Chapter 27

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Mark's POV . . .

        Everyone wasn't comfortable about teaming up with Byron at first, but they all got over it after a while, and thanks to that we were able to tie with Diamond Dust. Most of the team was annoyed, but it was better than looking at least. " I will destroy you next time Mark Evans", Gazel said giving me an evil glare. ' I have to practice more!', my thoughts were caught off when Nelly and the other managers gasped. Xavier, and Torch walked towards
Diamond Dust with Torch looking uncomfortable, but that wasn't what was surprising, Xavier was in fact carrying Jane, who was unconscious, he held her bridle style, and pain was shown on her face. He stopped next to Gazel, who looked angerly at Xavier. I quickly ran towards them, but a bright blue light flashed in front of me, causing me to stop, and cover my eyes. When the light disappeared, they were already gone. I turned to the rest of the team, and noticed Sue at the edge of tears,
' I will never forgive him, using soccer as a weapon, and then taking Jane?! I will show him how wrong he is!', I thought, and grintted my teeth.

Jane's POV . . .

           " Curse you Xavier!",
" Your really stupid bringing her!",
" Shut up both of you! Father ordered this don't put it on me! It's her fault! She caused this to herself!", everything was black, but I was able to hear about three people shouting at each other. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked sideways, noticing I was lying on a black, and white bed. Slowly sitting up, I heard the voices again, " I think she has waken up ", a cold voice said , as I heard the squeaking sound of a door from behind me. I quickly turned around fearing something terrible was going to happen, and I was correct. Xavier stood at the doorstep with Torch, and Gazel behind him.

" Its good your wake, I was getting worried", Xavier said with a plain expression. I looked around the room in wonder, a black table, and four brown chairs where placed next to a large window that streched form the dealing to the floor, a tv was hanged on the left wall, a black, and white couch was placed in front of the tv, a medium sized, white chest with iron edges was placed next to the door, and there was a mini fridge, as for the bed I was sitting on, it was squeezed in the right corner of the room. There was a door that was what I thought the bathroom, and a couple of drawers beside the bed. As I looked around in confusion, I did not notice the guys were staring at me without saying anything. " Are you going to keep daydreaming like that?", I stopped looking at the room, and turned to Gazel with tears forming in my eyes, and asked, " why am i here?!". They all looked  shocked at my sudden action, and lowered their heads in regret.

If you guys are going to tell me you did not have a choice! Then don't even try explaining!", tears were streaming down my face.
" Gazel, Torch you go wait outside now", Xavier ordered giving him both a nasty glare. They both seemed like they wanted to reject, but they just narrowed their eyes at him, and left the room.

Sorry this chapter was small! I promise the next one is longer!

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