Chapter 30 Part--1

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  Third person POV . . .

       As much as it surprised Jane that Mr.Schiller was the owner of Alias Academy, not to forget, she looked nervous the hole time. Once they reached the small cabin, which settled in the middle of the garden, Jane was breath-taken by its beauty, and her eyes kept wondering in all directions.

           " You can pick a few if your  interested", Mr. Schiller suggested, motioning to a huge collection of red, and white tulips. Jane slowly walked to the blooming flowers, and brushed her index finger against on of their petals, and said," It will be shameful of me to pick such a beautiful tulip." Mr. Schiller seemed to respect Jane's opinion, and a pleased smile spreaded on his face.
" Wise decision, but we have to hurry, if we don't want the green tea, and chocolate cake to get cold", he informed, and started walking again . Jane obeyed silently, and followed the old man, and just when they took another path, the small cabin came to view. It had a blondie color, wooden glass frames on the windows, and it seemed like it had about five rooms. Once they entered the cabin, the aura of fresh baked cake, and sweet green tea filled the my lungs. " Please, have a seat", Mr. Schiller requested politely, pointing to a long table with five scarlet cusions  . Jane quickly scurried to one of the soft pillows, with an irritated smile.
" No need to be uncomfortable dear", Jane nodded slowly at Mr. Schiller's words, but she was not that conviced. The old man noticed the girl's uncomfortable expression, and looked over at Xavier, who was quiet the hole time.
" Um Xavier can you place the cake and tea until I come back, I just forgot somehting", Mr. Schiller excused himself, and walked out of the door. An awkward silence spreads through the room, and none of the two dared to look at each other. " I know this is rude, but what was your nightmare?", Xavier asked, finishing from placing the cakes, and poring the warm tea into the clay cups.
" I don't really want to talk about it", she replied shifting in her cusion.
" Oh I get it", he mumbled, his tone sounding a little depressed.
" I am sorry I  didn't mean to--", she stopped talking once she noticed the sly smile on his face. He glanced up at her confused, as he filled the last cup of tea.
" Why did you stop?", he asked , placing his elbow on the table, and lying his hand on his head on his hand. A faint blush appeared appeared on Jane's face, and she kept playing with her fingers nervously.
" It nothing important ", she muttered pushing a strand of hair away from her face, and looking at the collection of blue vases, that decorated the wooden shelves. " What do you feel about Torch, and Gazel?", she turned back to Xavier, and looked at him with surprise. " Well, I consider Gazel as a friend, as for Torch, he is like a brother", she replied, feeling more at ease, and a bright smile crossing her face. " Ah I see", he said, sounding a little regretful, and taking a huge sip from his cup of tea, before quickly pulling it away from his mouth. " Ahhh! Hot!", he yelled, fanning his mouth with his hand.
" Are you okay?!", she asked in alarm, and patting his back. " W--water ", he choked, gripping his neck. The pity girl looked around the room, until her eyes landed on the blue vases, she quickly stood up, took one of them, and ran back to Xavier, pouring the water I to his mouth. He pulled the vase out of his mouth, and spitted the water right at her. " Ahhh! Xavier!?", she yelled, wipping the water away from her face.
" Sorry! It's just you gave me dirty water", he aploplogised, placing the vase aside, and wipping his mouth. " Then I guess it's my fault, sorry", she replied ,carrying the vase back to its place, and brushing her finger against its edges. " You owe me", Jane quickly turned to Xavier with a surprised face.
" What do you mean? You drank that tea way too fast!", she asked, walking back to her cusion, and making herself comfortable. He chuckled a little at her excuse, and replied,

" Your the person who gave me dirty water, so I guess it's fair ", he replied, picking the small metal fork from his piece of cake, and dangling it in front of Jane's face, with a mischievous smile on his face. 
" Your going to feed me", he said, with his smile turning into a toothy smirk. Jane blinked several times, before taking the fork from his hand with a dark blush of embaresment, and took a slice of the cake, before raising it to his mouth.
" Open your mouth", she ordered, seeming really uncomfortable.
" Where's the magic word?", Xavier asked misciviously, and poked my cheeks. " Please", she answered, completely annoyed from his teasing. He opened his mouth, and Jane quickly placed the piece of cake inside. Xavier licked his lips early, with a smile on his face, and said, " It's your turn". He swiftly took the fork from her hand, and took a slice of the sweet chocolate cake, before shoving it into her mouth.
" How does it taste?", he asked, his personality changing back to normal, and giving her a soft smile. Jane blinked several times, and answered,
" It was sweet". Xavier being satisfied, placed his fork next to his plate, and took a small sip from his tea. A small smile cracked on Jane's lips, as she took a sip of her tea as well.
" Its good that your smiling again", she looked back at Xavier, who was staring at his tea with kind eyes.
" You didn't smile since the morning, I was getting worried that I will never see your smile again", he added, turning his gaze directly to Jane's Hazel eyes.
They kept staring at each other, and as each minute passed, Xavier's face inched closer to Jane's without any one of them noticing. They were already inches apart, and Jane didn't even dare to move. " I need you", Xavier whispered, intertwining his fingers with hers. Just when their lips were about to touch, the door bursted open, and Torch ran into the room glaring daggers at Xavier, Gazel was right behind him, doing the exact same thing, with his teeth grintted. Jane, and Xavier quickly turned to the two furious boys, and looked at them with confusion. " Get your filthy hands of her you perv!", Torch shouted, grabbing Xavier by the collar. " Are you asking for a fight?!", he added, yelling into Xavier's poor ears.

To be continued  . . . . 

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