Chapter 23

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Xavier's POV . . .

Once me, Torch, and Gazel returned to Alias Academy, I was summoned to the garden, I quickly changed into my uniform and headed to the meeting place.

" Xavier, please set down", I did as father ordered, and took a set on one of the pillows, there was only a small, brown table that separated the distance between us. " Is there something bothering you father?", I asked, as politely as possible.
" Is it true Xavier? Are you meeting up with that girl when I send to see Raimons progress?", his question made my body stiffen,
' I don't know what to say, I don't want to him to be disappointed with me', I bit my lip, and looked at my hands. " Ah~, I see now", I raised my head, and looked at father's old face of kindness,
" You feel something for her dont you?", he asked, taking a sip of his green tea. " U-um", I had no idea how to answer. " I will take that as a yes", he said nodding his head. " Xavier, what do you really think of this girl?", he question caught me off guard, he was looking start into my eyes, like as if ordering me to answer his question. I blinked and answered, " She's kind-hearted, honest, loved by all her teammates, and--", he raised his hand, telling me to stop.
" And she makes you feel strange? ", He continued my sentence, raising the cup of tea to his lips. " How?", I asked him gripping the edge of be table.
" Manners Xavier", father said with a gloomy voice. " Sorry", I apologised, looking at the ground.
" If Raimon win one of the high ranked teams, you will have to bring
Jane Wolf to Alias Academy, and I assure you no harm will be brought to her", I felt an uneasy feeling in my heart. ' Is Jane going to accept, or deny?', I wondered biting my lower lip. " So Xavier?", I snapped out of my thoughts, and looked back at him, and relied, " Yes father ". " Your dismissed then", he said, looking at the green liquid that moved in his cup. I took one last look at him, before leaving the room, which lied into the middle of the garden.
' This man was the only person who brought happiness to Sun Garden orphanage when I was a kid, and he took care of us in the orphanage, and know I have to return the favour!', I walked back to my room, with those thoughts in my mind.

Jane's POV . . .

After explaining everything to Shawn, we returned to the caravan, and everyone kept asking why I ran away like that, I simply replied,
" I just went for a small walk". Most of them did not believe it, but the coach forbid them from asking again. A huge surprise came to me, when I knew we were having a practice match with Oumihara, which is the soccer team of Hurley's school.

I was quite amazed when we reached the school, it looked like a place for vacation, more than a school, classrooms were made out of wood and hay, and looked like small hay houses. Wooden bridges connected each classroom house, but sadly, they were all empty since it was already in the middle of the day. I strolled around the hay houses and old memories flashed in my mind. I entered one of the classrooms, and moved my hand across edges of the chalk board. " Jane~", a small chuckle escaped my lips when I heard my old, surfer, friend's voice. " Hey Hurley~", I teased, turning on my heels, towards the classroom's entrance.
" It feels good to have you around again!", he said cheerfully, whilelacing his hand on my shoulder. I looked at the back of the classroom, and I could have sworn I saw something moving through the shadows.
" Is there something wrong?", I looked back at Hurley, and shook my head sideways, and replied, " It's nothing, I think I am just imagining things". He sighed at my answer, and walked out of the entrance. " That was close", I looked back at the shadows, and saw Xavier walking towards me, I was surprised when I noticed him still in his alias uniform.
" Why are you here?! If someone finds us, we are --!" , He cut me off by placing his hand on my mouth.
" Be quite, No one will find us if you stay quite", he whispered into my ear, while placing his other hand on my shoulder. He slowly inched his hand away from me. " Care to explain? It has only been two hours since I saw you", I asked, while raising my eyebrow.
" Well it was ergent! Father is going to force me to take you to Alias Academy if you reach the high ranked teams", I felt butterflies rise in my stomach.
" Jane?! Are you coming", I turned my head toHurley's voice , and looked back at Xavier with sad eyes.
"We're you toying with me this hole time?", I asked taking a step away from him. His eyes became wide, and he grintted his teeth.

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