3. The Will

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Sitting in front of the lawyer's office in the black Lamborghini my grandfather gifted me before he died. I felt a little nervous about what my mother left me. She didn't go into any details when she was at the hospital. But, I got a kind of feeling like my life was about to change. I knew my mother had money and stuff. I just didn't know how much or what?

I guess I'll just have to go and see.

Walking into the office I stopped at the secretary's desk. The old lady sitting there looked to be in her late fifties. When she noticed me standing there she looked up from her computer.

"You must be Ms Douglas; Mr. Lopez is expecting you. His office is straight down that hall" She said, pointing her finger in the right direction.

"Thanks!" I said, before walking to the way she pointed.

Once I got to the door I seen Mr. Lopez sitting at his desk shuffling through some papers. Knocking at the opened door, he looked up from what he was doing.

"Hello! please, come on in and take a seat. You can shut the door if you'd like"

Shutting the door I greeted Mr. Lopez with a "Hello" before sitting down.

"Welcome! It's always pleasure to have you here. Before we begin reading the Will. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. She was a wonderful woman and will be missed. As you know I've been serving as your grandfather's and mothers attorney for the past 25 years. Would you still like for me to continue to be your attorney?"

" Yes" I answered.

"Thank you Lily, It will be an honor to serve you as well. It's a procedure I have to ask in case you had plans with another firm."

"Alright, so shall I begin? Or do you have any questions or concerns?" He asked.

"Do I just call you when I need something or have any problems? How does that work?" I ask.

" Yep, that's all you need to do. Call when you need anything or have something done. If you ever run into any problems with the law or anything. Don't answer any questions without a lawyer present. Just remember to call and I'll help however I can"

"Sounds great! That was the only question I had" I reply.

"Very well, I shall continue" He said, taking papers out of a yellow envelope.

"First, she left this letter for you to read." He said, passing it to me.

To my Dearest sweet Lily,

Knowing I don't have much time left. I realized how life precious is and I've had many regrets & mistakes. My worst regret is leaving your father. I loved him dearly, I should have never taken you away from him. It was wrong. He could have had the privilege of watching you grow up as I have. To be a father to you. Me, being selfish took that away from him.
My worst mistake is keeping you away from him every day. You are a wonderful daughter! He would have been a great father to you growing up and still could. He would have loved you the moment he laid eyes on you. After all, you get your gorgeous eyes from him.
I would like to right the wrong I did. So, the reason I wrote this letter is. I wish for you to sell your childhood home and move out to L.A. I already have a condo & a little shop there for you. I had it when I was with your father. It's across the road from his motorcycle club. ( The lawyer has more details about that for you. )
I just want you to have a chance to meet your father and get to know him and his family. Also, for him to know about you. You can show him this letter if you like and Please..., tell him I am really... sorry. I hope he can understand from my point of view.

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