Chapter 6

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Jane's POV . . .
           I sat in the living room with my hand hugging a pillow, and the other holding the remote and flipping through the channels. My brother Mike sat at a sofa , and glared at me with suspicion.
" Don't you have soccer practice?" , he asked, trying to break the awkward silence.
" Why do you care? ", I asked, annoyed,  while grabbed my bag , and walking towards the door. Once I stepped outside, the injuries from our game against Zues Junior took affect. My legs had a sharp pain, my body felt no longer strong , and before I knew it , I was unconscious.  The last thing I heard was my brother calling my name, and his worried face made me know how weak I am. 'I always fail everyone because I am not powerful', and everything went black.

Joseph's POV . . .
             I lied in the hospital bed, and stared at the white ceiling .
" How did we end up in this?", I asked David who's eyes were so gloomy.
"I don't know Joe", he replied with a hopeless tone.
" I bet Jude is winning his way through with Raimon" , I said completely bored from staying I  the hospital bed day after day.* Crash!*. Me and David turned to the door, and saw the nurse carry 
Jane into the room. She slowly placed her on a bed opposite us , and waited for her to wake up. ' I bet her injuries from our last game didn't heal'. She weakly opened her eyes, and stared a little at the cealing before noticing were she is , and sat up quickly. Her eyes were staring at us with sadness, and guilt. ' What could we do? We are all ashamed after our first loss', I looked outside the window, and wished to become stronger.

David's POV . . .
              A few hours have passed since Jane was bought to the hospital , she would stare at the window or frown at her hands. Suddenly the window let out a small click. Our heads popped up, there was a boy standing there with a huge smirk on his face, and chocolate brown hair with a little silver dye.
" You must be sick sitting here everyday". He grabbed a banana out of the basket and studied Joe from the corner of his percing eyes.
"We need time to retain our strength--" . Before Joe can finish, the boy moved closer to Joe, and started screaming randomly with a wild smirk on his face. "I know your angry about losing, let that hatred rest in your heart a bit, it will make you stronger!" . He grabbed Joe's hand, and placed it on his chest.
" Can you feel it?! ".

Joseph's POV . . .
             A purple light started forming from his chest, and I felt his heart pound loudly. ' That light is unstoppable power , it is running through his body like a river. If I get my hands on it, I will get stronger'. The light slow statred fading away.
" Meet me at the harbour outside the city of you want to get stronger then Jude Sharp", once the light disappeared, the boy was gone.
I looked at Jane and David who were staring in blank space. " Power?", we all wisphered the venomous word at the same time , and a smile crept onto our faces.

Caleb's POV . . .
           'That girl . . Her eyes were filled with anger and guilt, she will do well against Raimon'. I walked into Ray Dark's room, and saw him sitting in his chair , his evilness hidden behind his black glasses, and his mouth curved into a smirk while staring at a blue screen "Did you find anymore players?". He asked not bothering to look at me in the eye. " Yup, and on of them has an interesting flame I it's eye". His smirk grew on his face more at my rebellion words. " So Jane Wolf has finally given in to power then" , he said. Anyone could tell from his voice that he had something on his sleeve, and that it was going to be interesting. I smirked to myself , and walked out, feeling positive about my success.

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