Chapter 16

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Mark's POV . . .

         Two days have passed from our game agsinst Genisus, and things have not been going smooth at all! Ever since Nathan and Todd left the team, I felt responsible for their disappearance, and I felt so guilty that I was ashamed to play soccer with the team,  punished myself by staying on the roof all night, in the rain, not even caring if I catch a cold, and stayed there until the next morning . I did not eat drink or sleep , I was just lost, and broken.

Jane's POV . . .

            I was really disappointed with the news about Mark, and the team.
" How could he give up Soccer?" , I asked myself, as I sat in the hospital bed. Apparently, I just had to run a few more tests, before I can finally leave the hospital. The first thing I wanted to do is go and talk some sense into Mark. As my thoughts wondered, I didn't notice coach Lina walk into the room.
" I see your better", she said, and sat on the chair that was placed beside the bed. She brushed her fingers through her night-blue hair, and looked at me with a serious face.  " Why will  you care?", I asked, completely annoyed from her.
" If your angry with me, because I am not doing anything about Mark, forget it", she said with a hint of harshness in her calm voice.
" It has nothing to do with Mark, but the team, and . . . Shawn", I replied, lowering my head, and looking at my hand as I held the tissue that contained the poison needle. She looked away shamed of herself, and did not say anything for a while.
" Don't waste your time regretting what you did coach", she raised her head slowly, and looked at me with her eyes wide. I turned my attention to her, and gave her a bright smile. " You did not want to hurt anyone, you just wanted to finish your mission so badly, that you forgot other important things", I said, and looked, at the window.
" Why aren't you mad at me?", she asked with a sad tone. Her question was surprising, but she had a point, 'Why do I care so much about her?', then it hit me that there was something in common between us.
" Will you keep a secret?", I asked , while looking at her straight in the eyes. She blinked a few times before answering, and said,
" Yes I promise". I explained to her about my connection with Alias Academy, and other secrets, like meeting Xavier at the roof, or my connections between Torch, and Gazel, and about the poisonous needle. Once I finished explaining everything to her, she seemed really focused, like it was the end of the world.
" Jane, I know this might sound rude, but have you been giving them information about Raimon? ", she asked straighting her back.
" Not at all", I said calmly, and sighed heavily.
" I am sorry I have to hide this from the team, but it is for the best", She slowly stood up and walked out of the room without saying anything. I sighed heavily, and looked out of the window.
" I hope she keeps this a secret", I said to myself, but the thing I did not notice that I was still in the beginning of a long journey.

          Since yesterday, I have been wondering how Mark, and the team have been going, and today, me and Shawn were finally allowed to leave the hospital, and play with them again. Once me and Shawn stepped on the field, everyone turned towards us with bright smiles. I was really glad when I saw Mark's face beaming with happiness, as well as the others. Everyone kept asking questions without stopping,
" How do guys feel? Was it boring in the hospital? Are you sure you can play?". I took a few steps backwards, feeling as if they are going to eat me. " Alright that's enough!", Nelly shouted, and stood in front of me and Shawn with a terrible frown on her face. " Go on! Go back to practice guys!", Silvia said, walking towards us, and blowing her silver-moon whistle. Everyone sighed heavily, and walked away without arguing. " Thanks alot!", I told Nelly, and bowed respectfully. She simply shrugged, and said,
" Less thanking, and more practicing!". I nodded my head, and gave Shawn a cheerful smile, before running to the team.

           It was a great feeling to step back on the field, the wind that brushed against my skin made me feel so alive, Mark's cheerful voice kept my hopes up, and the cheers of the team brought back the happiness I missed for the past few days. " Alright everyone I have received a message about a player who most people call him the Flame Striker, but apparently his name is unknown, the only thing we know is that he lives on an island. It's time we start moving ", coach Lina announced, and walked into the caravan.
' An island? I wish it is Okinawa! I will have a chance to see my aunt if possible!', as I
day-dreamed, of my memories in Okinawa, happy flashbacks kept popping into my mind, including a few people I met, for example, an amazing surfer called Hurley Kane, it was hot in that island, but me and my family will always go there on summer vacations, I still remember the first time I went there.

           It was not long since Aidan, and Shawn's snow storm accident, I did not sleep, eat or talk, and as days passed my health decreased. My parents decided it was best if we moved to somewhere lively, and hopefully it might make me feel better. At first I was afraid of everyone, and everything I saw, but one afternoon, I was staring at the sea that looked like it will never end.
" Its beautiful " , I muttered, and felt a warm breeze passed through my sun-set hair. " Its incredible! isn't it?", I jumped backwards, when I heard the stranger's voice from behind me. He had rose pink hair that reached the middle part of his chest, his skin was mid brown, and he had a small glow of adventure in his eyes  . " You think?", I asked in a low voice, he nodded his head excitedly. It seemed like he was swimming a few minutes ago, since he was in his swimming suit, and he was dripping water from head to toe.
" To me the ocean is like a goddess " , he said, and placed his hands on his waist with a proud smile on his face, and his hands behind his head.
" What if will you do if someone dear to you disappeared from your life?", I asked confidently for the first time in two years.
" Well I think the best thing to remember that the person dear to my hreat would have wanted me to move one", he said with a plain smile on his face.
His words eased my stressed heart. " Do want to go grab an ice-cream?", he asked with a cheeky smile. That was how we became friends that day, but after two years, my father found a new job in Inazuam town. We would go back there every Summer vacation.

        " Come on Jane!" , Daren's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Ow sorry what?", I was totally confused at first, but I quickly remembered that we were leaving. " I am coming! ", I jumped into the caravan, and took a seat next to Jack in the back.
" I am really excited! What if the flame striker is Axel?!", I was kind of confused about who Jack was talking about, so I simply asked, " Who's Axel?" . He blinked a little at my words, but then rembered that I did not know Axel.
" He was a former striker  in our team! He is nearly a strong as Shawn!", I was able to tell that this friend of his was really important. " I just hope I get to meet him someday", I said eagerly.

And cut!
That's it for this chapter!
Get ready the next chapter is going to be cute!

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