Chapter 22

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Jane's POV . . .

          I clenched my teeth as I ran through the woods. My legs froze once I heard shouting, I slowly walked towards the voices, and hid behind a tree. My mouth went wide when I saw Xavier, Torch , and Gazel arguing with each other, I was caught of guard, I never saw Gazel or Xavier that mad before, not to mention Torch ,who looked like he could

blow-up any second. I tried taking a closer look at them, and took a step forward, but I accidently ended up stepping at a twig. Xavier's attention, moved to my hiding spot.
" Who's there?", Gazel asked, with his hands in fists. My body siffened a little at his question, but I still managed to walk into the light.
" Jane?", I felt a small smile appear on my face, when Torch said my name.
" Sorry for eavesdropping, I just was running, and I heard your voices", I said, and looked at the floor feeling ashamed, with the smile vanishing.
" It doesn't really matter", Gazel said before pausing a little." Shouldn't you tell her about your stupid mistake, Tulip Head", Gazel spoke again. I raised my head, noticing Torch trying to sneak away, but stopped when Gazel's teasing reached his ears.
" You take that last word back!
Ice princess!", Torch yelled, running towards Gazel, and grabbing him by the collar. " Your making her more confused you two", Xavier said plainly , while placing his hand on Torch's shoulder . He growled at Gazel, before shoving him away, and looking back at me. I was still confused about why they were so mad. " Look, today when I was hanging out with you", he paused, and scratched his head irritatedly. " One of the supporters from Alias Academy spotted me with you, so they gave me a punishment", he said scratching his head awkwardly, and laughing like an idiot. " But I thought you were suffering from Amnesia?", I asked, starting to get angry, and bit my lower lip . " Who in hell told you that?!", he asked, with shock covering his face.
" Uhh it was a guy?", I mumbled, not wanting Xavier to end up in the same condition as Gazel. Torch studied my irritated face with his index and thumb finger on his chin.
" Your a bad liar as I am", he said smirking. I rubbed the back of my neck, and avoided his creepy expression.
" Cut Jane some slack Torch, I told her that lie", Xavier said, breaking the awkward atmosphere.
  " Why in hell would you do that?", Torch yelled, grintting his teeth, and walking towards Xavier.
' This is not good!', I alarmed myself, and tugged Torch's arm. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes.
" Jane?", for the first time, I felt everything become slow motion.
" Stop! This won't gain you anything!", I shouted looking at him straight in the eyes.
" Wow the first girl to ever shout at Torch without the hint of fear", Gazel said, clapping his hands , with a mischivious smile on his face.
"Can you just stay quite Ice Princess?!" , Torch replied twitching his eyebrow at Gazel. He was about to walk to him, but I tugged his arm tighter.
" Fighting won't do any good! Now can you please tell me what punishment you got?, I asked, and bit my lower lip. " Fine, I was given the same poison as you, apparently it doubles the players power if they accept it, but if you fight it, you will just end up in pain, and it works only when you are in a game. It side effects are simple, once you accept it, you can focuse on one thing, and forget everything, until the game is done  ", he said looking over at Gazel.
' So that was it? They didn't have to lie', I thought removing my hands from Torch. " Hey, don't even think about giving into the poison, it can make you cross your limits", Xavier said, with his eyes filled with seriousness.
" I will keep that in mind", I replied winking.
" We still have to deal with the supporters" , Gazel reminded us,  looking at Xavier with a plan face.
" You should probably get going", Torch said , and gave me quick kiss on  the cheek. I turned fifty shades, and turned around, trying to hide my blushing face.
" Your playing this game unfair Tulip Head" , I heard Gazel say angerly. Someone suddenly grabbed my wrist from behind and pulled me closer. I turned around, and looked over my shoulder to see Torch smirking eviliy at Gazel and Xavier.
" So what? It's not like I even consider this a game", he said, removing his hand form my wrist, and placing it on my shoulder.
" You making a wrong move Torch", Xavier replied shoving his hands into his pockets. Torch grintted his teeth, but swiftly placed it with a smirk.
" Then if your that careless, you can just run away like a chicken" , he said, placing his chin on my head. ' He is acting like a baka again', I crouched down on my knees, causing Torch to loose his balance, and I quickly jumped away from him before he fell on the floor head first. A loud moan escaped his lips. I let out a small chuckle, and stood up. " Thats not fair", he muffled, with his face bured in the ground.
" Alright, I will forgive you, but you have to say sorry, obidiantly", I ordered, kneeling in front of his head. He slowly lifted his head, and rested his chin on the floor. " Fine! I am sorry", he said sarcastically, and placed his face back on the floor. From the corners of my eyes, I saw Xavier, and Gazel, twitching their eyebrows.

