Chapter 10

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Jane's POV . . .

           I slowly opened my brown choco eyes, which were met by a raise of light coming from an opened window. " How did I end up here?" , I asked myself looking at my surroundings. ' The only thing I remember was falling asleep while sitting under a tree beside Torch and Gazel, but I do not remember walking back home' . I was too tierd to think how I ended up in my room, so I ignored it and walked downstairs, and headed towards the kitchen.

          " Good morning ", I greeted happily, while standing at the  doorway of the kitchen with my eyes nearly closed.
" Are you okay?", my eyes snapped open at the voice, it was no other than my friend David, sitting on one of the chairs of the large, round, dinner table with Joseph on the opposite side of him.
" You look like you haven't slept in days", Joseph said with a worried expression.
" Don't worry I am okay really", I replied fixing my messy hair.
" Oh your awake!", I turned around, and saw my mom standing with a vase that contained a beautiful, red tulip.
"Good morning!", I said finally getting rid of my sleeping habit.
" Ow by the way Jane, one of your friends from last night told me that you should take care of this tulip", she said and looked at the tulip in the vase.
' So Torch and Gazel brought me back here when I was asleep, now it makes sense' , I thought to myself, and felt a smile curve on my lips.
" I am going to place this on your window, Okay?", she said, and  walked away, until she was out of my sight.
" Hey! Stop day dreaming", I turned back to David and Joseph.
" So what brings you here?", I asked with a curious smile. They both stayed silent for a few minutes until Joseph finally spoke up, " You see David has kind of broke his leg because of the forbidden move he used when we played against Raimon", he stopped for a few minutes and then opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by David.
" I really will appreciate if you would come back , and play with Royal again until I can get better", he said and looked at the table with shame.
" Well . . I guess I will at least be able to help my old teamates" , I said giving him a pat on the shoulder. His eyes brightened at my words and a smile spreaded on his face.
" Oh I just remembered! Me and Joe were about to meet the Raimon Eleven before they leave! How about you come with us?", He suggested picking his walking stick, and slowly getting off his seat. " Well let's go!" , Joseph said standing up as well.
" Just give a second to change!", I said and ran back to my room with a smile on my face, but I remembered Xavier's words which made the smile fade a little.
" You have two days to make a decision" , his words echoed in my brain as I stepped into my room.
" I won't let him" , I glanced at my window, and smiled at the red tulip that shone in the beautiful sunlight .

        We walked silently across the streets until we reached the gates of Raimon Juniour High which was still under construction from the damage the aliens caused. " Is it just me, or is this place too quiet?", once the words slipped out of my mouth, a loud beeping of a bus came from behind us. We all turned around when we heard doors open.
" I guess your friends of Jude, right?", an old man asked walking out of the small bus. He had a simple blue shirt and pants, and an engineer cap. His face was round, and he seemed quite old.
" Do you know were the Raimon eleven  are?", David asked , and stood in front of the old man. He didn't answer for s few minutes until a voice answered.
" Ow we are here alright!" , The voice belonged to no other person than Mark who jumped out of the bus with a huge smile on his face. The other members came out all looking so confident .
" You made it I see", Jude said with a relived smile. I couldn't help but give them a grin of hope.
' So this is Mark's team, its too bad I had to meet them when I played for Ray Dark', I thought to myself, and searched through all the faces for my one and only childhood friend, Shawn. I was finally able to spot him, he was standing next a guy with pink hair. I want to walk up to him and give him the biggest hug, but I knew that will be awkward with everyone here. I watched as David , Joe , and the others have a nice conversation, but my attention was taken when I saw Xavier beside a tree that was right next to me.
" So? Have you come to a decision yet? You only have tomorrow and your simple life would change . . You can answer now, and make things quicker for me and yourself", he stayed quite for a few seconds, waiting for me to answer. I looked at Mark and the others as they laughed and smiled.
" Just give me a little more time", I whispered with a heavy heart.
" Suit yourself", he said and walked away. I sat on a metal bench and stared at the floor with my elbows placed on my knees , fingers interwined and stared at the ground .
" You look stressed ", I raised my head at the voice, and saw Shawn, and Nathan standing beside me.
" No it nothing" , I said plainly and looked back at the ground.
" Your really a bad liar" , I felt someone shuffle my hair, and I looked up again ,and saw Nathan with his hand placed on my head .
" You know . .  everyone needs friends to aid them", he spoke with passion and looked at Shawn.
" You should take care of her to! After all your her childhood friend right?", he asked Shawn with a smile. Shawn blinked a few times, and smiled back.
" Your relying too much on guys Jane", we all turned around and saw Cellia standing behind us with her notebook in hand.
" What do mean exactly?" , I asked completely confused.
" What I mean is that you are always with boys when your sad", I felt a tint of pink spread on my face.
" Oh", I said completely embaressed.

Nathan's POV . . .

             I looked back at Jane, who had a small tint of red on her face.
" Well the girls at her academy look down at her alot", Joseph said joining the conversation.
" Really?!" , Cellia asked shocked.
" Yeah, they always tease her about her love for soccer", he said placing his chin on his hand thinking. Before I knew it everyone was standing around us listening to the conversation.
" Jane" , everyone stopped talking and looked at the coach who walked  towards  with a plain face.
"Jane, I just called your parents , and asked them if you can join the Inazuma caravan, I just need you to say yes , and you will be an official member", everyone had their mouths dangling open. She looked at David and Joseph until they nodded. " I accept your invetation", She said with a smile.
'Maybe, she might not be the bad person I met in Royal academy Reducts', I thought to myself, as I gave Jane another bright smile.

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