Chapter 13

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Shawn's POV . . .

Ever since yesterday I was not able to stop thinking about Jane, when I saw Nathan carrying her bridle style I felt really weird, I know Jane is only my childhood friend, but I felt really regretful when Nathan explained how Alias Academy has been chasing her.
' I am not even able to control Aidan, how am I suppose to protect Jane?' , I thought to myself. We where all in the middle of the game, and I was too distracted thinking, and did not notice a player from Fouxshore was heading towards me, until he stole the ball. " Get a hold of yourself!", Sue shouted. I stopped running, and looked at the other side of the field. Apparently, coach Lina has placed Jane on defence for this game, and seeing her steal the ball so smoothly made me wonder how hard it is for her to hide such a huge secret. " What are you doing?! Run forward!" , she shouted as she ran past me. I stopped day-dreaming and ran beside her. " Are you ready?", she asked cheerfully , and passed me the ball. I did not reply to her answer, she looked at me concerned noticing me fall silent, I ran ahead of her leaving her confused, but the ball was stolen from me again. Jane quickly went for a slide tackle, and took the ball. " Got it!", she said with a hopeful smile. She boosted her speed , and ran to the goal. Once she kicked the ball, a beautiful illusion of a lightning wolf appeared, but it disappeared, and the ball went
off-course . She grintted her teeth angrily , but Mark's cheerful voice lifted the her spirits.

Jane's POV . . .

Our game against Fouxshore Junior was really fun, but Shawn's attitude has been really strange, everytime he had the ball, he loses his focus, and the ball ends up being taken from him.

After the exhibition game, I lied on the ground and stared at the beautiful, white, cotton-candy shaped clouds. " You seem exhausted" , I sat up and looked at Celia who held an orange water bottle and a soft looking towel.
" You were really serious! You should take it easy, it was just an exhibition game" , she said and handed me the bottle, and towel. I was relieved when the cold liquid slipped through my mouth. " You surely are passionate about soccer", Celia commeted, as she watched me drink the water eagerly. I finally pulled the bottle out of my mouth, gasping for air, and wiped the sweat from my forehead.
" Well, I have to be serious if I am going to play against Alias Academy ", I said standing up, and brushing the dust off me. Celia let out a small giggle, and looked at Mark and the other team members. " I am going to go for a walk around the school, you you don't mind will you?", I asked gaining her attention . " Sure! Just don't be gone too long, lunch will be ready soon!", I gave her a bright smile before running to the garden behind the school.

Last night I was not able to take a good look at it, but I was amazed by its beauty when I stepped in the garden, it looked totally different in day-light than at night. Trees covered the edges of the garden, and a beautiful fountain was placed in the middle. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
" This is just what I need", I said and opened my eyes. Suddenly, I saw someone's arms rap around me, and pulled me into a tight hug, I was really afraid at first, and started struggling, but the familiar cold voice made me flinch." Your still so soft", Gazel said , pulling me closer to him. " I wonder what Torch would say if he saw you both", Gazel quickly broke the hug, and cowered me behind him, as he looked left and right trying to find the owner of the mysterious voice. He kept standing infront of me with his arms stretched sideways, defensively . For some reason the hole place suddenly went silent, the appealing singing of the birds stopped , even the rustling of the leaves became silent, nothing was heard but the running water of the fountain.

