Chapter 37

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Third person POV . . .

             Torch, and Gazel glared at a each other daggers, ignoring their gasps for air, and seemed like they could pass our any second. Jane, knowing the consequences, pushed them both away from each over with all of her force, causing them both to fall backwards, and groan in agony.
" Are you both mad?! What is the point of this fighting?!", she yelled the two teen boys.

"T-to keep him away!", they both replied, pointing at each other, and struggling to stand up.  Jane was able to feel the vibes of anger between the boys, stood up, and shouted, " Stop acting like two year old kids!". Sadly, her advice was ignored by Torch, and he pounced ferociously at Gazel, who was looking at the floor with guilt, but quickly reacted to Torch's sudden attack by jumping up from his crouched position, and taking several steps sideways, causing Torch to fall head first to the ground. Gazel kept his gloomy eyes locked on Torch, as if waiting for him to make the next move as well, but the more he waited, the more impatient he got. A small groan came from Torch, as he stood back up on his two feet, and turning to Jane.
" Stay out of this!", he growled, before looking at Gazel, and ran towards him while raising his fist! But Gazel swiftly slipped behind him, striking the sensitive part at the back of his neck, with his hand, and pushed him back to the floor. Jane pitied the red-headed boy as she watched him stumble to the floor, and moan in agony. Worst of all, both Gazel's and Torch's injures started to open a little, leaving tiny stains of blood on their red, and blue soccer uniform. The teen girl felt her heart ache as she watched Torch throw several merciless punches at Gazel, but they were all dogged smoothly. Noticing his punches were useless, Torch placed his hands on Gazel's shoulders and kneed him in the stomach, before shoving him to the ground monstrously, and to make things worse, Gazel's wounds opened more, and the blood stains on his shirt seem to grow.
' Why do they always have to make such a big deal about something so simple?! They only make things worse for themselves!", Jane thought, but snapped out of her daze once noticing Torch raising his fist again to strike Gazel again, but what surprised her the most, was that the cold-hearted boy had a weak smile, and was mumbling softly, " I deserve to be broken".
Without thinking, Jane grabbed Torch's wrist, just when it was an inch away from Gazel's face. Both boys were shocked by the girl's bold actions, and stared at her in " Awe". She turned to Gazel with a look none of them had seen before, she was actually glaring for the first time, and Gazel's body seemed to become stiff from her spine chilling look.

" Don't just stand there! Tell him you simply don't want to fight", she yelled, and looked back at Torch, and added," Your acting no better than the devil himself!". Torch looked really hurt, and pushed Jane's hand away from his wrist, and gritted hid teeth, and asked, " Jane, d-do y-you love someone?".
The girl was at lost of words, and replied, " Not really".
" Don't lie", Gazel growled, sitting straight, and staring directly into the Jane's a hazel eyes.
" I am not lying!", she replied angrily, but the two boys were still not convinced, and kept narrowing their eyes at her.
Jane was about to stand up, but Torch placed his hands on her shoulders, and forced her to sit back down.
" You still did not answer", Torch whispered impatiently, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
" So what's your answer?", Gazel asked plainly, as he slowly crawled closer to her, and intertwining his fingers with hers.
" I already told you, I don't love anyone", she whined, and tried getting way from the two boys, but she was already cornered by Gazel, and Torch had a tight grip on her. The more she complained, and struggled, the worse her position became, her head ended up lying on Torch's lap with him brushing his fingers through her hair, and Gazel was on top of her, with a serious look on his face.
" Oi Gazel, mind if I take the first move?", Torch asked his teammate, while caressing the teen girl's hair. Jane's temper started burning from their teasingm and she pushed Gazel off her, feeling a high fever hit her head. She quickly stood up, and ran to her room, closing the door, and slipped under the blue bed sheets, while nuzzling her nose into one of the white, soft pillows.

Jane's POV . . .

          I heard the bedroom's door, and pulled the blankets above my head, not wanting to face anyone in my current blushing mess.
" Jane?", Gazel's voice rang in my ears, and I felt his weight on the bed.
" Go away!", I shouted, tightening my grip on the blankets.
" You were right when you said I was broken, and how I acted selfish, but this time, I will make your happy, not only me", I felt him slowly remove the bed sheets off me, and brushed his fingers through my hair.
" Aceept me, I can no longer take in the pain", he whispered. I turned around to meet Gazel's beautiful teal eyes, and felt my hreat pounding inside of me.
He was sitting at the edge of the bed with his legs dangling from the bed, and had that spark of pain in his eyes again.

" I can't ", I rejected , but I hated myself for those words, my heart felt as if it was tearing itself apart, and my mind became dizzy.

"Jane? Your heating up", Gazel's voice became faint, but I was able to feel his hand against my forehead.
" I-I am sorry", I mumbled , tugging his shirt, and breathing heavily.

Third Person POV . . .

             Gazel looked at the girl's eyes with pity, and slowly helped her sit up, with his arm rapped around her waist. She was trembling a lot, and she coughed every few seconds.
" I am taking you tomorrow to the hospital, and I will surrender myself to the police, so I can explain the effects of the poison", Gazel said, placing a soft, cold kiss on her forehead, and felt his heart flutter, before pulling away.
" Why?", she mumbled, while tugging his shoulder for support. He simply gave her a tight hug, and enjoyed the aroma of roses as he nuzzled his nose into her hair.
" Sweet, so sweet", he kept mumbling , letting a loud sigh of satisfaction.
" G-Gazel I-I L-", Jane locked her mouth knowing that she can not accept Gazel, there was still Torch and Xavier, and she did not want to hurt anyone in the situation. What Gazel did not know, was that Jane has started to fall into his fingers since the first day they met, but until now she has not noticed.
" I will get you to accept me, I will make sure", he said in determination, pulling her closer, and waited for her to hug back.
" Gazel please let go!", Jane whined, noticing that the hug was too tight, and that she was suffocating. The teen boy broke the hug, and looked at Jane's eyes coldly, causing chills to run down her spine.
" Save me", he whispered into her ear, before standing up, and leaving the room, with Jane still lost in her thought, but it did not last long until Jane fell asleep with nightmares haunting her dreams.

           The red-headed boy stood by Gazel's bedroom door, and waited for Gazel to arrive, hoping that he did not do anything fishy to Jane. Once Gazel came came into his view, he rushed over to him, and started shaking his shoulders, wanting his friend to tell him how things went, but Gazel did not reply, and it seemed as if his hole life has been sucked out of his teal eyes, they were dim, and filled with sadness, that made him look like a living dead.
" Oi! Gazel Talk!", Torch shouted, causing his rival to snap out of his thoughts a little.
" She rejected me", Gazel mumbled hopelessly, and looked at his captain with a small smile.
" It's between you and Xavier now", he said, gritting his teeth, and forming fists with his hands.
" So  your going turn you back on her?", Torch asked Gazel cheaply, and let out a small shrug.
" No, I am going to show her what I feel, the same way she showed me the light", Gazel replied, loosing his fists, and feeling his heart ease a little, and added, " I will never give up on her".
Torch certainly looked impressed, and gave the silver-haired boy a smirk.
" Not bad Gazel, not bad", he said mischievously, before walking away, knowing things would start getting exciting.

Sorry it took longer than I thought!
Until next time!

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