Chapter 20

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Jane's POV . . .

      I was more than happy when Hurley practiced with us, it was really nice to have on of my old friends playing a game which I am extremely fond with. Apparently Jude was helpful by helping Hurley create his own hissatsu shot. After practice we all took a break and waited until the caravan to arrived.

           " Too bad you couldn't stay longer", Hurley said, giving me a bear hug.
" Yeah it's quite a shame, but we have to deeper into the city to find this flame striker", I said matter of factly. " Come on Jane We have to go! go! Go!", Silvia shouted excitedly, and dragged me into the inazuma caravan.
" See ya Jane!", Hurley called, as the doors of the caravan closed. " Same here!", I called back, waving with a delightful smile as the door of the blue caravan slowly closed. I walked over to Shawn, who was staring at the window with his eyes filled with wonder, and confusion.
" Hey no need to be so down" , I said poking his cheeks perkily.

" Uh? What are you talking about?", Shawn asked, turning around , avoiding the fact that he was worried about something. " Come on now, you know you cannot hide what's bugging you forever", I replied, taking a seat beside him. He slumped in his seat, and sighed heavily. " Well you see, when we were kids, just a day after you left I was playing soccer at school, Asian came back as--", I cut him off by my random questions. " He came back? But I thought he died!?", He covered my mouth with both of his hands, nearly suffocating me. I patted his hands several times, wanting him to let go. He swiftly removed his hands, and looked at the ground. " He did die in the accident, but a part of him, like a spirit is left inside of me", he mumbled, loud enough for me only to here. " Oh I already knew" , I said simply , ruffling his hair. "H--how?", he asked raising his head, and looking at me suspiciously. Sweat running down my forehead at his question. "U--Uhh well, I just noticed!", I delayed scratching the back of my head. Shawn blinked a couple of times, before turning his attention back to the window.
"Your too easy to read, come on tell me how did you know", he said placing his elbow on the edge on of the glassy window, and resting his cheek on his hand. I stayed quiet not wanting to drag Nelly, and coach Lina into our conversation. " So?", my body started to stiffen,

He is not going to back down', I grintted my teeth, and sighed. " Nelly, and coach Lina", I replied , while looking at the ground.
" See? That wasn't hard", he said confidently, looking back at me from the corner of his bluish eyes, and smiled innocently. " Aren't you mad?", I asked raising my head a little.
" Your my childhood friend it's normal that you know", he replied looking at the window again.
" Alright everyone we will stop here for a while until I get some information about the Flame Striker", coach Lina said, before standing up from her seat, and walking out of the caravan. Everyone sighed once the coach disappeared from our sight.
" We are not going to stand here and wait! Let's start searching for the Flame Striker! " , Mark cheered jumping from his seat.
" That's actually a good idea", Nelly agreed , picking her umbrella from the floor. Everyone nodded their heads, and walked behind Mark, out of the caravan. I stood up, and looked at Shawn who was lost in his thoughts. " Are you coming? ", my quistion brought him back to reality.
" Y-yeah sure", he glitched, and nodded his head.

In the end Bobby asked if he could help us, and we agreed calmly.
" Man! It's so hot!", Bobby complain, while placing his arm infront of his eyes. " Well that's Okinawa for you", I shot back, trying to tie my hair with a small rubber band .
" I really hope this guy is Axel" , Shawn said , using his scarf as a fan. " How are you still alive with that scarf rapped around your neck?!" , I shouted with a mixture of confusion and anger.
" Huh I never thought about it", Shawn replied, placing his index finger on his chin. My eyebrows flinched slightly at his strange actions. Suddenly I heard the red rubber band snip. " Oh! Hey I am going to gat a hair tie from a shop close to here, you guys go ahead ", I informed, running in an opposite direction.

After I got the hairband, I headed back to the Inazuma caravan, but on my way someone placed their hands on my eyes. " Guess who?", the owner's voice was sarcastic and mysterious. " Umm, Mark?", I guessed giggling a little. " Nope!", the stranger said with a hint of laughter in his voice.
" Humm, Gazel?", I asked hitting my lip.
" I don't think Gazel ever sounds happy", the unknown person said, with his breath brushing against my ear. " Hold up your Xavier?!", I asked with surprise filling my mind. The stranger slowly removed their hands, and I quickly turned around, and saw Xavier standing in front of me with a pitiful smile on his face. " What's wrong?", I asked erasing the smile from my face.
" It just I saw what happened with you and Torch yesterday in the woods, and when you gave that guy who was rapping his arm around your neck a hit in the stomach . . . Your eyes . . They were glowing purple on the edges, and I j--just", he stopped talking, he looked like he was about to break.
" The poison is taking effect then ", I said , with a questions spinning in my mind. ' Why is this happening? How can I make it stop? What am I going to tell this to coach Lina? What are my parents going to think about me?', I grintted my teeth, and hugged Xavier without thinking. "I--I am scared", I muttered, as I felt him hug back.
" Listen, try fighting it, it will slowly down the poison from spreading, don't worry if things start going wrong i will be there", he said , patting my head.
" Look, that's not all" , he said breaking the hug. I looked at him confused, not knowing how things could get any worse, " When Torch came back to Alias Academy, he was caught by one of my father's supporters, and as punishment, they used the poison on him as well", I felt my breathing getting heavy, legs trembling, tears forming in the corner of my eyes, my mind was completely blank, and I really wished that the earth could just open, and swallow me. " This is all my fault! ", I cried, tugging his shirt.
"Calm down! Now listen there is a risk that he might not remember, now stop blaming yourself! It's pointless!", he said, with both of his hands on my shoulders. I took a deep breath, and gave him a cheap smile.
" I promise, as much as I dislike him, I will help him for you okay?", he whispered into my ear, I just nodded my head, and allowed a sigh escaped my lips. " Just don't get yourself in the same condition ", I protested, while rubbing the sapphire Torch gave me between my fingers. " I promise", he said giving me a simple smile, before giving my forehead a quick kiss. A shade of
red appeared at my face. " I have to get going", I said, before brushing his hands away from my shoulders, and walking away. " Bye--", when I turned around , he was already gone. ' What a strange guy', I thought,a nd ran back to the caravan.

Hope you liked this chapter!
Get ready the next chapter might be a heartbreak!

But who will be the heart breaker?
A) Gazel
B) Torch
C) Xavier

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