You really are defensive when it comes to Jane", the owner of the voice finally appeared . Xavier stepped from behind a tree, playing with a lovely iris between his gloved fingers. Gazel slowly lowered his arms, but kept eyeing Xavier's ever step and move without blinking. " Why are you here?", he asked narrowing his eyes at him. A small smile appeared on Xavier's lips as he walked around me and Gazel. " I am simply here to stock the Raimon", he said witha small chuckle, " But don't worry Gazel, I will soon be after the same thing as you once I am done", Gazel became wide-eyed at his words, Xavier seeing his astonishment, took it as a chance, and dashed towards us. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, as he got closer to me with every second. He quickly tackled me, and carried me bridle style. Since Gazel aloud his guard down, he was too slow to react to any of his moves. As for me, everything happened so quickly, and I was really impressed by Xavier's extraordinary speed. " Did you lose your touch Gazel?" , Xavier asked, trying to torment him. ' I am going to become a toy if this keeps up!', I thought to myself . I poked Xavier's cheeks wishing to gain his attention, which was successful. He raised one of his eyebrows, waiting for me to say something.
"Can you please let go of me?", I asked with a tint of red appearing on my face. He just kept smiling and said, " Okay, but you will have to do something for me in return". A strange aura appeared around him, and I felt my head spinning from nervousness . "~Fine", I said annoyed, and in a few seconds I was standing on the green, wet grass.
"It will be better if you don't try anything weird Xavier", Gazel said with his arms crossed. Xavier did not even look at Gazel, he was too busy thinking, and scratching his cheek with his index finger.
" Don't even think about taking me to Alias Academy", I said with a gloomy tone. He chuckled at my words, and placed his finger on my mouth, and kissed it. " That's what you owe me", he said and played with my hair.
" That's enough" , Gazel said unfeelingly , and stepped between us. Xavier backed away with an annoyed face, shrugged his shoulders and said,
" Whatever". Gazel cradled his arm around my shoulder, and drawed me closer to him.
"As long as your away from her, I okay with anything else you do", he said tightening his grip on me. 'Does he care that much about me?', I wondered, as my eyes gazed at his face.
" Its funny how you never know how much people treasure you", Xavier said, returning my thoughts back to him , but the smile that was once his face faded. " What do mean exactly?", I asked ambiguously, feeling my body become a little stiff. " That is something you should find out yourself", he said before walking back to the shadows, until I was no longer unable to see him. I sighed in relief, glad at the stressful atmosphere was finally gone.
" Hey, can you let go?", I asked Gazel, looking at his serious face. " Gazel?", he didn't answer me, and kept staring at the path Xavier took. " Gazel!", I shouted at him feeling my face slowly heat up. He finally snapped out of his strange thoughts. " Ow sorry did you say something?", his words only made my turn into a darker shade of red. " C-can you l-let go?", I asked again, feeling really stressful. A small smile appeared on his face, and he removed his hand from my shoulder, but when I thought it was all over, he cradled my hand and raised it to his mouth, and kissed the tip of my fingers. "I'm sorry", he said with his nippy breath spearding over my hand. I wanted to pull my hand away, but my hand became suddenly numb, and I was no longer able to move it. " Its fine, really" , I said trying to sound as positive as possible. His eyes were filled with sadness and pain, that it made me nearly break. He gently let go of my hand, and placed his smile back to his face.
" You know leaving me over-sleep I really hash!", me and Gazel quickly stepped away from each other once we heard Torch's voice. " If you two were doing something fishy, you don't want to know what I will do", he was standing on the fountain's edge in his Alias Academy uniform with a ball pinned down, under his foot. I was too embarrassed to say anything, and looked at at the grass.
" It took you long enough to sleep", Gazel said, taking a step towards him." Well, it doesn't matter now", Torch replied shrugging.
" But I was able to get this on my way here", he pulled, a small white bag out of pocket, and dangled it on his index finger. Gazel just raised one of his eyebrows at him. "What's that supposed to be?", he asked carelessly.
" Well it's not yours, so don't ask" , torch replied misciviously, and a toothy smirk appeared on his face. " Jane?", a chill down my spine once he said my name. " Um Yes?", I said irritatedly, playing with a strand of my hair, hitting the bottom of my lip. Torch looked at me up and down, started swinging the small bag, and said ," Are you curious what's inside this?". I raised my head and looked at the bag. " Probably", I said plainly, and crossed my arms.
" Catch!", he tossed the bag into my hands, and waited patiently for me to open it. At first I was really nervous to open it with him and Gazel stared at me, but I was able to pull it off, and I was stunned by a silver necklace, that had a small sapphire with a sliver frame. I was truly taken aback by its beauty. " Here", I placed it it back in the bag, and handed it back to him, he seem stunned , but kept smirked. " You cannot reject a gift", he jumped form the edge of the fountain, snatched the necklace from me, and forced me to turn around. " Let see how this will look at you", he placed the necklace around my neck, but every time his fingers smooth fingers touched my neck, I would feel goosebumps pop on my skin. " Done!" , he grabbed my wrist, and twirled me around. " I think that's enough", I said, and place my hand on his chest, a small tint pink appeared on his face. He slowly let go of me and gave me on of his toothy smiles. " Well it does look good at her", Gazel said, looking at the blue sapphire. " Now that I think about it, I heard a quote that said sapphires are meant to protect the person who wears it from danger and misfortune", he said brushing his fingers through his hair.
" Well we should head back to Alias Academy for practice", Torch said impatiently. " About that", I interrupted with a challenging smile on my face. " I can't wait to play against you", I said eagerly. They both looked at each other for a second, and gave me a mischievous smirk, before Torch stepped on the red ball, which gave a bright ray of red light. " We will be waiting" , that said before disappearing. I placed my hand on the blue gem, smiled , and said, " I will be waiting too". I walked back to the Raimon team, with a

I am exhausted!
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