Chapter 26

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Third person POV . . .

         The next day, the Raimon eleven drove back to Inazuma Town, it was a really exhausting trip, travelling by sea then by land, everyone was really stressed about their future game against Diamond Dust that they all kept babbling about a new strategy, but their was one member who sat at the back, not even saying a word, Jane Wolf was gazing at the window remembering the regret in Gazel's eyes, and the strange feeling she felt in her heart ,'Why?', she wondered, as the caravan passed by different shops, and houses. ' Why did things have to end up like this?', the poor girl kept worrying about her dear friend, that she didn't notice the caravan stopping, and everyone standing up to leave.
" Umm Jane, we are leaving, you shouldn't fall behind", the innocent girl snapped out of her thoughts, and looked at Jack with a small smile, and replied, " Oh yeah I am coming".

Jane's POV . . .

         We all walked out of the caravan, and I was more than surprised to see my old training spot, the river bank. It felt really refreshing to be back from a long, uncomfortable trip. Just when coach Lina announced that the hole day was going to be a vacation, a blue, and black ball fell from the sky, and crashed to the ground, with a gust of wind following it. "Raimon eleven, we Diamond Dust challenge you to a game, meet us at the football stadium, if you don't appear, we will destroy schools all over Japan for no reason", the cold, emotionless voice was familiar, and one thing I knew for sure, is that Gazel has finally broke. My great ached knowing that Gazel was on longer the same, it was all to obvious, and his voice in the message was the proof, it seemed heartless, cold, and confident about crushing Raimon's spirit.
' He is gone, and if we lose he might never comeback, Raimon has to win'.
We all quickly ran back to the caravan, and headed to the stadium.

           By the time we arrived, nobody was there. We all decided to get ready, and by the time we did, a cold gust of wind ran through the stadium, and that's when Diamond Dust arrived. An uneasy feeling rose I  my stomach, when I saw Gazel placing one of his positive smiles.

' Get ready Gazel, I am coming'. I was about to run to my position, but the coach's words stopped me I  my tracks, " Jane, Sue is going to take your place for this match". I turned towards her with a shocked face, " But coach--", she gave me a threatening glare, ordering me to obey her, which I did. As the game proceeded, things became ugly, it was obvious that Diamond Dust was toying with them, like puppets. I kept glaring at the coach the hole time, she was the only person stopping me from playing, ' If only I was on the field, things would have been deffirent!', I thought angerly, and looked back at the field, ' At this rate, we will lose', and I was correct, one of the defenders from Diamond Dust, used a really effective hissatue technique on Sue, causing her to lose the ball, and injure her ankle. I quickly ran towards her, and carried her to the benches with a little help from Eric.
" You should have seen that coming", I told Sue, as Silvia bandages her brusied ankle. " Well you should probably get on the field", Sue suggested, while giving me a bright smile. "No, he will", me and Sue looked over at the coach, who was pointing to a familiar boy with long, blond hair.
" Is that . . . Byron?!", I bursted angerly, and glared daggers at the blonde.
" He wants to help in defeating the Alias Academy, and I have accepted", coach Lina said crossing her arms, and stared at Byron as he walked towards us. "If it isn't Jane", he said, with a simple smile. I kept glaring at him, ignoring Eric and Sue, who were looking at us with confusion. 'I will never forgive what this creep did to Royal', I reminded myself as my glare became deeper, and grintted my teeth furiously.
"Jane, Byron will take you place for this match", coach Lina ordered, and waved her hand motioning Silvia to get Byron one of the extra uniforms.
" What in the name of hell?! I am not going to deal with this freak! He is just a crazy guy who thinks of himself as a god", I shouted, causing everyone, including Diamond Dut's members to look at me in surprise. I growled at the coach, and walked away not having any interest in saying anything else.
" I hate that guy more than anyone! Why out if all people did he have to join the team?!", I shouted to myself, as I stomped through the silver, metal hallways of the stadium. There was not a single noise, but my footsteps, and mad shouting. " Dont worry your time with Raimon is over anyway", I quickly turned around to the voice, but there was nobody. " Who's there?!", I shouted impatiently, looking around, sensing something bad was going to happen. I heard the same voice again, it laughed halfhreatedly before speaking,
" You have certainly changed from the first time we met,  you have become fearless, more caring, and much more powerful". The voice of the owner sent chills down my spine, and the air temperature started getting much more colder. I kept looking around for the stranger, but I stopped once I felt someone's breath next to my ear. " I told you, I don't have a choice", hearing those words, I knew the stranger directly. " Get away Xavier", I warned, my voice becoming gloomy, and my anger being replaced with betrayal. I looked down at my hands, and noticed my finger were interwined with his pale ones. " You don't mean what you say", he whispered into my ear with his voice filled with venim. " No No No, get away!!", I hit him in the stomach with my elbow, and quickly stepped away from him. " What do you want?!", I shouted with tears running down my face, as I watched him wince, while placing his  right hand on his stomach. " It's time I took you to Alias Academy  with me", he said, looking start into my eyes, before taking several steps towards me,  grabbing my wrist, and covering my mouth with his free hand. I started losing my consciousness, and the last thing I saw was Xavier's watery eyes.

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