Chapter 12

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Xavier's POV

                  I had no idea why I felt strange about Jane, or the reason why even bothered talking to her, or why I stopped her when she tried to leave. I looked at the beam of white light that shone on me in the black hall, and an illusion of Jane's face flashed into my mind. Someone grabbed my shoulder and tightened their grip. " Why did you tell Jane?!", the person was to obvious. " That's none of your business ", I said and tried pushing his hand away, but he just tightened it, and forced me to face him face to face.
" Listen she is my friend not yours!", his words reminded me that I don't have the freedom to make my own choices. " Your right, my freedom is not like yours and hers", I was about to walk away, but Gazel stood in my way with his arms crossed. One minute ago there was only one light that was shining at me, but now all three lights were united , Red, Blue, and white. The rebellious smile curved on my mouth slowly." You like her too, don't you?", I was at lost of words. " Tck! Forget it Xavier there is no way I will let you get close to her!", Torch's eyes seemed to flicker like fire, because of his anger.
" Just try Torch, and you will gain your punishment without me doing anything", I said calmly and walked away, I felt Gazel and Torch shooting glares of warning, I simply ignored them and headed to Dad's quarters to report Jane's answer to him, but remembering her tears when I told her about me being an orphan, they were sweet not salty, and her eyes were filled with pitty. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. " I can't do anything to protect her. Torch is right, If I get into her business, I will just hurt her", I sighed and opened my eyes .

Jane's POV . . .

                 Ever since yesterday, I wasn't able to sleep.
'What if something bad actually happens?', I placed my hand on my head.
" Why can't I just let it go?", I told myself feeling weird. " Hey Jane", I turned around and saw Nathan with his face having a shadow. " Hey look, I saw--" , before he could finish his sentence, Jude called us to get into our positions for the exhibition game against Fouxshore Junior.
" Come on you two were going to start soon", Jude shouted and ran to the field. " Let's talk later", I said and ran after Jude.

Nathan's POV . . .

            My thoughts were still dancing in my brain ever since I saw her yesterday with Xavier, I grintted my teeth and closed my eyes.
" I really don't want to believe it" , I said and went to the field.

Jane's POV . . .

               It was really fun to play an exhibition game with Raimon, even though it took me a few minutes to know their type of playing, it was kind of slow, and lacking skill. " Pass it Eric!", I shouted and increased the speed of my running. Once I caught the ball I headed to the goal .
" Get ready I will send a shock down your spine Daren", I said and dogged all the defenders. " Lighting Strike!!!" , The ball flew into the air like a feather. I quickly jumped after it and gave it the best shoot I can. Smoothly and gently, I landed back on the ground and carefully watched the ball dived towards Daren at high speed. " God Hand!!", he shouted and grabbed the ball with large eyes. A small smirk grew quickly on my face. ' That shoot is going in!', I thought and stood up from my crouched position as the ball broke through 'God Hand'.
" Told you", I said proudly and placed my hands on my waist. He just stood up and gave me a grin similar to Mark's .
" That was a really powerful shoot!", he complemented me and threw the ball to one of his teammates. I simply smiled to him and ran back to my position. I high-fived Eric, and noticed Sue glaring at me so I walked away feeling awkward. " You shouldn't be that afraid of Sue you know" , Eric said giggling slightly , noticing me slowly inching away from him. I giggled feeling stupid and waited for the whistle.

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