' I guess they aren't fond of people like Torch', I thought, and looked back at Torch. " If you don't apologise correctly, I will never talk to you again", I mumbled, he quickly sat up, crossed his legs, and grabbed both of my hands.
" Don't joke like that!", he yelled, and placed my hands on his chest, I was able to feel his heart beat, it was slow, and steady. I looked at his eyes which looked like they had a small fire flickering inside of them.
" It really hurts hearing you say that", for the first time, he actually sounded serious. My lips moved, but no words came out.
" Stop staring at each other already!", I felt a pair of arms carry me bridle style, from my kneeling position. I looked up, and blushed madly, when I noticed Gazel's face about two centemeters away from my face. He looked totally calm like nothing is happening. " What The hell Gazel?!" , me and Gazel turned towards the voice, and we were met by  Torch, who was glaring daggers at Gazel, while standing up.
" Oi Tulip Head! You might want to shut up!" , Gazel shot back, tightening his grip on me.  " Can you argue later, and put me down first?", asked irritatedly, while looking at my interwined fingers.
" Yeah after I do this", he replied calmly. I flinched a little, but once I looked at him, my mouth dangled open, when I saw his lips smoothly caress against my cheek.
" Now you can go", he said , before placing me gently on the floor. My mind was in too much shock,  that I wasn't even able to stand up. I ignored Gazel and Torch's arguing. ' What in hell was that! Why didn't I just slap bit shout at him?!', I thought to myself. " Here let me help", I looked to my left, and saw Xavier rapping my hand around neck.
" Put your weight on me, it will be easier for you to walk", he said, steadily helping me stand up.
" Sorry about those two, they have been like that since we were kids", he apologised, while chuckling a little.
" Hey Xavier! Get your hands of her!", Torch yelled, while pulling Gazel's hair, who was tugging his cheeks.
" You two have sent her a shock from your foolish actions!", Xavier shouted back, glaring at the two boys. They both growled at him, but soon gave up, and letted go of each other.
" Fine! We are sorry!", they both said at the same time, while bowing.
" Its fine, but I have to go", I accepted their apology, and removed my hand from Xavier. " See ya!" , I said and ran back to the direction I came from. A smile sprouted on my face, as I heard their cheerful voices.

Shawn's POV . . .

         I couldn't believe what I was seeing , or hearing! Ever since I ran after Jane, I was surprised when I found her hanging our with a couple of boys from Alias Academy. Honestly, it looked like they were friends for a long time, she seemed really confused once she saw them, but after a few minutes of eavesdropping on their conversation, she seemed kind of irritated , and happy at the same time. 'Although I am still confused, is she allied to Alias Academy?', I noticed her coming in my direction, and stumbled backwards. I winced, as I felt the small pebbles, and branches rub against my back. " Shawn?", I looked up, and saw Jane standing infront of me with a worried face.
" What are you doing here?", she asked helping me stand up again.
" I-I followed you, I was just worried really ", I mumbled, playing with my fingers.
" Then I guess you saw me with Xavier and the others?", she asked, with regret in her voice. " Yeah sorry", I replied nevously.
" I think it will be better if I explain", she said, with a small smile.

Until next time !

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