Chapter 15

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Jane's POV . . .

         It was midnight, and I was still unable to sleep.
' What did Xavier mean by a vision? What is the poison?', question after question will pop in my head, and it will stop me from sleeping. After a few minutes I gave up, and decided to check on Shawn. Everyone told me about Aidan's spirit haunting him, since he was a kid. I really felt guilty about not knowing anything, about that secret.   

            Once I stepped into the room, I noticed a small candle was lit beside Shawn's bed. Every step I took towards his sleeping figure made me shiver uncomfortably, my heart would not stop aching, and head would not stop pounding. Just when I reached the side of the bed, the pain, and fear slowly left my body. I had no idea what happened so I just ignored it, and looked at Shawn. He seemed to have a nightmare, since he kept sweating, frowning, and muttering words like " Aidan" or " No not her". I took a chair that was in corner of the room, and placed it beside the hospital bed. I looked at my clothes, and noticed that I was wearing a blue dress that reached my knees, and it had two pockets, but I was really annoyed that I was walking barefoot, and the cold floor felt like ice cubes. " I AM SHAWN!", I jumped from the chair, once Shawn sat-up quickly. He was breathing heavily,  and his eyes changing orange for a second, before turning back to their normal, blue colour. I patted his back gently, and whispered soothing words in to his ear,
" It's okay it's okay, that was just a nightmare". His breathing slowed down, and he regained his calm face. " Jane?", he turned his attention to me, and surprisingly, he had a serious expression.
" Do you remember the promise we made to each other when we were kids?", he asked , with his voice filled with sadness.

             I remember it all too well, it was back in Hokkaido when we made that promise. It was a stunning morning. Me, Shawn, and Aidan were walking to school, it was our first day in third grade, and Shawn was really afraid. When I went to meet them at their house, Aidan was dragging him out of the house by the strap of his bag, but he kept struggling to make Aidan let go.
" Leave me alone! I don't want to go!", he winned, and struggled even more.
" Come help me Jane!", Aidan shouted, as he pulled Shawn harder. I ran to Shawn and whispered to him, " If you walk with me and Aidan, i promise we will always be best friends". He stoppred struggling, and puffed his adorable cheeks, friendship was always the most important thing in his eyes.
" You promise?", he asked suspiciously. I nodded my head, and raised my pinky finger, he did the same thing, and interwined his finger with mine.
" Come on you two! We are going to be late!", Aidan shouted, and pulled the strap of Shawn's bag again. I simply giggled, and followed.

             " Yeah I remember", I replied to Shawn, and gave him a soft smile.
" Well I am sorry I wasn't the friend you wanted me to be", he said, looking at his hands regretfully , and grintted his teeth.
" What did you do wrong to be a bad friend?", I asked pitifully, and placed my hands on his fists.
" I am sorry because I can't change the fact that Alias Academy  is after you", he replied with tears dropping from his cheek, and landing on our hands.
" Who told you that?", once the words ran out of my mouth, the door slowly opened, and Nathan walked in with his bag on his shoulder. " I told him", he answered with a gloomy aura around him. I was at lost of words when I say him, his hair was loose, and his eyes were dim. " What are you doing here?", Shawn asked in his broken state. " I just wanted to give Jane this before leaving", he said, and pulled a small needle, that had small crystals attached to the bottem of it. " This needle was attached to your neck on the night when you passed out, while talking to me, and it had a strange purple looking liquid dripping from it, so I thought you might have to know since I will no longer be around", he explained, and walked towards me. Something about him was strange, but I could not know what it was exactly. He placed the needle a tissue, and handed it to me without showing the slightest emotion in his eyes. " This is not like you", I said firmly, snatching the needle from his hand , and rapping my arms around him. ' He is my friend, and him leaving, is like me losing a family member' . " Please don't go", I muttered. Shawn just sat and watched with pitiful eyes. " I can't stay here, Alias Academy just has too many teams, and I have no chance against them", Nathan said , breaking the hug, and rubbing my head. " We will stay friends,and I will train hard to get better", he added, before gently kissing my forehead, and walked out of the room. " I am sure he will be fine " , Shawn said, and cradled my hand.
" Yeah your right". I gave his hand a small squeeze, and sat back on the chair.

Shawn's POV . . .

             A few hours passed since the event with Nathan, and Jane dozzed off into a deep slumber. " You haven't  change a bit", I patted her head.
" You always looked after me when we are kids, now it's time I do the same thing", I whispered, and looked out of the window.
' No way in Hell is Alias Academy going to place a finger on Jane!', as time passed my eyelides became heavy, and my body felt tired. I slowly fell asleep, and placed my head back on the pillow, and this time, there were no nightmares.

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