Chapter 35

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Jane's POV . . .

            Ever since yesterday, I couldn't tell if Gazel actually came to me in the middle of the night, or if what I saw was just a dream. I thought, as I poured tea into my tea cup. I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and that caused me to remember how awkward was my first day in Alias Academy.  The atmosphere was so boring in the dining room, the only thing I was able to hear was clicking of my tea spoon as I stirred the hot liquid in the tea cup, the sound of the soft breeze, and the ticking of the grandfather clock . Even though the weather was calm, and comfortable, I  still felt lonely, and really bored. My eyes moved from the tea cup, to the father cloak. Surprisingly, I woke up ten in the morning, and every time the clock ticked, I got more irritated.
" Is anyone here?", I looked at the entrance of the cabin, and noticed a girl with bright blue hair, about my age standing beside the door, and dressed up in the Genisis uniform. Once she noticed my presence, she motioned me to follow her, and started walking away. I blinked a few times, before leaving my cup of tea, and jogging after the strange girl.

         By the time I caught up to the girl, an awkward silence floated in the air as I followed her through the hallways.
  " Why didn't you stop those two idiot captains?", she suddenly asked. I noticed her hands forming fists, and her voice sounding stiff, so I hesitated a little before answering her question, " I don't understand what you mean".
" The two idiots Torch, and Gazel! Why didn't you stop them?!"  She asked angerly, raising her voice, and grintting her teeth. I lowered my head in regret, and replied, " I was only able to warn them, and show them the right way, there was nothing else I could do about their twisted plans. Mr.Schiller caused those two to reach this condition, and I can't change what he taught them". My calm words seem to ease the girl a little, but there was still an aura of anger around her.
" Well now you will know how pointless it is to be powerless", she said stopping in front of a silver door, opened it, and walked in slowly. The sounds of screams were heard from the inside, and they were filled with pain and agony.
" My name is Belletrix anyway", the strange girl said, before motioning me to enter. I felt really nervous to step into a dark room with a dim light, where screams of fear were heard, but I still managed to walk in somehow. Instantly, I regreted my decision, once I saw my two friends lying on the floor, seeming half dead. They were covered with scars, scratches, and aweful brusies, as they lied down on the floor with their eyes closed.
" Jane?" , from the shadows, I spotted Xavier standing a few meters away from me, with the signs of regret on his sad face.
" Your finally here", I quickly turned around to the owner of the voice, and felt tears of anger roll down my eyes once I saw Mr.Schiller standing between three men dressed in black, with each one of them having a whip in their hand.
" I told you to take care of Torch, but I guess you were just hopeless, that I even had to send Xavier to stop them from playing against Raimon", he said, while simply smiling. I felt my blood boil with hatred to this terrible man, and without thinking, I ran to him not caring about the consequences, but Xavier rapped his arms around my waist stopping me from spilling my revenge on the old man. I struggled to get out of his grip, but the feeling of anger slowly changed to sadness, and sorrow.
" Your a monster", I weeped , feeling Xavier's grip loosen, and fell down on my knees.
" So I was correct, you biggest weakness is seeing your friends get hurt, what a pity", I felt more tears fall down my cheeks, because of Mr.Schiller's stabbing words, but quickly wipped them away, and stood up.
" No your wrong, my friends make me in fact stronger, and I am not going to let you get in the way!", I yelled, and pointed my index finger at him. His smile vanished, and he seemed more than just disappointment.
" Well then I guess I have to give you a similar punishment", he said, looking over to the weird men, and nodding his head to them. I did not need anyone to explain what was going to happen to me, I was going to get tortured for sure. Just when the men in black raised their whips in the air, Xavier stood in front of me, and shouted,
" Father! You should keep your promise, and not hurt her!". I was stunned by Xavier's bold move, but he spoke too late, the three whips slashed across his skin, and ripped through his uniform. A loud scream echoed through the hall, causing a scary atmosphere to rise. Even through Xavier was whipped three times in a row, he was still standing. The three men raised their whips in the air again, but Mr.Schiller clapped his hands two times, motioning for them to stop. A sigh of relief escaped Xavier's lips, and he stumbled backwards into my arms with an expression of pain on his face.
" That's enough!", Mr.Schuller declared, walking out of the hall with the three bloodthirsty men following him.
I slowly sat down on the cold floor, and placed Xavier's head on my lap.
" Your not hurt right?", he asked in a weak voice, with his eyes filled with care.

" You shouldn't have done that", I replied, looking at the horrifying scars, there was one on his right shoulder, another  on his chest, and the third one was on his left arm.

" Hey, you were worth these scars", he said, with his hand shivering as he reached to one of the strands of my orange, sunset hair.

Third Person POV. . .

" We should go, and get those two bandaged", he added looking over at the Torch and Gazel.
" Yeah, and you too", Jane  added, and watched as her friend stood up, and winced a little.
" Lets go to the cabin, you take Gazel, and I will take care of the other dufose", Xavier ordered, struggling as he carried Torch on his back, and started walking. Luckily for Jane, Gazel was half wake, and was able to walk a little, but he would always have his arm around Jane for support.
" They are surely worn out, none of this would have happened if I forced them to stop", I complained, as we walked back to the cabin.
" Blaming yourself now will be pointless, just wish that they have understood what you felt", Xavier said trying to stop her from feeling guilty. Jane stayed silent, still not forgiving herself for the damage she has caused.

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