Chapter 36

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Third person POV . . .

When Xavier, and Jane finally reached the cabin, it took a while till Jane was able to heal Torch, and Gazel's wounds. The too boys sadly passed out, and it would take a long time until they woke up, so Jane laid them on her bed, and gave them sometime to rest . The girl  offered Xavier to help heal his wounds, but he rejected, and insisted that he does it himself, but unfortunately for him he had no idea which medicine was for flesh wounds.
Jane giggled hopelessly as Xavier stared at the first-aid box, which contained several types of medicines. Surely Jane only knew the basic wounds, but Xavier did not know the slightest.
" Are you sure you want to do it by yourself?", she asked, sitting beside him, and staring at his wounds, remembering the terrible event. The pained boy winced a little once he tried touching one of his scars, which were nearly red as blood. I boy sighed in defeat, and looked at the teen girl.
" Will you help me please?", he asked irritatedly, before looking back at the aid-box.
" S-sure", Jane replied, pulling a small bottle of alcohol, and a handkerchief from the small box, but once she looked back at Xavier, he had already taken off his top.
" I thought that the hole uniform was attached to each other?", she noticed that she was think out loud, and quickly turned away.
" Well, now you know it's not", he replied, sounding really tired, and exhausted. She looked back at Xavier, and poured the alcohol across the handkerchief.
" Sorry for thinking out loud", she apologized, and pressed the small cloth on his chest. He moaned painfully, and bit his lower lip.

She moved the moist handkerchief, and the poor guy, breathed heavily for air, as he tried to maintain the pain. Unfortunately, the scar started bleeding, so she told him to lie down of the wooden floor, and poured the alcohol across the fighting wound, before pressing the handkerchief on his scar again. He kept wincing, and moaning as she cleaned his injuries. After a while, all that was left for Jane to do, was to rap bandages around his scars.
" Don't worry, the painful part is over, all I have to do now is bandage you", the teen girl said, helping Xavier sit up, before pulling several bandages out of the aid-box. Sadly, Jane still felt responsible for all the pain her friends are going through, and in her mind, she still wanted to try, and help them, even if it was only for one day.
" I told you it's not your fault we are in this condition, so stop insulting yourself", she heard Xavier whisper into her ear, and felt chills run down her spine, but thanks to god, she still had enough guts to turn around and face him.
" Lets focused on your wounds right now", she said, changing the subject, and started rapping his scars.
" Avoiding my advice won't make things better for you", he teased, with a sly smile on his face.  Jane was getting so irritated, and bandaged his wounds as fast a she could, without making any eye-contact.

By the time she finished, she scurried out of the cabin, and into the fascinating garden, with tiny butterflies in her stomach.
" Creeper", she mumbled under her breath, as she walked past a huge collection of white daisies.
" You can't avoid me Jane", a loud sigh of annoyance came out of my mouth, and I turned around to the owner of the voice.
" I thought I you were supposed to rest, and you shouldn't walk around with your uniform ripped into shreds", Jane complained , pointing to his ripped uniform, and placing her other hand on her hip.
" It's better than being shirtless", Xavier defended himself, and crossed his arms. Jane's eyes moved to his scars, which were now covered with bandages, and sighed heavily.
" Don't say such useless things", Jane shot back, crossing her arms, and turning away from him, but her childish attitude did not last for long. She felt her eyes getting wet, head ache as hell, and her body shiver from an unbearable pain. As if it was slowly motion, the young teen fell to her knees, and breathed heavily, as she felt her temperature heat up rapidly.
"Jane?!", Xavier crouched beside her, and rubbed her back with a worried look on his pale face. He placed Jane on his back, and returned to the wooden cabin as fast as he could.

Jane's POV . . .

         My eyes fluttered open, and I noticed I was no longer in the heavenly garden, but instead, in my round, white bed, and heard three familiar voices from the dining room. I quickly jumped out of bed, and scurried to the bedroom's doorstep, and placed my ear on the door.
" I am still surprised that you actually took those lashes just to save her", there was no mistake, that the voice belong to Gazel, but it sounded as if he  still has not fully recovered.
" He! Who has a soft spot now Xavier?!", surely the owner of the voice was no other than the ignorant Torch.
" Well if you two didn't act so foolish, and break the rules, none of this could have happened!", I was more than stunned to hear Xavier's voice filled with anger, and rage. Fearing those three were going to start a fight any second, I opened the door, and walked into the room slowly, trying to act a normal as possible. All three boys were sitting around the wooden table, and looked at me with surprised expressions, but my eyes were locked on the
silver-haired boy. Torch, and Gazel were still in their 'Choas' uniform , but they were completely dirty, and had multiple cuts. Remembering last night's event, I was unable to forget the guilt I saw in Gazel's teal eyes.

" Your awake, that's good. Hope i could stay longer, but i have to go", Xavier said, standing up, and leaving the cabin.
"Where is he going?", I asked the two other boys, and sat between them, but none of them said a word. They both looked away when I looked at them, and shuffle in their cushions uncomfortably. I tried to gain Gazel's attention, but he would their narrow his eyes at me, or just ignore everything I say. Since I lost hope to get Gazel to speak, I started poking Torch's shoulder, and kept wining like a kid.

Spot ignoring me!", I moaned, tugging his tulip shaped hair, and puffing my cheeks. Torch tried ignoring, but ever minutes, he would groan irritably, and his face would heat up.
" Oi! Stop the cute face!", he finally complained, and turned towards me, with his face being a blushing mess. A small giggle came out of my mouth, and poked his red cheeks, which caused his blush to become darker.
" Your wounds seem be healing well", I said, pointing to a small scar on his neck. There were many scars, bruises, and scratches that covered him from his neck, and all the way till his ankles. My teary eyes kept examining his scars, and before I knew it, my hand was brushing his left shoulder, which had a large scratch. Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand's wrist, and pulled me backwards.
" Mine!", I was astonished to hear Gazel's voice, as I felt him wrapping his hands around my waist. It felt strange being embraced by him like this, that I wanted to stay like that forever, but instead, I froze in my spot unable to move a muscle.
" Don't ever get that close to her", Gazel growled at Torch, and tightened his grip on me. Torch seemed dissatisfied about Gazel bold words, and grabbed hold of Gazel's throat. Gazel did the same, and removed his hands from my waist, to spill his rage, and anger at Torch. I was too nervous to say anything, and stared at the boys with shock as I watched their grip on each other's neck tighten.

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