Chapter 8

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Xavier's POV . . .

              'A few days ago, my father asked me to search for a good soccer player, but I had no success, until I heard about that girl whom Torch and Gazel have been worried about for so long, she has been searching for power from what I have seen' , I thought carefully about the information I had gathered about the girl, and looked at distance as a gentle breeze brushed against my crimson hair. The sun finally set , and I left the roof knowing tomorrow will be another day for Alias Academy. "Get ready Jane, you might loss control of your life" , I smiled at my own words , wondering what the next day will bring.

Jane's POV . . .

          "I am so late!" , I shouted as I ran through the neighbourhood.

' Me and Mark were planning to practice since today was Friday, but I am already seven minutes late!'. Sweat dripped from my chin, and my breathing was heavy as I ran. " Come I am nearly there!" , I kept telling myself. The riverbank finally came to view, I was busy looking at it, and didn't notice myself running towards Mark.

I bumped into him, and fell backwards and felt the hard, dirt floor bumped against my poor butt. "Ow!" , I wined and rubbed my bottom painfully.
"Man, you came down hard" , Mark complained while trying to stand up.
"Y-yeah sorry", I aplogized nervously, and stood up to face him. "Well, I am just happy that your here", he said with his cheerful voice , which I did not hear for a long time. " It feels good to be back" , I said  returning his smile.
" Ow I remembered ! Shawn and Nathan will be playing with us as well! ", he pointed to the field where two boys with silver and blue hair were praticeing their shooting. "Come on! Your not going to just stand there?", Mark said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to th field with him.
"Alright you guys his give me your best shot!", Mark got to his position in the net and clapped his hands showing he is ready. I looked at the ball in front of me and took a deep breath. " Here I come! " I shouted and kicked the ball, but this time it was different, blue and white sparks were aroud the ball. I felt amazing, like a beast inside me that wants to get out. The ball flew in Mark's direction, and a blue Alfa was right behind the ball before disappearing into thin air. Once Mark caught the ball everyone was silent, until I heard Mark compliment me. "That was amazing!". My face was in a frown. 'If I still had that forbbedin power I would had have that move perfect from the beginning'. I turned around unable to fight the fact that I am still weak. I heard Nathan and Mark call my name, but I ignored it and kept walking. Pictures of Torch and Gazel pop in my mind as I walked.
" Why do I feel like this?", I asked my broken self.
"Maybe it is because you are trying to gain power alone" , the soft voice was way too familiar. " How do you know . . Shawn?" , my voice was weak and I didn't dare to turn around to face him.
" You feel lost because you are left alone, and you don't want to gain friends because you are afraid they will think of you lowly", his voice didn't shake, it was still calm and confident. It took me time to realize that everything he said was totally correct.
" I guess your right . . I was hiding myself for too long", I turned to him with tears of joy and guilt in my eyes, and before I knew it I was hugging him for the first time in seven years.
"I sorry" , I mumbled lightning my grip on him until he hugged back.
" I am sorry too Jane" , he whispered into my ear. After a few minutes of silence we broke the hug, and stared at each other .
"Why are you even sorry?" , I asked looking at the grey stone ground.
"If I told you before that I was alive,  you would have never felt abandoned" , he said with all the guilt in his voice.
'He does have a point , but I don't want to be a burden' . I looked back at him wanting to say something,  but he was already gone. " Huh?!" , I was left stunned for a second before I heard running foot steps behind me. " Jane!" , at first I didn't notice the voice, but the answer popped back into my mind.
" Torch?!" , my voice was filled with hope and joy when hearing his voice . Once I turned to his voice , I was hugged so suddenly , and ,lifted up and down in the air. "AH!" , I was too surprised to know what's happening until I was laid back at the ground on my two feet.
"I so glad to see you again!" , my vision was fixed and I saw Torch's face which had a childish smile , something that you don't see everyday .
" You seem more childish than before hehehe" , I giggled to myself, I could have sworn I saw Torch blush but I just pushed it aside.
" W-what's so funny?", he asked nervously turning his head away as if trying to hide something.
"S-sorry it is nothing", I said with a simple smile. My eyes wondered to a red tulip he was holding in his right hand.
" Is that for someone?" , I asked out of curiosity. He scratched his head a little irritated, and then answered.
" It . . . Was . . .  for . . Y-you" , he said with his face as red as an apple.
"You won't mind if I have it? It is really rare to find a perfect tulip ", I asked trying to get rid of the awkwardness.
" Yeah sure whatever", he said scratching his head, and held the tulip a few inches from my face , with his sun like eyes wondering into the sea blue sky. "Thank you!", I took the flower and gave him a quick bow.
"Wow Torch . . I didn't know you had a soft spot in you", goosebumps popped on my skin once the unknown voice reached my ears. I looked at Torch with a little confused face.
" What are you doing here Xavier?" , Torch asked with a defensive tone while glaring at the shadows of a house.
"Since when did you get so defensive Torch?", the person's voice was mocking as if trying to hit a nerve in Torch.
"You don't need to hide you coward!", Torch shouted , and flinched a little.  The mysterious person finally stepped out of the shadows, he had crimson hair ,  green emotionless eyes, a purple shirt , above it a puffy orange coat , and mid blue coloured pants.
"Do you really think I am the coward over here Claude?" , he said with a mocking smile.' I am completely confused now who is Claude?'. I guessed the guy called Xavier noticed my confusion since his smile grew bigger.
" He didn't tell you that's his real name?" He asked, with a fake surprised tone. I felt a bit annoyed but I wasn't gonna let some random person I just met ruin my friendship.
" Weither or not I know his real name , he is still my friend" , I replied defensively.
" Your a tough I will give you that" , he said with the smile vanishing from his face.
" Could you get to the point here?" , Torch asked stepping in front of me.
" Tsk it is none of your business", Xavier said closing his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and looking at me seriously.
" Listen my father wants a new player in one of the teams he coaches, if you reject the offer you will be setting some of your friends in danger" , his voice didn't have any sign of nervousness or care as he spoke.
" That includes Torch" , he added before walking back in the shadows . " You have two days to make a decision, and something else", he stopped talking and looked at me I  the eye. " What do you really think of Torch?" , he asked before disappearing into thin air. I was left confused and without anything to say, but one thing," What just happened?". I fell to my knees, and asked myself the same question," What just happened?".

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