Chapter 34

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Gazel's POV . . .

" Gazel~", I opened my eyes, and noticed I was no longer in my room, but instead, a black hall, with nothing around.
"Gazel~", I looked left, and right for the owner of the angle voice.
"Gazel! Gazel!", this time, the voice was filled with pain, and fear. A strange, and uncomfortable feeling rose in my stomach, and I ran in a random direction, with the pained voice leading me.
" Gazel!", the voice became louder, and after a few seconds, I saw the most surprising thing. Jane stood in front of me, with only a white line separating the distance between us.
" Please come back, and let us play soccer like real friends", she begged, smiling with tears forming in her eyes, and her hand streched out to me. Her skin seemed to glow white, as an angles wings, and her hair seemed to become lighter. I took a few steps towards her, but before I could reach her, several shadowy hands grabbed my wrists, ankles, and waist, before dragging me back backwards into the darkness,  until I was unable to see anything but pitch black. Suddenly, a purple light appeared out of nowhere, and looked as if it was coming closer to me, but it wasn't a light, it was the Alias Rock in fact, and I was able to sense all its power seeping into my blood slowly.
" I am sorry . . Jane", I mumbled, and touched the purple crystal.


" Oi! Ice princess! Wake up!", I quickly opened my eyes once hearing Torch's alarming voice. I looked at my surroundings, and noticed I was in my bedroom again.
" It was just a dream", I whispered to myself.
" Come on we don't have time! It's better if we go meet the Raimon now before everybody wakes up!", Torch yelled dragging me out of bed, and pulling my 'Chaos' uniform from one of my drawers.
" Get dressed quick!", he ordered tossing my clothes right into my face. I looked at the clock, and noticed it was five in the morning!
" Oi! Baka! The sun isn't up yet and you want to go now?!", I shouted angerly, walking over to the idiot, and punching the top of his head. He moaned in pain, and rubbed his head angerly .
" What was that for?!", he asked furiously, grabbing my collar.
" For coming into my room without permission, and for waking me five in the morning! ", I yelled into his ear, nearly causing him to become deaf, and kicking him out of my room.
" Wait till seven a.m at least!", I advised, closing my bedroom door, and lying on my bed again, but unluckly, I was unable to sleep.
" I wonder, how is Jane doing?", I asked myself, with a crazy idea coming to my mind. I waited a few minutes in my room until I was positive Torch was no longer outside. Without making a single sound, I made my way to Jane's room.

The cabin's front door was opened, but that did not get me worried the slightest that the door was not locked, it is not like Jane owns the place. I slowly sneaked into her room, and spotted her sleeping calmly in her bed, under the rare, blue, and silk blankets. She was in pure white pyjamas, and she was gripping her pillow extremely tight. All the rooms large windows were covered with blue, velvet curtains, and the softness of the rug under my feet felt as if I was walking on clouds.
" Please come back", I turned my attention back to Jane, who was mumbling strange things. I sat on the edge of her bed, and crassed her hair lovingly, and whispered,
" Please don't hate me". I closed my eyes, and felt small drops of tears ran down my cold cheeks.
" I can never hate you", I quickly opened my watery eyes, and noticed Jane's hand was on top of mines, which was on my lap.
" What type of person will I be if I hated my best friend?", she asked with her sleepy eyes barely open, and smiling sweetly.
" I am so sorry", I cried, unable to hold back my broken state, and felt her squeezing my hand, and patting my lap.
" If you are really sorry, try seeing the light inside of you", she mumbled, before closing her eyes, and falling into a deep sleep .
" The light?", I mumbled, feeling her grip on my hand losen.
' Which is correct? Dark or light? I can't even tell, I wondered feeling my soul ripping itself apart, because of the confusion in my mind.
' Will I ever be free to know?', I wipped my tears with the back of my hand, and took deep breaths.
" I will know soon, I am sure", I patted my friend's head, before walking out of the room, with a bit more confidence in myself.
" Tomorrow, I will win Raimon, not for power, but to understand what Jane sees in them", I told myself, as I walked through the hallways.

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