Chapter 3

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Mark's POV . . .
          Me and the team were practicing in the field, kicking the ball with excitement. " I wonder how Royal and Jane are going?", I stood at the goal and stared at the sky thinking about Jane and Royal.
" Are you okay MARK? ", I looked at coach for a few seconds before answering. " Ow nothing just spacing out", the coach looked at me suspiciously before answering. " There is something Mark, and you know it", he said suspiciously.  ' Why is he so serious?' . " Well there is this girl I met a few weeks ago and--" coach cut me off by giving me a frown.
" Was the girl's name Jane Wolf?", I froze at his quistion 'How does he know?'. I took a deep breath and looked at him seriously.
" Yes sir that was her name!", I replied, feeling my muscles stiffen.
" Well I don't know if you know, but she joined Royal, a week ago, and the team they are against is Zues Junior High", he informed. I was happy and sad, I really wanted her to join the Raimon team since she has a good kick, but at the same time I a really happy that she found a team. I nodded my head to the coach, and went back to practice.
" Come on Axel! Give me your best Shot! "

Jane's POV . . .
I walked to the field with a mixture of rebellious , excitement and nevousness inside me. " And here comes Royal the best team in the country!". My hreat beated fast as I heard the crowd scream as we walked into the field.
" Don't worry Jane! We will surely win, and get to play Raimon in the finals", David gave me a reassuring smile as we walked into our positions. ' He is right all my friends helped me to this moment, and I will not let them down!'.
"And the Game starts!!". I dribbled the ball across the field with a wide smirk on my face. " I will take that!", I saw two of the Zues members coming in my direction.' I can get past them, but that will be boring' I thought to myself as I passed the ball to Daniel, but a Zeus member with long, green hair cuts the pass , and walks?! To the goal. " What The?!" I run to him , but he says a few weird words," Heavens time!". He clicks his fingers, and everything goes black and white, and becomes slow . ' How could he do that?!'. He clicks his fingers again, and we can move normally , but before I could catch up to him a strong wave of wind surrounds me and explodes. I stumble backwards bitting my lower lip trying to maintain the pain. " AAgghh!".
" Your okay? RIGHT? " I look up and spotted Daniel infront of me. " Yeah, just a scratch ", I replied. I stood up but by the time I did Zeus Jounir High was getting a shot at the goal. " God Knows!" . ' I am not going to let them score so easily' . I quickly rain after the ball determined to stop it.
" Jane I know what your thinking but it is impossible!", I ignored Jude as he shouted from the bench. " The impossible is possible!". I jumped in the air and tried blocking the ball, the pain was huge , but I didn't stop. Sadly I failed as I felt the ball rubbed roughly against my stomach as I flew backwards. I had no idea whether the ball went in as I laid down on the floor.
' I failed, I was too weak, no one has ever scored on us, and I want to keep it like that, I don't want to loose'. Every thing was blurred, and I was able to hear faint shouts of worry coming form all directions, but a after a few seconds I was stabilised again. " Jane! Joe! Are you alright guys?" I slowly sat up and pressed my palm on my stomach trying to ease the pain. " Jane that was really reckless". I felt a sharp pain in my knee, and I winced a little.
" This what happens when you challenge the gods",  I looked to my left and noticed the same guy who shot the ball smirking at me evilly. I stood up wanting to punch his face, but Daniel held my shoulder reminding me of the consequences of doing that.

After a few minutes . . .

' How is this happening? How are we losing? We were not able to even touch the Ball! And we are still in the first half!' . I breathed heavily as I sat crouched on the ground.
" We have to keep going guy! The result is not set until the end!", Joseph's voice was weak, but determined. ' He is right we should stay strong till the end'. I trembled trying to start up , ignoring the pain my body suffered from the game. " Why try? You can't beat the gods" , The boy with green hair said. My throat was dry as I looked at all my teammates as they failed to stand. ' No this is wrong ' I looked at Joseph as he stood up a second and fell head first to the ground. " Time for you to bow to the gods" , I raised my face in his direction and watched him do his move.
" God Knows!", I stood in my ground with a hopeless face. I jumped in front the ball blocking it with my body but it just pushed me with it into the goal with it . I saw Jude run into the field with his face in shock as he looked at all of us, and then I passed out.

Sorry that this is a short chapter. I promise the next chapter will be longer.

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