Chapter 39

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Third person POV . . .

          Everything was nearly perfect after that, Alias Academy was finally defeated by Raimon, and all its teams were freed from the Alias Rock since it was destroyed during an unexpected explosion. Mr. Schiller was sent to jail directly, and the other member of Alias Academy were taken to coach Lina's orphanage, as for Gazel, he settled in the hospital for a few days until his wound healed. Raimon on the other hand took their time to come. Jane, had already went back to her old life, but things were much more different this time. Evey afternoon, she would visit Gazel, at the hospital, and practice soccer with Torch, by the riverbank, but what no one knew, was that Mr.Schiller's supporters were building a new team of darkness.

Jane's POV . . .

       I was standing behind a tree, and watched as Raimon played their match against Dark Emperors. ' I just wanted to just came by, and congratulate Raimon for winning Genisis, but instead I arrive, to notice that the old members of Raimon, including my friend Nathan, was playing against Mark while using the power of the Alias Rock! Which i thought was pernametly destroyed! '.
" I not just going to stand here", I told myself, walking out of the shadows, and jumping into the middle of the field, and stealing the ball from Kevin.
" I guess you like having your strings pulled like a puppet", I mocked him, while passing the ball slowly. He glared daggers at me, and kicked the ball at me with a mighty force, but to me, it was harmless. I swiftly made a handstand, and kicked the ball downwards to the ground.
          Mark, and the others seemed relived to see me, and just like that, I got I included in the vicious game. It was more than just a pain, everyone was covered in brusies, and scratches in on a few minutes, except me who had only a few. I did not like any part of the game, the Dark Emperors were surely stronger than Raimon, not because of the Alias Rock, but from their skills, it shows that they have been training a lot.

          I dribbled the ball past the players of Dark Emperors swiftly, but sadly, Nathan was able to keep up with me, and tackled me to the dirt ground. A loud grunt escaped my lips, and I quickly ran after Nathan to regain the ball. Once I caught up to him, we slammed our shoulders against each other angerly,  fighting for dominance, but it seemed as if it will never end.
" Sap out of it Nathan! We are your friends!", I shouted, as I shoved him to the ground, and headed to the Dark Emperors'  goal. Fuumed with determination, I kicked the ball towards the goal, allowing the lightning wolf to appear behind the ball, and got passed the goalkeeper, as if he was never even there. Loud gasps came out of my mouth as I gasped for fresh air, and kneeled down on the floor, feeling fatigue wash over me. Once I raised my head again, the first thing I saw was the ball heading in my direction, and hitting me strat in the face, causing me to fall backwards in pain. I tried opening my eyes, but the only person I was able to see was Nathan's emotionless eyes.
" Your not bad Jane", Nathan complemented,  as he enjoyed watching me struggle to stand up.

Give me a break!", I shouted, while tackling him, stealing the ball swiftly, and passing it to Axel. The signs of anger appeared on Nathan's face, as he ran after Axel with rage filling his eyes. I wanted to run after him, but my body rejected, and I passed out from exhaustion.

Gazel's POV . . .

           I walked out of the hospital, and felt my phone vibrate in my purple hoodie's pocket.
" Who will be calling now?", I asked myself, pulling the shivering obstical from my pocket, and answered the phone call with a bored, " Hello?"
" Oi! Ice princess! Jane got really reckless today, and my opinion is that you should run to the Wolf's mansion now!", Torch's annoying voice was too obvious to notice, and I let out a sigh, and looked at the date, from the nofication panel.
" Hey Torch, give me the address of that mansion", I said with a smirk, as I eyed a small sweet shop, on the opposite side of the street.
" I have a feeling your up to something, what is it?!", Torch ordered from the other side of the phone call, as I crossed the street.
" As if I would trust yo Tulip Head", I replied, walking into the sugar smelling shop, and stared at all the delights, and tasty sweets.
" Baka!", Torch wined angerly, I simply shrugged at his reaction.
" Wait! Your getting Janesomething for Valentine right?", Torch added, his voice sounding teasy, and filled with mischief.
" Whatever, I really have no idea what to get her though", I casually replied, while walking past the shelves of candy, and chocolate displays.
" I knew it, but I will not let her go easily for you ya know", he said, making me feel suspicious about his childish pranks.
" My advice is that you should just step down", I replied, as I analysed the red,heart shaped chocolate boxes, which where stacked on top of each other by the counter.
" Yeah what's so ever! Just watch me Baka!", he shouted over the phone, before ending the call. I shoved the phone back into my pocket, and walked towards to the old counter lady.
" How can I help you young man?", she asked, with a kind smile on her face.
I stayed silent, and looked at the chocolate boxes again, and let out a loud sigh. The old women giggled at my reaction, and said,
" I know that look, new to love?". A light blush appeared on my cheeks, and I  lowered my head to cover it.
" Y-yeah ", I replied, brushing my fingers through my hair.
" I have just the thing young man", she walked over to a fancey shelf, and walked back with a cluttered, blue, heart-shaped box, which had a white ribbon tied around it.
" This will surely make your girl happy, it's only going to cost you ten yen", she said, handing me the the medium sized box.
" Thank you", I mumered, giving her the money, and taking the box from her hands greatfully.

Get ready readers tomorrow is the Valentine chapter!

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