.
" There is no need to be mad you two, it wasn't Gazel's fault. The girl just has a lot of things on her mind", Mr.Schiller said, stopping the quarrel that was about to start. All three boys looked at the old man with their eyebrows raised. " What do you mean father?", Xavier asked respectively, trying to stop his curiosity from taking over.
" What I mean is that I told her what must be known", Mr.Schiller replied taking a bit from his cake elegantly. The young adults' curiosity increased rapidly at his answer, Xavier's body became stiff, Torch's hands had came fists, and Gazel narrowed his eyes at the old man while rising he tea cup to his mouth.

          As the heavy atmosphere floated in the dining room, Jane was finished dressing up in her new casual clothes, a seversl layered knee-high pink skirt, with a white, buttoned shirt, and a transparent rosy, pink jacket on top of it, but what took Jane's eyes the most, we're the white sneakers, that were decorated with fake pink gems. Her room were not like the ones she has recently seen, it was not simple nor luxurious, something similar to her old room when she was a little girl. A white, round bed with various blue, silk blankets was placed in the back of the room, on its sides dangled two small rose shaped lamps, not far from the bed, there was a small, pink mirror, that was pinned to the right, white wall. A large, wooden, brown wardrobe with glass handles, and rose carvings settled in the left side of the room by itself. The room was not huge, but enough for one person at least.

       The young twelve year old took a deep breath, before walking back to door, and opening it with a heavy heart. Once she stepped back into the dining room, all eyes were locked on her, Torch had his mouth wide open, Gazel's eyes were so wide, they seemed like they were about to pop, as for Xavier and Mr.Schiller, they seemed pleased by the girl's beauty.
" Do I look strange?", she asked in confusion. Out of nervousness, Torch spoke quickly, " No! no! no! You look really incredible in fact!". A small giggle ran out of her mouth, and a light blush appeared on all three boys.

There you go people!🌷

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