Chapter 14

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Jane's POV . . .

It has been about two days since we came to Fouxshore Junior, and apparently, everything was going smoothly.

I was practicing my new hissatsu skill with Shawn, but unluckly, I was always failing, I couldn't know what is missing, my stance was good, and my kick was still powerful, but I felt like I was lacking something I was not able to know what is was. " Lets take a break", Shawn said, noticing my heavy breathing. " Okay", I said completely exhausted. Just when I was about to take a sip of my water, Mark jumped out of the caravan shouting about a practice game. " Everyone! Get over here!", he shouted raising a soccer ball in the air.
I sighed , and walked to the benches where everyone gathered around Mark.
"Guess what everybody! Yesterday I met this guy who is a soccer fan, and he asked for a practice match!", Mark said, with a toothy gin.
" Do you really think he is going to come Mark?", Nathan asked, looking unsure of Mark's decision. " Yeah I am sure! He is a soccer fan after all!" , he said, spinning the ball on his finger.

After a while, everyone became bored, some of us, like Nathan and Todd, opened a conversation with each other about their past games, as for me and Shawn, we practiced our passes and tackles.
" Mark, I don't think they are coming", I said moaning.
" Calm down Jane, I am sure they will appear soon", Shawn said patting my shoulder. Once I sighed, purple smoke appeared, and some of us coughed from its strange aura. A familiar chuckle was heard, and I grintted my teeth. The smoke slowly cleared, and everyone etheir had their mouth dangling open, or their teeth were grintted in anger. " We meet again Mark", Xavier said smiling. I seriously wanted to walk towards him and slap him across the face, but remembering the consequences stopped me from doing that. I ignored everything Mark and him spoke about, I was too busy wondering way he was asking Mark for a game, he could have just came in the middle of a game, and force him to play a game against him. Suddenly my vision went blurry, and my neck started aching, I placed my hand on it, and took a deep breath. ' Everything is Okay ', I told myself , and rubbed my neck with a sorrow face. " Are you okay Jane?", I placed a small smile on my face, and turned to Shawn. " I am fine, really!", I said, and patted his head gently.

" Jane you will take Sue's place in for the first half ", couch Lina said plainly before we went to our positions on the field. Everyone on the team seemed stressed, even Mark! I took deep breaths while closing my eyes. Once I heard the whistle, my eyes shot open. I passed the ball to Shawn for the tip of, but when he started dribbling the ball, it was stolen from him. I tried retrieving the ball from them, but they were to fast, and got past me easily.
" Come on Jane! ", Sue shouted from the benches, but when I started running again, the stinging pain in my neck returned. As much as I was in pain, I kept running after the ball, but as time passed, my vision became blurry, I looked around in confusion, but the only thing I was able to see was Xavier shooting the ball, I noticed Shawn running past me , and jumping in front of the ball.
" Jane! Pull yourself together!", I looked to my side and saw Sue standing beside me with a worried face. " Are you okay?", the pain in my neck slowly started spreading to my head, and Sue's voice was faint, I looked at Xavier, he had a sad expression once he noticed me looking at him, my eyes where barely open. When team Genisus finally left, Sue rapped my hand around her neck, and helped me to the benches, but I my eyes slowly started closing until everything became pitch black.

I was all alone, it was so cold that I felt my lungs freeze, and it became hard to breath. I kept breathing heavily, bubbles started forming, and I was able to hear the sound of underwater. The surface of the water slowly appeared, I streched my hand to towards it, but I was too far. Suddenly something or someone dived into the water, grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards them. I slowly felt my body warm up, but when I looked at the person's face, I was surprised when I saw Torch. He gave me a bright smile, and pulled us both to the surface. " Jane! Wake up!"

My eyes opened quickly, and I was really confused when I saw Sue looking at me with a worried face. " What happened?", I asked confused.
" Well you fainted", she said, and ran out of the room. I looked around, and I was surprised once I noticed that I was in a hospital bed.
" What was that dream?", I asked myself. " It was just a vision", the voice was familiar, but I wasn't in the mood to hear it. " Why are you here Xavier?" , I asked still feeling my head aching. " To check on you", he said simply, and walked to the side of the bed. I kept my head on the pillow, but did not make any eye-contact. " Did you ever feel a small sting?", he asked looking at me seriously. " Well yeah I think", I said giving him a little empire attention.
" Who did you see in your dream?", he asked inching his face closer to me.
" Why do you care?", I replied annoyed from him asking me random questions. The stinging pain came back to my neck, and I flinched once I touched it. " He wasn't joking ", Xavier said, and removed my hand from my neck. " My father said if you were not going to join Alias Academy he will punish you, but I had no idea he was planning on poisoning you for an experiment", he said, and placed his hand on my cheek. "Sorry", he said , placed his finger on my mouth, and gave it a light kiss.
" I hope you can forgive me", he said before walking to the window, and suddenly disappearing. " Xavier", I whispered softly, as I rested in the soft bed.

Torch's POV . . .

         I  woke up from my sleep, breathing heavily, sweating non-stop, and shouted, " Jane!". I looked across my bedroom, and noticed I was all alone, until I heard the door squeak. " Are you alright?", Heat asked entering the room, and patted my head. " It was just a nightmare", I replied.
" Well, you can tell me about it", he said, and waited for me to start talking. I breathed heavily and said, " I was standing on a small pile of sand, and there was nothing, but water around me", I paused a little and took another deep breath. " Then I saw her , Jane, she was drowning, and she looked so lifeless. I dived into the water, and pulled her to the surface, but just when we were about to reach the surface, she disappeared, and once she was completely gone, chains of metal arose from the dark core of the sea, they wrapped themselves around my wrists, and ankles. Once I was pulled into the core of the sea, and that's when I woke up sweating". I grintted my teeth, and clutched the silk blankets of the bed.
" Don't worry it was just a nightmare! Now man-up!", he said, and ruffled my hair. " Yeah your right! Now let's go to practice!", I cheered myself, and placed my toothy smirk. " That's it!", Heat said, and stood at the door-step. " Come on we are you going to be late for practice!"

Hope you liked this chapter!
And thanks for supporting me!

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