Chapter 5-- Part 2

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Jane's POV . . .

I walked to the academy with my face blushing crazy. ' After what happened in the morning, I wasn't able to get Torch out of my head'

-- Flashback --
I woke up and noticed Torch's face a few inches away from me. I freaked out as usual . Maybe, I think I heard him say something, but I wasn't sure.

Torch:" Your such a cluts" .

My cheeks burned up, and I stood up and jumped out of the window trying to stop him from chuckling. ' He's probably thinking I am dead' I had a toothy smile as I stood at the roof of the storage house which was close to my window. When I saw him standing at the window, I smirked at him, he gave me a smilair smirk, and jumped.

Torch:" I guess I will see ya later!"

I was about to reply , but he cut me off by giving my a quick kiss on the cheek. My face was probably fifty shades of red. He turned around, went down a long ladder, and ran into the distance, until I wasn't able to see him. My palm touched my tomato cheeks, and I smiled slightly.

-- End Of Flashback --

"What is this feeling? " I layied my hand on my pounding chest, wondering what is happening to me as I walked.

Torch's POV . . .

I walked through the corridors of Alias Academy, and thought of that kiss on the cheek I gave Jane in the morning.
' I bet Gazel will be super jealous once he knows'. I smirked to myself daydreaming about Gazel's pissed face.
" Haha" I could help but laugh at the thought.
" What's so funny? You know you missed training yesterday", my head shot up at the cold voice.
" Why do you care Gazel?",  I asked, shooting him a smirk.
" Just curious ", my smirk turned into a scrowl at his reasonless words.
' I hate how he is sometimes overconfident!' . I calmed my nerves, and looked him in the eye.
' He is nervous, I should have seen it' . " Are you going to tell me?" , he asked annoyed from my silence.
" Ow nothing, just remembering how I spent the hole day yesterday with Jane, and how I gave her that kiss on the cheek", my voice was sarcastic, and mocking as I spoke, and I was able to feel Gazel glare daggers at me from the corner of my eye. My mouth was shaped in a huge smirk , and I placed my hands on my waist boastfully. He didn't say anything, and walked away with a pissed face.

Gazel's POV . . .

' Who does he think he is? Playing with Jane's emotions?!', I bit my lip with anger. ' No way I will let him do this!' .

Jane's POV . . .

I walked out the hospital, from visiting David and Joe. " Time for my practice!" I cheered myself up , and made my way to the river bank with my soccer bag on my shoulder.

After a while of walking I finally reached the field beside the river. I was surprised at first seeing Raimon Juniour practicing.
" Jane!", the cheerful voice caught my attention.
" Mark?!" , my eyes were filled with hope seeing his smile.
" It sure has been a long time " , he said scratching the back of his head.
" I heard something happened to your school, but I don't really know what it is", his face went a little gloomy at my question.
" I am surprised you didn't hear, but our school was destroyed by aliens", I tried holding my laughter at his answer , but sadly failed, and ended holding my stomach, while laughing loudly. Everyone stopped practicing , and looked at me like I am some weirdo.
" S-sorry, but that's a funny joke", I said, choking my laughter.
" Its not a joke", my eyes moved to a boy with blue, ponytail hair.
" Huh?", my face was confused and nervous as he spoke.
" You remind me of someone", another boy with grey hair walked in front of him.
" As much as Mark has told me, your name is Jane? Right?", it took my a few minutes of thinking for me to answer his question.
' This boy . . . He looks like Shawn , only older' .
" Yeah that's my name, is your name Shawn . . Frost?" , my mind was pounding like rocks in my head, as I waited for his answer.
" Yeah that's my name Jane Wolf", I felt cold tears fall from my eyes as memories of him came back, my body froze, and my thoughts were lost.
' He was alive this hole time, and I didn't notice?', I felt my mind having a mixture of anger, sadness, betrayl, and distruction. I turned around , and ran away not knowing where my legs are taking me. Voices were heard from behind, but I just ignored them.

          It has been ten minutes, and I was still running. My body was too tiered, and thankfully stopped, I fell to my knees , and allowed the tears to fall down my pale cheeks.
" Everyone is toying with me! Mark! Shawn! Torch! And even Gazel! It's not fair!", I shouted, and kept crying non stop as the pain spreaded through my body, but I felt a cold yet warm hand on my head.
" I am not toying with you", I slowly raised my face from my hands, and stared at Gazel who stood in front of me with his hand on my head. My eyes were red as blood from crying, tears where stained on my cheeks, and my hair covered most of my face. He kneeled in front of me, removed the strands hair that was on my forehead, and did the most unexpected thing! He whipped a drop of tear from my face, and stared at it for a few seconds before licking it from his thumb.
" Its sweet", he said in a low whisper. My heart felt calm, not like when Torch was with me, this feeling only happens with Gazel, this was different.
" I never knew what I felt about you, but I know now" , I looked at him with surprise. " Jane . . . I--I like you", his eyes were dead serious. He suddenly rapped his arms around me real tight. I hesitated a little before hugging him even tighter. " I like you too . . Gazel . . We are friends after all", I said without hesitating. I thought I heard him whisper something, but I just ignored it.
' I had been through enough already'.

Sooooo cute!
This is my favourite chapter until now !
Until next time!

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